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  • (#1) Continually Calling The Wrong Number

    From Redditor u/Stunning-Island-7792:

    Something like 25 years ago, I had a landline in my bedroom.

    About three months after I got it, I started getting calls every day for the local golf course. I told them they had the wrong number and hung up.

    Some people would call back over and over, insisting that they were calling the number on the card. So, I hopped on my bike and headed to the golf course, took [one] of their cards, and discovered that they were indeed showing my number.

    I talked to the manager, who insisted it was their number. I asked him to call it, but he refused… probably because he knew he’d end up talking to my parents. No resolution.

    So, I went home, and for the [next] couple years, I accepted every single reservation that called me, no matter what time they wanted. Their reviews were… not great, and most were complaints about the reservation process.

  • (#2) Solving The Case Of The Missing Gas

    From Redditor u/CrankLeaf:

    …This happened to a friend of mine years ago, and me as well, but he did the revenge.

    I lived in a small village by the sea. Most people had a small boat with an outboard motor. People were not poor, but far from rich. Someone began [taking] gas from the boats on multiple occasions. Lots of people got livid. They lost their gas, of course, but even worse was that several ran out of gas far from shore, [which is] potentially very dangerous.

    A friend of mine … got to talk to the chief of police and got the following advice: "Fill a can with gas, mix it with sugar, and put the can in your boat."

    My friend got a bit concerned and asked if this was [legally questionable] and could get him in trouble.

    "It is not [against the law] to mix sugar and gas. It is your gas. If someone [takes] it, [it's] no problem of yours. If [someone] files a complaint, you can rest assured that I will follow it up, regarding all the thefts."

    And so he did. A nice brand-new can filled to the brim with gas and lots of sugar. The can was gone the day after. Fast-forward a week. The local engine repair shop got a pretty new 120hp engine in for repair. As said, a small village, so after checking up on the engine, it was easy for the mechanic to put two and two together.

    The mechanic told the customer that the engine was beyond repair (a lie, I guess) and that the customer should contact the police because this was sabotage. The police got no complaint.

    Of course, the story went viral in the small community. The [culprit] was until then a well-respected person. The moving van showed up a few months later.

  • (#3) Don't Mess With This Grandpa

    From Redditor u/Swimming-Bite-4019:

    I was told this story a couple times. This happened about 50 years ago. Some kids in town thought it was absolutely hilarious to drive their trucks […] into everyone’s trash cans on trash night. Obviously this would cause everyone’s trash to go everywhere and make a huge mess. This happened once to grandpa, and he was firm … it [would] never [happen] again.

    So the next week, he put the trash can at the road and put several cinderblocks at the bottom, and then filled the rest of the trash can with water. Just for size comparison, these are those bulky, big black trash cans that last forever. So, he set his trap and waited.

    That night, a loud bang was heard. The guy’s truck was basically [wrecked] on impact. It never happened again lol

  • (#4) A Boss Who Keeps Running Late

    From Redditor u/awesomstory:

    Backstory: I have worked in the wastewater industry for going on 10 years. The first wastewater plant I worked at was for a small town. They were pretty old-school - no internet, computer, or time clock. My boss would just fill out the time slips and turn them in each week. We only had three employees including myself, so it was easy record-keeping, but completely on my boss's honor system.

    I would always get to work early, unlock all the buildings, calibrate the lab equipment, and start any machines that needed to be started. Hours were 7 am to 3:30 pm; I would usually be there at 6:30, if not earlier. I would do the snow plowing, so they would allow me to come in earlier and plow and leave after my eight hours if I didn't want the overtime.

    My boss regularly came in late, usually two times a week. Anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour. A couple times, I would have an appointment for 3:30 and leave work at 3 to get there. Since I am there 30 minutes prior to work starting, I figured it [was] no big deal. Did it twice in a month, and after the second time, my boss reprimanded me by docking my pay and sent a memo to our Sewer Authority stating I was leaving work early.

    I said I understand and I won't do it again. I was royally p*ssed, but I had a good job and didn't want to p*ss off the Sewer Authority members, who didn't fully understand our work environment.

    We were in the process of doing some upgrades at the plant, so a lot of construction crews were in and out with equipment. So I decided to prove a point. I started "forgetting" my keys to the plant's gate every now and then. On the second time I forgot my keys, my boss decided to show up to work at 8:00 am. I had maybe five cars behind me for an hour waiting to get to work at our plant when the vice chairman of our board drove by. When he asked me what was going on, I explained I forgot my keys and was waiting on my boss to get there so we could get in.

