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  • Who Are These Emoji Witches?' on Random Some Modern Witches Are Casting Emoji Spells And Digital Tarot Readings - But Do They Work?

    (#1) Who Are These Emoji Witches?'

    When you think of a witch the first thing that comes to mind is probably the Halloween cut out with a crooked nose and big black hat, but modern online witches couldn’t be any further from that caricature. There’s not a perfect timeline for this, but modern witches began appearing online around 2015 on Tumblr – for all you grandpas out there that’s an online blogging platform where an estimated 50% of users are under the age of 34 – and while a lot of “Tumblr Witches” embrace the visual aesthetic of 90s witchcraft and mall goth scene, they’re not trying to pretend like they know everything about witchcraft, magic, or magick. Some of them are into wicca, some of them aren’t religious at all, and others are just trying to see if witchcraft works for them – and that’s all totally cool.

  • How Do Spells Work? on Random Some Modern Witches Are Casting Emoji Spells And Digital Tarot Readings - But Do They Work?

    (#2) How Do Spells Work?

    Before we get into emoji spells it’s important to know how regular spells work. Witches traditionally use physical items to represent the things they want. They could be anything from super cool looking medallions, a book made of skin, or a sigil. Sigils are a magical image that you create to manifest something you want either physically or spiritually. Sigils are essentially a rune or drawing that you create out of your desire to make something.

    For instance, if you want to make more money you would write: “It Is My Will That I Make More Money,” then you remove the vowels and repeated letters so you have: “TSMWLKRNY” and begin to craft those letters into a rune that represents your desire. Then you think about that symbol, you draw it when you’re sitting in class, you pray over it, and do whatever else you can to imbue it with energy. By doing this you’re putting the idea that you will make more money out into the universe. Of course this is a simplification of a sigil ritual, but you get the drift. Emojis take all of the carpal tunnel out of making a sigil and allow you to have a perfect representation of your desires at your fingertips. The more an emoji is passed around through text, or online, the more energy it takes on. If you can get your emoji to enough people then you can charge it with insane amounts of energy. This might sound silly so it might help to think of an emoji or sigil spell like a corporate logo.

    When Apple first rolled out its simple, multicolored logo in 1977 it was not super cool and definitely didn’t mean what it means today. But after 40 years of that logo being passed around, and stamped on computers, phones, stickers, people probably have Apple logo tattoos, it now means something much more than a computer company. When you see an apple you think of a brand, all because someone created a drawing, and began passing it around, and charging it with energy. This is how emoji spells work.

  • What Do Emoji Spells Look Like? on Random Some Modern Witches Are Casting Emoji Spells And Digital Tarot Readings - But Do They Work?

    (#3) What Do Emoji Spells Look Like?

    Emoji spells all follow a similar visual aesthetic, with variances popping up now and then depending on the service provider, and the interpretation of a specific emoji. Most online witches will tell you in a tweet or post what the spell is meant to do, but you don’t have to do that. If you want you can just put your spell out into the world and see what happens, however the likelihood of an emoji spell with no meaning picking up a good amount of energy is unlikely.


  • What Can One Use Emoji Spells For? on Random Some Modern Witches Are Casting Emoji Spells And Digital Tarot Readings - But Do They Work?

    (#4) What Can One Use Emoji Spells For?

    You can seriously use an emoji spell for anything, you just need to make sure that you specifically state your purpose. If you put out the “It Is My Will That I Make More Money” sigil/emoji that was discussed earlier without any specificity it may not work, or it may work in an unintended way. You could get hit by a car and win a settlement for a million dollars when you really want to get a better job with a nice healthcare plan. Don’t be afraid to be specific, it’s your spell. Or if you want to send Demi Lovato good vibes you can do that, just be sure to be specific.

    Outside of sending good vibes to people and trying to make quick cash, covens of online witches are attempting to effect change in the world. Before Donald Trump was elected president there was a group of witches sending out emoji spells attempting to keep him out of office. It was a nice thing to attempt, but it’s obvious that he has some very powerful dark magic on his side. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try to make a difference with your emoji spells. Start with something simple and work from there. Make sure to keep a journal of your spells and their outcomes so you can track your magical growth.

  • How Do You Know What Kind Of Spell To Cast? on Random Some Modern Witches Are Casting Emoji Spells And Digital Tarot Readings - But Do They Work?

    (#5) How Do You Know What Kind Of Spell To Cast?

    Knowing what kind of spell to cast is the first hurdle in your path to becoming a practitioner of emoji magic. If you don’t have a specific idea of what you want then it’s best to wait until you know exactly what kind of energy you want to bring into your life. One app that goes hand in hand with emoji magic is called WOOP (Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan), it was created by Gabriele Oettingen, and while it’s not magical per-se, it is all about putting your thoughts into action – which is a less witchy way of saying that it helps you turn your perception into reality. By using WOOP and emoji magic you can figure out exactly what it is you want to do, how you’ll get what it is you want, and then how you can put a plan into action via magical emojis.

  • Can You Combine Emojis With Other Forms Of Witchcraft? on Random Some Modern Witches Are Casting Emoji Spells And Digital Tarot Readings - But Do They Work?

    (#6) Can You Combine Emojis With Other Forms Of Witchcraft?

