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  • (#6) A Man Pierced An Innocent Victim In The Chest

    From Redditor /u/Throwawaycop194218:

    Had a call once in a major metropolitan area during my probation period some years ago. The fire dept called us for help saying they had been threatened by [a] knife-wielding maniac while attempting to render aid to someone. My partner and I got there and saw the FD just standing around so were thinking okay this guy is probably gone and we will have to just take a report for them and get to our next call. That’s the first time I heard the screams of someone about to die; the shrill terror in a person's voice is completely distinguishable from your everyday scream for help or yells of anger. It sends a shiver down your spine.

    My partner and I didn't have time for backup to arrive or make a tactical plan so we entered an apartment complex by ourselves and followed the screams until we located a door we thought they were coming from. I kicked in the door and we entered to find that [...] madman stabbing a woman in the chest. Shots are fired and the man goes down.

    As though a scene from a movie [...] backup comes running in [after] to clear the rest of the apartment while I awkwardly handcuff this man who is bleeding all over my uniform (he's missing either his radius or ulna [...] One of the two wrist bones from a bullet shattering it). There's blood everywhere, and you can smell it in the air. This is also the first time I held a person while they were dying. Which isn't particularly pleasant either. The man passed shortly after in the ambulance (even with the fire dept outside already).

    We later discovered the man was on drugs and suffering from mental illness; he had attempted to [take his own life] a week prior [...] the higher ups believe this is how he wanted to finish himself off.

    The woman survived.

  • (#4) A Teen Wielded A Screwdriver To Impress Friends

    From Redditor /u/seanbeag:

    The earliest memorable person is a [17-year-old] who [ended] two men by stabbing them in the head with a screwdriver. He was just acting the hard man in front of his mates and picked on these two guys for nothing. The thing that got me was his complete lack of remorse or regret. I'd never properly understood what a psychopath was until then.

  • (#17) A Father Secretly Drugged His Young Daughter's Friends

    From Redditor /u/Dobbsie:

    A fellow who [harmed] a number of his pre-teen daughter's friends. He'd have her invite them over for movies and such, then drug their SunnyD and [assault] them. We never figured out exactly how many girls he [victimized], but we were able to prove up 28 counts.

    The arrest was not particularly satisfying. Having to be near him and listen to his diatribe made me feel unclean. His conviction and subsequent LONG sentence made me feel like being a cop was worth it at least one percent of the time.

  • (#12) A Man Was Arrested For Carrying A Gun, But He Also Had A Cache Of Photos

    From Redditor /u/OKHnyc:

    Grabbed a guy walking down the street with a shotgun in one of those 12 can beer holders cigarette companies used to give away (yeah, I'm old). We get the cuffs on him and he starts getting all chatty in car about all the other guns that's he has. One thing leads to another and we use his statement to get a warrant to get the rest [...] We go to the apartment with the warrant and there are HUNDREDS of different firearms and corresponding boxes of ammo and we start cataloging it and carrying it out.

    Then we notice cases of photo albums and videotapes.....

    Aaaaaaaaaand it's [images of] child[ren]. I take random samples and as difficult as it is... confirm that it's children being photographed doing sexual things. It's logical that given the sampling that the rest of it was kiddie porn, too.

    Well, not enough for the ADA who took the case. I explained to her how we arrived at the number and she said that in order for him to be charged for all the [lewd images], that I would have to testify that all of it was indeed porn. I was the arresting officer, I was swearing out the complaint and I also had to make sure [offender] went to jail for a very long time.

    I sat in a room in the stationhouse for hours on end going through hundreds of photo albums full of children being destroyed. I viewed videotapes of innocence being swept away and in the end, I wept. I did not stop weeping for days. 20 some odd years later, I still have my moments and every so often I'll see a kid that looks familiar and I'll think.... It haunts me constantly because I couldn't save them. I'm supposed to defend the ones that can't defend themselves. That was my sacred vow and yet, all I could do was catalog their horror.

    Years later, I was a first responder to the WTC attacks and saw horrors that no person should ever have to see and yet, 9/11 wasn't close to being my worst day on that job.

  • (#16) A Father Drugged His Daughter Then Convinced Her To Bring Him More Victims

    From Redditor /u/Socialistpiggy:

    I honestly feel that the majority of the people I arrest aren't bad people [...] per say. That being said there are a couple dozen arrests that stand out in my mind. One in particular sticks out, not necessarily the worst, just one that sticks out the most.

    The suspect was approximately 40ish, had a 15-year-old daughter. Was a methamphetamine addict, lived in complete squalor. They get evicted and daughter gets taken into state custody. After a year of counseling finally discloses that her father would inject her with methamphetamine and [assault] her. Therapist comes to us and we bring her in for an interview.

    This girl, I believe may have been 17 by now, is no girl. She's intelligent, articulate and lived well beyond her years. She details in remarkable detail how one night her father injects methamphetamine into right forearm. This happens several times. One night he is extremely high, gets her high. As she is walking into the kitchen he pins her against the wall and [accosts] her. This begins to happen on a regular basis.

    Suspect eventually convinces daughter to start bringing friends home. Suspect [does the same to] them as well. Daughter continues to bring different friends home so that dad will [harm] the friends rather than her. Eventually when they get evicted father kicks daughter to the curb and two of daughters friend go live out of dad's car in a nearby park.

    While these kinds of things happen all the time it was the victim that struck me. When asked why she didn't tell someone she replied, "The first time it happened when he pinned me against the wall all I could remember thinking over and over: This is my life now."

    This is my life now.

    I will remember those words for the rest of my life, as clear as they were said to me. I can still hear the inflection and tone in her voice.

    About eight months later I ran into one of the other victims, the daughter's friend. After dad was evicted he lived out of his car with her, she was 15ish at the time. Initially she was going to cooperate in prosecution, however, disappeared. She's 18-19 now. When I last saw her I didn't recognize her until I saw her identification. Heroin, methamphetamine, and the streets have destroyed her. She won't be alive much longer.

  • (#14) A Man Made Clothes Out Of Cat And Dog Skins

    From Redditor /u/AbsentStraw:

    My worst was a response to a home for attempted suicide with the individual still armed with a knife. When we arrived the suspect was walking down the side of the road at 3 AM. Covered in blood from having cut himself over most of his body with moderate to deep cuts. While we were standing around ordering him to drop the knife, he stood like a statue not saying anything but staring. This guy was a towering 6'5 220-pound man who looked at me a 6' 160-pound 22-year-old and said, "I'm going to take your gun and shoot him." Referring to my FTO at the time who was similarly built to me. I deployed a taser which did nothing but anger him, my FTO deployed his which brought him down.

    Trying to handcuff a man covered in blood is terrifying, all the blood-borne diseases you can contract. He was transported to the hospital for his self-inflicted wounds. Upon further investigation this guy had been luring cats and dogs to him which he would end up [...] skinning. In this guys shed he had a harvesting room where he would turn the pelts of these animals into clothing, you name it, this guy had made it. The entire thing reminded me of some horror movie with a stench you could not stomach. That was my first week as a sworn officer, I turned 21 three days before graduating the academy. I've been on now for a year or so and that is the only guy I have ever met I believe could have taken my weapon and [ended] me. He later was declared mentally competent and charged. [It turns out he] was not suicidal but angry, because he messed up on one of his creations.

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