    Needless to say, my boss got an earful from his bosses, and when he came to me, I explained our workday is from 7 am to 3:30. I will not do anything work-related until 7 am sharp. My boss must have got a new alarm clock because he was rarely late again.

  • (#5) Turning A Bad Situation Into A Good One

    From Redditor u/Open_Wind5362:

    I am a hairdresser [who] rents a booth in a salon, as do all the stylists that work there. The owner of the salon is one of my best friends, so after closing the salon that I operated for 20 years, I joined her team and am really happy.

    I have a wonderful clientele with the exception of a few (which I’ll get to in a bit) and get along great with my co-workers, except one, [K]. She has a grating personality, and for the most part, I can just let her comments roll off my back. She doesn’t have a clientele, which leads to her having way too much free time, which she uses by pestering the rest of us while we are with our clients and butting into conversations that should be private.

    Recently I had two of my clients tell me that when they called for appointments, they were told that I didn’t have time for them and that [K] would give them a discount if they came in with her instead, but they would have to come in on a day that I wasn’t there, so that my feelings wouldn’t … get hurt. Well, that [is] a load of caca because everyone in the salon knows that if I don’t have an opening for someone when they call, they are to take down the name so I can call them personally to work them in.

    When I confronted [K] about those instances, she just shrugged and said that I was too sensitive, and besides I was too busy, so she was really just helping me out. Onto the petty revenge… I have a few customers that I have been trying to get rid of for years. You know the ones - they are never happy, always late, don’t tip, and generally APITB.

    I decided that if she wanted my customers so bad, I would feed her the ones that I wanted to get rid of anyway. So, when they had trouble getting in with me, I would tell them that I was booked out for months, but they would be really happy with [K].

    She told me yesterday that she didn’t know why all my [bad] customers were her problem now. My days are better, it’s a bit easier for my customers to book with me, and she is always in a bad mood for having to deal with unhappy customers so much of her day. Plus, a couple of my other co-workers have started doing the same.

  • (#6) Bad Neighbors And Bad Sleep

    From Redditor u/Wild_Butterscotch977:

    The last couple years, the house next-door to mine was rented to a few 20-something dudes who would party and play loud music until like 4 am. The houses are pretty close together, so it was loud inside my house, even with all the windows shut, and it would keep me up most of the night.

    Doing it on the weekends was bad enough, but sometimes it would be on a Thursday, and I'd have to work the next day on just a couple hours [of] sleep. Needless to say, I was always p*ssed and petty when this happened.

    Now, my house has a wooden deck in the back, and it wraps around the same side of the house that faces these neighbors. It's a pretty old deck, and the nails work their way up over time, so periodically, I have to hammer them back in.

    When the AHs next door would party super late, I'd wake around 7 as I usually do (I'm incapable of sleeping in late, even after little sleep), and at 7:30, I'd get out my hammer and start hammering my deck nails in. About 10 feet away from two of their bedroom windows. I had lots of nails that needed to be hammered in.

    Sometimes one of the guys would scream out in frustration and it was very satisfying. I don't sleep, you don't sleep, dude.

    Fortunately, they moved away not too long ago. I like to think I had something to do with it.

  • (#7) That's One Way To Remember A Name

    From Redditor u/Gunn_Show:

    I’ll try to keep it short. My name has a silent letter in it, and I had this teacher [who] relentlessly not only kept pronouncing it, but over-[ennunciated] it, no matter how many times I corrected her. She just kept doing it.

    One day, I just finally snapped. Her name is really weird; I won’t say it here, but those who know, know.

    She called roll and [mispronounced] my name. I answered, “Yes, Mrs. Icky Booger.” Her jaw dropped, and you could hear a pin drop. She said, “That is not my name!” She’d obviously heard this name around or had her own junior high flashback. I clearly stated, “And that’s not my name.”

    She pronounced it correctly from there on out.

  • (#8) Saying Goodbye To A Longtime Client

    From Redditor u/regan201937:

    I recently resigned from my job. I was just tired and burnt out, and my CEO kept pushing me hard, telling me to drive further, and that's just how it was. I was also moving house, and commuting to work would be another 30 minutes on top of 1.5 hours I'm already doing, so enough was enough. I got so tired that I resigned. I hadn't got another job lined up; that's fine, I was okay financially.