    Absolutely. Depending on what magical path you follow (right hand, left hand, or chaos) you’ll find advice on combining various magical items and spells in order to get what you need out of the universe. In the most simple, albeit scattershot, of the paths, chaos magic, there are no rules other than those that you make. If you want to make an emoji spell and charge with dance energy before posting it then you can do that. Or if you want to make a bunch of bloody upside down pentagrams in your living room before you send your emoji spell you can do that too, it’s whatever puts you in the magical mindset. 20-year-old witch and Tumblr blogger Mica Olivera expounded on this idea to Mic, saying, “I actually do tarot, pendulum, rune and oracle readings. It’s really up to each [witch] to decide if the task is up to an emoji spell or they need something more elaborate."

  • Are There Any Other Kinds Of Digital Witchcraft Going On? on Random Some Modern Witches Are Casting Emoji Spells And Digital Tarot Readings - But Do They Work?

    (#7) Are There Any Other Kinds Of Digital Witchcraft Going On?

    It’s almost silly to wonder if something exists online, but like all magic, if you think about it hard enough you can will it into existence. There are plenty of free, online, tarot reading sites that pull randomly from a deck, as well as more practical forms of online magical practices. Whatever you want is out there. Do you want to learn magic spells but don’t want to dig through arcane bookstores to find what you’re looking for? There are multiple apps for that. Thanks to the App store it’s never been easier to find a gateway into the world of the digital occult.

  • How Does A Digital Tarot Reading Work? on Random Some Modern Witches Are Casting Emoji Spells And Digital Tarot Readings - But Do They Work?

    (#8) How Does A Digital Tarot Reading Work?

    Outside of emoji spells, online and digital tarot readings are becoming more ubiquitous in the modern, digiwitch, community. If you’ve ever had your tarot cards read then you know that it takes a full deck of cards, and a lot of space to learn something about yourself. You also have to be working with someone who knows what they’re doing and who can read your mood, so how does a tarot app actually work? The electronic tarot company The Fool’s Dog uses a magic spell embedded in the junk code of their app by Wiccan priest Ivo Dominguez, Jr. who made sure that there was an “energetic connection between the person and the reading” by creating a direct line to the oracle of the tarot to the app. But not every tarot app has a magic spell embedded in their junk code, so make sure to do your research before downloading something random to your phone.

  • What Do “Real” Witches Think? on Random Some Modern Witches Are Casting Emoji Spells And Digital Tarot Readings - But Do They Work?

    (#9) What Do “Real” Witches Think?

    Perception is reality, so if you consider yourself to be a witch, regardless of whether you use emojis to cast spells, or a curved dagger from the 16th century and the blood of a virgin, then you’re a witch. But that’s not going to stop people from trying to form a hierarchy out of their lifestyle because they’ve spent X amount of dollars on a book bound from human flesh and a fancy robe while you sent out tweets imbued with your energy.

    Broadly spoke to some “real” witches about the sudden overwhelming presence of online witches and they were not pleased. One witch, who goes by Tea Cake, said that spell apps were, “extremely gimmicky and next to useless,” despite using a lunar app to help her with spells. She continued, “In occult and metaphysical fields, many people like to call themselves experts without any credentials or qualifications, so unfortunately it can be difficult to sort out what is bullsh*t.” While that may be true, it’s usually also true that when someone is telling you that the only way to do something is by doing it their way, they’re usually the one that’s full of sh*t.

    Many “real” witches seem to believe that the only way to practice the craft is by going out into the “real” world and using magic as a practical application. But every day it’s more apparent that things that happen online have a direct impact on the real world, so who is to say that using social media, or a spell casting app has no practical application if it’s impacting the corporeal world? In a young witch casts an emoji spell so she’s not stressed about an exam, and she stays cool as a cucumber throughout said exam, did she not cast a spell? The subjectivity of witchcraft can turn this kind of thing into an argument that’s as exhausting as who’s more punk. It’s best to not worry about what someone thinks if their first action is to tell you that everything you’re doing is wrong.

  • How Do You Start Using Emoji Magic? on Random Some Modern Witches Are Casting Emoji Spells And Digital Tarot Readings - But Do They Work?

    (#10) How Do You Start Using Emoji Magic?

    It’s entirely understandable if this seems daunting. Magic spells, technology, electronic sigils to stop the president from doing anything stupid; how does one even break into the digital witchcraft world? Like any craft, the best way to start is just to start. You’ve already read your first primer in emoji magic and now all you have to do is try out a spell or two. Start small and go from there. Try out a spell to have a good day, or to give yourself to confidence to talk to someone new, and keep working until you’re a full fledged online witch.

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About This Tool

Some people say that witchcraft is the oldest religion. What is certain is that modern witches gradually became widely known in the 1950s. Are you also curious about what modern witches and witch towns look like everywhere? Witches usually attach great importance to witchcraft rituals, dominated by cumbersome spell rituals, and use different tools and methods to achieve their goals. The most common tools nowadays are emoji spells and digital tarot books to learn or change reality.

Do you believe in elemental magic, ancient gods, and the power of nature? We have no way to know how the witches work, but this random tool can help people to know some casting emoji spells and digital tarot readings from modern witches, you could find 10 items here.

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