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  • (#1) He doesn't forget the stuff you tell him

    If he has a crush on you, a shy guy will remember way more than you expect him to, about you. Because he likes you! You stick out to him.

  • (#7) His friends start vaguely and teasingly alluding to it

    If shy guy's vibes are mysterious and inscrutable like shy guy himself, pay attention to how his friends act. Shy guy's friends will know much more about how he feels about you. 
  • (#8) His lines seem rehearsed

    Sometimes shy dudes sound weird because they're just really self-aware, and near-constantly monitoring how they're sounding (which, ironically, can make them sound a little weird). Chill, give them a break, and take note - maybe they're waiting for you to make the first move. 
  • (#2) He lights up when he sees you (and doesn't with anyone else)

    Shy guys have a tendency to look timid - even despondent at times. But when an introverted dude perks up at the sight of you, maybe treat it as an insight into the way he feels. He might even immediately try to cover it up, but unhindered enthusiasm at the sight of you (and not that many other people) is a pretty clear indicator that shy guy's into you. 
  • (#10) He starts dressing different

    Shy dude can be louder with his clothing than with his actual voice. Pay attention.
  • (#6) You're one of the only people who makes him laugh

    A shy guy might have trouble talking to you, but if he likes you,  you're one of the few people who's able to make him crack up (which is maybe one of the reasons he likes you in the first place).

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About This Tool

Everyone expresses love in different ways. Some men are willing to express their love directly when they meet someone they like. However, most shy guys will choose to have a secret crush. Although we don't have mind-reading skills in real life, we can always find more or less small details about secret love. If a person is crushing you, he will definitely want to pay attention to you all the time.

Crush is bittersweet, it takes a lot of courage to tell the person how you feel. The random tool lists 10 signs that reveal a shy guy may be crushing on you.

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