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  • Crocodile on Random Scarier Facts About Most Terrifying Animals In World

    (#1) Crocodile

    • Crocodylidae

    We’ve all had that fear of swimming through a lake or pond and suddenly feeling something grabbing your ankle. If it's a crocodile, you're screwed.  Saltwater crocodiles have a biting force of 3,700 pounds per square inch, the strongest on record. That’s three times more powerful than that of a lion, the king of the jungle.

    And you can watch those two square off right here.

  • African bee on Random Scarier Facts About Most Terrifying Animals In World

    (#2) African bee

    • Apis mellifera scutellata

    We all laughed at cartoons when someone jumped into a body of water to avoid a swarm of bees, only to be stung after they surface. Turns out it's not so funny: it's real. A killer bee's sting is no worse than the one you're most likely used to, but they travel in groups of 30,000 or more and will wait for above the water if you try to outsmart them by going under.

    Experts say you should run for a quarter mile to give yourself the best chance for survival. Flailing your arms and screaming while running is optional.

  • (#3) Leech

    • Hirudinea

    The life of a leech is already disgusting, but knowing the Giant Amazon Leech can grow to be 18 inches long and live 20 years makes them frightening as well. It feeds by sticking a six-inch long tube called a proboscis into your skin and draining your blood.

  • (#4) Boa constrictor imperator

    It’s creepy enough that boa constrictors can unhinge their jaws and swallow large prey whole. What's worse is that this large, fearsome creature also knows the exact moment you die because it can feel your heartbeat. Which means playing dead isn't an option if the boa has already coiled around you.

    Just go to sleep and it'll all be over soon.

  • Jumping spider on Random Scarier Facts About Most Terrifying Animals In World

    (#5) Jumping spider

    • Salticidae

    Spiders are scary enough scurrying on the ground, but some species can even jump into the air to attack. Researchers at Cornell University just added fuel to the nightmare, uncovering the ability of these jumping spiders to hear prey at a distance of 10 feet or more.

    How do they do it? The sensitive long hairs on their body can pick up vibrations and airflow in the surrounding area. 

  • Jellyfish on Random Scarier Facts About Most Terrifying Animals In World

    (#6) Jellyfish

    • Scyphozoa

    Larger deep sea jellyfish have strong enough venom to kill a man, but that's not the only way they can do us harm. In 2009, a Japanese trawler called the Diasan Shiunsho-maru capsized when its crew tried to haul in a net full of Nomura’s jellyfish, which can grow to sizes of 400 pounds or more.

    The weight, and, maybe the fear, were too much for the three-man vessel.

  • Great white shark on Random Scarier Facts About Most Terrifying Animals In World

    (#7) Great white shark

    • Carcharodon carcharias

    Hiding from a shark on the hunt is nearly impossible. A shark's body is covered in a electro-receptive system of pores filled with conductive gel over the front of their body. It can detect electrical impulses made from even the smallest muscle movements, as well as changes in temperature and vibrations.

    So if you're in the water with a great white who's gearing up for an attack, good luck.

  • (#8) Electric eel

    • Electrophorus electricus

    Sitting on the deck of a boat doesn't guarantee your safety from some of the animals under the sea. It was recently proven electric eels can jump out of water and attack. Reports of eels jumping out of the Amazon River to shock horses were widely considered to be myths and legend, but this recent discovery changes everything.

  • Mosquito on Random Scarier Facts About Most Terrifying Animals In World

    (#9) Mosquito

    • Culicidae

    Everyone thinks mosquitos are all about sucking us dry because they’re hungry, but only the female of the species is after our blood. While the males dine on fruit nectar, the mothers-to-be extract proteins from our blood to develop their eggs.

    If you were bitten, chances are you just helped unleash a whole new swarm of these little monsters on the world.

  • (#10) Cockroach

    • Blattaria

    If you ever tried to kill a cockroach but only managed to get their head you have failed in your task. A headless cockroach can live for weeks. They won’t bleed out because of their low pressure, open circulatory system that can seal off the wound before too much blood escapes the body.

    The disgusting beast will finally die from starvation after days of living headless in your house.

  • (#11) Horned Lizards Shoot Blood From Their Eyes In Self-Defense

    Short-horned lizards employ one of the weirdest defense mechanisms in all of the animal kingdom. If they feel threatened, they can shoot blood from their eyes via specialized ducts. The move is mainly meant to confuse predators, but their blood does contain a chemical to ward off wolves, coyotes, and dogs.

  • (#12) Flying Snakes Are A Real Thing

    Unfortunately, flying snakes exist. Mainly found in the jungles of South Asia, these snakes don't actually fly, but they can glide up to 330 feet. They launch themselves from tall branches, curving their bodies into shapes that trap air and help them float.

    According to National Geographic, "Flying snakes are technically better gliders than their more popular mammalian equivalents, the flying squirrels."

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About This Tool

Although humans are currently at the top of the biological chain, humans are killed by animal attacks at all times. Some of the most terrifying creatures in the world are even the size of human nails. It can be said that human beings live in an unfriendly environment and have to beware of threats from other species at all times. 

The random tool introduced 12 scary animals and explained fun facts about them that most people may never know. The planet is full of amazing animals that are deadly magnificent, from lizards to cute killer jellyfish. Welcome to share this interesting tool with others.

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