    As soon as I resigned, my CEO called me into the office 20 minutes later, and asked me to leave straightaway, escorted me off site… and wouldn't even let me say bye to people, touch my laptop, clear my desk - it was like I was being fired. It was so embarrassing. No one from work got in touch to see if I was okay, as he went 'round telling everyone he fired me and saying, "It went pear-shaped with her at the end, so I had to let her go."

    Fast-forward a few weeks…

    Well, I did find another job, with one of my ex-employer's clients that use their services to do their emergency training for them (first aid and fire training). And now I'm in charge of who we use as our contractors. My new boss said, "Well, we normally use your old company at a cost of $37,000 a year, but if you know another company that is better, then switch; I have no loyalty to them."

    Well, switch I have done. Muhahahaha.

    If my old boss hadn't treated me so badly, I definitely would have used their services, but treat me like that and say goodbye to a client.

  • (#9) Just A Silly Job With Silly Perks

    From Redditor u/littleredbird1991:

    So I work in technical theater as an assistant stage manager. There are a couple of theaters in the area, but the tech community is rather small, so we all know each other. I work for a smaller theater, but I know a few people who work at the largest theater that hosts the traveling Broadway shows.

    These shows are really popular and hard to get tickets for if you aren’t a season ticket holder, and season tickets can run about [$]1,000 per seat for seven shows. Tickets are normally about $150 for an individual show but can go up significantly if they know the show is going to be popular. The husband of one of the directors that I work with is on the board of the theater and sometimes can score good seats at a discounted rate.

    This season, Aladdin is coming to town, a show my future mother-in-law has been dying to see. She asked me if I could possibly get her and a friend a seat so they could go see it. I called in a favor with my director, and she managed to get two prime seats. Since her husband is on the board, she gets a discount, so the tickets ended up only being $75 for the two seats. I reserved them in my name with the understanding that FMIL will pay for the tickets.

    Fast-forward a couple of weeks and FMIL invites me and my fiancé over for dinner. Dinner goes well, and I end up in a conversation with FMIL and FSIL about housework (idk why). FSIL is a teacher, and she is married to an accountant, so she said that [she] and her husband try to split the chores 50/50. FMIL thought that was fine and asked how fiancé and I would do it (we don’t currently live together). I said, “Probably the same, ya know, 50/50.” FSIL agreed, but FMIL gave me the stink eye.

    I asked if there was something wrong, and she said ,“Well, fiancé works full-time and you don’t, so I don’t see how that’s fair.” I told her that I do work full-time, just not at a 9 to 5 like fiancé. FMIL then laughed at me and said what I did wasn’t real work and that it was just a “silly side gig,” and that maybe if I got a real job, I would know what [it's] like to really work. Then she changed the subject.

    This p*ssed me off because I am very proud of the work I do. It may not be a 9 to 5, but I love my job. It is my dream job, and I do make enough to cover my expenses. It actually takes a certain amount of skill to properly stage-manage a full-scale production.

    So, enter pettiness. I called up the box office for the large theater and told them to cancel the tickets. They were in my name, so they gladly canceled them. I then texted FMIL and told her if she thinks my job isn’t real, then the side perks aren’t real, so the tickets were canceled. I then shut off my phone.

    The next day when I turn on my phone, I see several missed calls and about a dozen texts from FMIL. She is fuming because her friend is coming into town specifically to see this play. I called back and told her she might still be able to get seats if she called the box office. She ended up getting seats, but they cost her $150 each, and they weren’t as good.

    Hopefully she’s learned not to insult someone and still expect to benefit from them.

  • (#10) Trying To Enjoy A Night At The Movies

    From Redditor u/LouisianaLorry:

    I was watching the newest Spider-Man movie with a couple of my friends (early 20s, M's.) The theater was packed, and there was a group of annoying high schoolers (15-18 M's and F's) sitting behind us. Doing what high schoolers do, taking pictures on Snapchat with flash, talking to each other loudly, riffing on the movie and ads, laughing obnoxiously loud, you get the idea.

    I jokingly (loud enough that I was hoping they could overhear me…) say to my friend before the movie starts, "If they are this loud during the movie, we are going to have issues." One of them definitely heard me because the group erupted into laughter. I knew right then and there who I was up against. They heard my condition, they accepted my challenge, it [was] on. I was almost glad.

    As you can guess, 15 minutes into the movie they are still chatting and being pretty obnoxious. One of my friends gave them an audible SHH and one mutters "B*tch" under their breath; they all crack up.

    Final straw. These b**tards were too smug, they thought they were invincible. Now, it's personal.

