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  • (#15) Higgins Lake In Northern Michigan

    From Redditor /u/ChuckItRealGood:

    "In Northern Michigan, there is a lake called Higgins Lake. Beautiful, cerulean blue waters and a gorgeous place in general (voted by National Geographic as the 6th most beautiful lake, at one point in time). However, the water is strangely shallow for hundreds of feet, around the perimeter of the shore.

    But a few hundred feet out - the depth suddenly changes from waist-deep to a sudden drop-off. The tropical-blue water morphs into deep-blue /black. 

    As a kid who used to summer here, my friends and I always found interesting ways to 'play chicken' with the drop-off ... until one year my cousin got hit with a strange updraft from the dark waters that was very cold. She was so caught off guard by the wash of icy water that she almost couldn't swim back to the ledge.

    Never again."

  • (#13) The Pinelands In New Jersey

    From Redditor /u/thetenfootlongscarf2:

    "The Pinelands in southern New Jersey.

    The area is over a million acres. Trees grow so close together that, when you go deep enough, it is perpetually dusk. It's boggy, the ground a thick black peat. The peat is so dark the ground appears black. South Jersey has enough iron ore to turn the millions of little streams to garish red. When the peat settles it makes a thick slurping sound. The trees are so thick and the ground so spongy that sound does not travel well. Everything is muffled. Pines are sturdy. When the wind come, rather than shake the branches, it hisses through the needles."

  • (#19) Odessa Catacombs In The Ukraine

    From an anonymous Redditor:

    "The Odessa Catacombs.

    Imagine being stuck in a 3-level maze of pitch-black mines, 2,500 kilometers long. After the days of constant walking, screaming, and contemplating every regret you have, and every experience you will never have, your body collapses to the ground, exhausted and unable to go any further. The rats would probably eat you alive before your body gives out. There are hundreds of exits, but good luck finding one."

  • (#6) Red Forest Near Chernobyl

    From Redditor /u/Manadox:

    "The scariest place I've ever been to is just outside the Red Forest near Chernobyl. It's actually a beautiful place, the leaves in the fall turn a near blood red and the ground is cloaked in a thin veil of snow. However, when I visited the site about three years ago, the guide left me there alone and told me to stay put. The other person I was with had run off somewhere and he had to go find him. So I stood there and waited for him to return.

    At the edge of the forest there was absolute silence. Not a bit of wind or any animals. The most frightening part was knowing that just beyond the tree line, lay an invisible force with the power to kill you twenty times over. A force that will rot your insides and burn your skin. Even scarier, was the stories I had heard the night before. There are no mutations at Chernobyl, the animals just 'changed,' or at least that's how the locals put it. It was like being five-years-old and not knowing what was in your closet at night. It was an oppressive choking cold fear, almost paralyzing.

    After awhile a paranoia began to set in and my mind began to race. 'Was I too close to the forest? Am I being irradiated? What was that shadow? What was that rustling?' I stood there, alone, freezing, scared, knowing that a 100-foot walk into the forest would kill me. When the guide returned with my friend, I almost cried with relief."

  • (#2) The Campus Of Abandoned Asylum Buildings

    From Redditor /u/LittlePe0ple:

    "My town has an entire campus of abandoned mental asylums and schools for the mentally disabled. They shut them down due to the absolutely awful mistreatment and quality of life for the patients. There are underground tunnels connecting a lot of the buildings (I think a few people actually disappeared down there.) I've been inside the theater, and its basement. Never thought I'd see blood on the walls of a basement of a theater. When you get near the asylum, your gut literally tells you not to get closer. The grounds are dead silent too. Went there once, into a few buildings. Never doing it again."

  • (#21) North Yungas Road, Bolivia

    From Redditor /u/Yog103:

    "I cycled down [North Yungas Road] about a year ago. On the way down it was all fun and adrenaline, going under waterfalls, teasing the 500ft drop to your left but you're going too fast to really take in quite how dangerous it is.

    You get taken back up the road in the most beaten-up minivan you have ever set eyes upon and as I was on the side closest to the edge, I could usually not see an edge. Every slip was pretty gut-churning and the few instances the driver had to back-up were even less comforting.

    What was really creepy though, was when the driver began pointing out all the little crucifixes along the road and saying 'here a couple of cyclists ran into each other and fell off... here more than a hundred people were crowded into a lorry and it went off the edge killing them all.'

    Also I believe that a large portion of it was carved out of the mountain by Paraguayan prisoners of war, which doesn't do much to lift the chill."

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