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  • Extreme Stress May Cause Some People To Sweat Blood on Random Scientists Just Discovered The Medical Explanation For Stigmata

    (#1) Extreme Stress May Cause Some People To Sweat Blood

    Hematohidrosis is an extremely rare condition that has not been widely studied and as such its precise cause is still unknown. However, there is some evidence that acute stress may cause the condition. Cases of hematohidrosis are more frequently reported by people under intense stress, such as death row inmates or those who've experienced past trauma.

    The theory is that various blood vessels gather near the skin during times of stress. For those with severe anxiety, the vessels actually rupture. This causes blood to pass through the skin in the form of sweat.

    Keep in mind, this is just one theory. Other possible explanations for hematohidrosis include excessive exertion and complications with menstruation.

  • A Modern Case Is Renewing Interest In The Phenomenon on Random Scientists Just Discovered The Medical Explanation For Stigmata

    (#2) A Modern Case Is Renewing Interest In The Phenomenon

    In October 2017, a story broke of a woman in Florence, Italy, who had a tendency to sweat blood. She reportedly sweats from her face and hands during exercise, other physical exertion, or in her sleep. The condition seemed to get worse during times of intense stress. Doctors ended up diagnosing her with hematohidrosis and attempted to treat the condition with a beta blocker. So far, they have been unable to eliminate symptoms and the condition has caused the woman a great deal of emotional distress.

  • Reports Of Stigmata Predate Christianity on Random Scientists Just Discovered The Medical Explanation For Stigmata

    (#3) Reports Of Stigmata Predate Christianity

    While stigmata is associated with Christianity and considered a miracle by devout Christians, the phenomenon predates the birth of Jesus. It goes as far back as the B.C. era. Also, while conditions similar to stigmata occurred before Christianity was widely recognized, there were no reports of stigmata associated with the Christian faith for the first 1,200 years after Jesus died. Stigmata only began being linked to the birth of Christ in the 13th century after depictions of Jesus became commonplace.

  • A Famed Saint's Alleged Stigmata May Have Had A Medical Explanation on Random Scientists Just Discovered The Medical Explanation For Stigmata

    (#4) A Famed Saint's Alleged Stigmata May Have Had A Medical Explanation

    St. Francis of Assisi was one of the more famous sufferers of stigmata. He allegedly bled in his hands and feet after experiencing a vision of Christ. However, it is believed St. Francis died of malignant malaria. Malaria can cause recurrent hemorrhages on the hands and feet, a complication known as purpura, which may explain the saint’s bleeding.

  • There Is Skepticism Surrounding Religious Explanations on Random Scientists Just Discovered The Medical Explanation For Stigmata

    (#5) There Is Skepticism Surrounding Religious Explanations

    Devout Roman Catholics most frequently refer to unexplained bleeding as stigmata. They’re more likely to interpret the affliction as a sign of being marked as special by God. However, there is a lot of skepticism surrounding the religious explanation. For one, those claiming to have stigmata often bleed from the palms. While wounds on Jesus’s palms are commonly shown in paintings of the crucifixion, actual reports claim Jesus was nailed to the cross by his wrists.

  • Cases Of Hematohidrosis Are Hard To Verify on Random Scientists Just Discovered The Medical Explanation For Stigmata

    (#6) Cases Of Hematohidrosis Are Hard To Verify

    If stigmata is a legitimate medical ailment with a sound scientific explanation, why are there no documented cases? The fact is, it’s almost impossible to verify stigmata with 100% certainty. It would require 24 hour monitoring of sufferers to make sure they are not creating the wounds themselves. While stigmata, or hematohidrosis, may very well be real, it’s difficult to study due to the fact it’s hard to definitively prove.

  • There Are Other Possible Medical Explanations For Recurring Bleeding on Random Scientists Just Discovered The Medical Explanation For Stigmata

    (#7) There Are Other Possible Medical Explanations For Recurring Bleeding

    Hematohidrosis is not the only potential medical cause of stigmata. Complications from malaria can cause hemorrhages in the skin that periodically bleed. Diabetic ulcers also cause chronic bleeding. With both conditions, bleeding often occurs in the hands and feet. Sufferers of stigmata often report bleeding in these places.

  • Some Psychologists Think Stigmata Is Psychosomatic on Random Scientists Just Discovered The Medical Explanation For Stigmata

    (#8) Some Psychologists Think Stigmata Is Psychosomatic

    Some psychological studies indicate stigmata is a psychosomatic illness. Religious people who display stigmata are often intensely religious and spend a lot of time focused on the crucifixion of Christ. As hematohidrosis seems to be correlated with stress, it’s possible intense and stressful religious meditation could cause spontaneous bleeding.

  • While The Affliction Is Scary, It's Likely Benign on Random Scientists Just Discovered The Medical Explanation For Stigmata

    (#9) While The Affliction Is Scary, It's Likely Benign

    Reports of unexplained bleeding appear to be on the rise. However, this is not necessarily because stigmata-like ailments are occurring more often in modern times. While it’s possible the condition is becoming more prevalent for some reason, it’s also likely people are reporting it more as it’s becoming more recognized. Unexplained bleeding can cause embarrassment and isolation in sufferers, which can deter them from seeking help.

  • Scientists Are Hesitant To Study The Phenomenon Due To Its Religious Associations on Random Scientists Just Discovered The Medical Explanation For Stigmata

    (#10) Scientists Are Hesitant To Study The Phenomenon Due To Its Religious Associations

    There are not many scientific studies on hematohidrosis. This may be because of its associations with stigmata. As blood is linked to religious symbolism and rituals, scientists and doctors are sometimes dismissive of claims of unexplained bleeding. This has led to many people in the scientific community hesitating to study the phenomenon.

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About This Tool

Stigmata is derived from the Greek word and means the mark of a tattoo. The stigmata are considered to be a religious supernatural phenomenon. Religious stories explained that the supernatural has appeared on the body of a Christian, and it is the same as the situation during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible. The typical symptom is unexplained bleeding from the palm of the hand or head or from the eyes. 

It is said that this phenomenon can also appear on sculptures. Theologians and scientists have studied this phenomenon for a long time and finally found a relevant medical explanation. The random tool explained 10 things about the medical explanation for stigmata.

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