    I walk out of the theater and see a worker that looked to be some kind of manager guy. I knew if I said they were just being obnoxious, the guy would've given them a warning or something because they were just kids, but I was feeling pretty petty, so I walked up to him and say, “There's some people sitting behind me filming the movie.”

    He nodded and just kicked them out. He didn't ask any questions and didn't believe them when they said they weren't filming the movie because he could hear them chatting the second he walked into the theater, so their credibility was thrown out the window. He wasn't going to take their word over mine.

    They were adamant in their defense until this guy pulled out the trump card. "I'll call the cops." They proceeded to walk out of the theater... Me and my friends watched the whole thing and were smiling the entire time. Honestly the best part is that they felt cheated and wronged, they were angry, and there was nothing they could do… which made the revenge that much sweeter.

  • (#11) A Surprise Visit From The City Inspector

    From Redditor u/killjoy2408:

    My neighbors have nine cars total parked in the street. They always park two of those cars in front [of] my house and won’t move them the whole week. We have a regulation where [I] live that you can’t leave your car parked for more than 48 hours in the same spot.

    My neighbors have a pretty big driveway where they can fit four cars, but it’s always empty. They have told me they don’t like to leave their driveway with cars because it looks tacky.

    Over half the cars they have, they don’t even use... They just use them to [save] parking spots for themselves. In 2021, I noticed they where building a second unit [in] back of their main house. I [also] noticed that they completed the house in under a month. This raised some red flags because it [usually] takes anywhere from two to three months [to do this], with city inspections taking the majority of [that] time.

    I submitted a ticket with my city … and advised them that [there] might be some residential building without permits. I didn’t think of it much until a year later.

    I noticed my neighbors tearing down their second unit last week. Word got around our block that a city inspector was there making sure everything was being torn down. Based on what … materials and labor they put into their second unit, I cost them over $100,000.

  • (#12) Welcoming A Colony Of Ants

    From Redditor u/Upwardspiral0:

    I'm living in a student apartment with two other students. They would always stay up until late, like 2 am, and make noise, constantly hurting my sleep schedule and also my ability to do well in exams. They would also always leave the kitchen full of unwashed dishes… They would deliberately leave the key to the apartment door inside the lock, so that I couldn't come in without ringing the bell and waiting for them to open the door for me.

    I confronted them numerous times about this, and I got some disgusting reactions. I came to a conclusion that my best choice here would be to find a new apartment.

    So I have a few more days left until I leave, and this weekend I'm all alone in the apartment until Sunday. And I noticed an increasing presence of ants all over our dirty kitchen. As I said, they always leave the sink dirty with unwashed dishes, so ants started coming up lately and they are actually swarming the sink.

    At first when I realized that, I was like, “F**k this; I need to [get rid of] them.” But then I thought to myself, why would I care? I'm leaving in a few days. They can roam around all they want. And then I realized that I have the apartment [to] myself for the weekend.

    So I did something very kind towards the ants, but very evil towards my roommates. Instead of getting rid of them, I started feeding them. Every couple of hours I would leave them a spoon of brown sugar near the sink where they were all already gathered. I'm hoping they will grow a big colony :) Go ants!

  • (#13) Enjoying Complete Silence On The Bus

    From Redditor u/leathebimbo:

    This was a few years ago on a 13-hour [bus] trip... These people were listening to music loudly… It was driving me nuts, so I tried politely asking them to use headphones. They refused because they had kids, based on the claim the kids needed [to be] entertained. So I told them to give the kids headphones. This led to me getting cussed out, which led to a heated argument.

    Another passenger started listening to music loudly just to [annoy] me at this point. I tried to get the bus driver to enforce the rule that says headphones are required to listen to music on the bus. He threatened to dump me on the side of the road instead.

    I kind of hit my limit at that point and decided to share my misery with the whole bus. I said, "Okay. Since we're not enforcing the rules about not being noisy and using headphones, I'll just sing." Now, it should be noted that while I don't have the best voice, I am a trained vocalist from childhood. I can at least avoid sounding like a cat... If I want to. I didn't want to.

    I launched into a very loud, hoarse, and off-key rendition of “The Song That Never Ends.” It took one sing-through for the [person] to put headphones in. It took a couple loops before the whole bus was screaming at the other passengers to either put in headphones or turn off their music so that I would shut up. We rode the rest of the way in blissful silence.

  • (#14) Say Cheese On Picture Day

    From Redditor u/Fangehulmesteren:

    I’m a photographer, and I’ve [contracted] for a school photo company for a few months at the start of each school year for a while now.

    This company sends out two photographers who work as a team switching off each day - one for group class photos and the other on portraits.

    A few weeks ago, I was out at a school with one of my colleagues, who is a highly competent photographer and makes a ton as one of our country’s most sought-after wedding photographers. Point is, she knows her sh*t.

    We had a 9th grade special ed class (the class for kids with ADHD and the ones who struggle in school because of home life, not the class for developmentally disabled students) come in with two teachers who both had bad attitudes, like photo day is a total inconvenience and not worthy of taking seriously. Which sucks because it doesn’t help the students enjoy it or cooperate.

    So my colleague was on group pictures and got their photo all set up, teachers rolling their eyes the whole time. Then when she started taking pictures, She says, “Say cheese!” Like she would with any other group. Different phrase, of course, in our language, but equivalent and as ubiquitous as “cheese!” in the US.

    Well the teachers… both immediately start chewing my colleague out for being “patronizing and belittling,” as they believe saying cheese is only for children. They felt insulted on behalf of their students, even!

    My colleague was … embarrassed to be yelled at in front of the students. She’s all in her head like, “I’ve been having wedding parties say cheese for years; have I been offending people?”

    Well, today I got sent out to the same school to take a staff photo. I get every teacher in the school set and take the first picture and yell, "Say cheese!” which the majority did with gusto, including those two.

    Then I said, "Oh no, I’m so sorry! I forgot, [the two teachers] don’t like to say cheese, they’re WAY too cool to say something so childish! Let’s go with something more adult - everyone say WHISKEY so [the two teachers] aren’t embarrassed…”

    Those teachers get an array of looks from deeply annoyed with them to simply puzzled. [The two teachers] look properly ashamed.

    Then the whole group yells, “Whiskey so [the two teachers] aren’t embarrassed.”

  • (#15) Casual Gaming Gone Wrong

    From Redditor u/soccer--girl:

    My boyfriend and I play Zelda: Breath of the Wild together. I am a "Take your time and enjoy the ride" kind of gal, while he is a "Let's look up how to beat this game right now" kind of guy. Because his way ruins all the fun, we came up with a rule:

    No looking up spoilers!

    We were looking for a particular challenge (The Eight Heroine side quest, for my fellow Zelda nerds) for a very long time. Suddenly, my boyfriend said:

    "I did something bad… I looked up where to go. I'm so sorry. I just couldn't take it anymore."

    I told him it was fine, but that he could not tell me what he had seen. He agreed.

    I then excused myself to the bathroom and looked up the location as well. I then spent the next HOUR AND A HALF wandering SOOOO close to the location without ever making it there. I could see him squirming around in his seat every time I got close.

    When I jumped off the cliff the statue was built into, gliding down to the base of the statue and continuing on without turning around to look at it, I thought he was going to [burst]. He was clenching his hair in both fists and biting his lower lip trying to contain himself.

    That's when I caved and told him what I had done. He thought it was hilarious and told me about how he wanted more than anything to yell, "TURN AROUND!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" We had a good laugh about it. He hasn't looked up a spoiler since!

  • (#16) Dressed In All Black

    From Redditor u/Mimbley:

    My (30F) grandfather passed … a few days ago, and I was attending the [service]. I drove myself back home but needed to make a few stops to get the basics for the week. So I stopped at a local grocery store at like 10 at night and started just doing basic shopping.

    As I stared at the five different varieties of apples, I look up as a cart goes behind me, bumping into me a little. Not enough to be seen as on purpose, just enough to get my attention. Standing before me is a man clearly in the early boomer category. I move to the side and mutter an “Excuse me,” thinking he would also like to stare at the ridiculous price of Honeycrisp apples.

    Nope, of course not. He looks at me for a bit too long before saying, "Nice dress. Bit early for Halloween, though. You'd look better in color."

    Well, that's a new one… I look him dead in the eyes with an exhausted expression that only someone who's been up since 4 am to make a four-hour drive for a [service] could have. I'll admit, I was too tired to even think that this was a clever retort. I was just being bluntly honest when I replied: "I was just at a family member's funeral."

    He was silent for a bit too long as if waiting for a punchline. He laughed awkwardly and I continued to stare at him with a blank expression that Wednesday Addams would be proud of. Eventually, he muttered an "Oh, sh*t, sorry" and shuffled off like an ashamed bipedal slug.

    Not the greatest revenge in the world, but it definitely made my day a little better.

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