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  • (#1) Blown To Bits

    From a former Redditor:

    I used to work for a small company, we'll just call it Office A. Office A was in a competition with another office (B) that was also in the area. I was good friends with a coworker, who actually got me hired there, we'll call him Joe.

    Joe was staying late one night working on a big project that he was excited about, and it was about 7:30 pm. I had a really long day, and decided to go home after being there with him. Essentially, he was the only one left in the building aside from security and custodians. The next day (Saturday) I got a ring from my boss. I expected him to call me in so that I could help finish the project or something like it. I let the phone ring out, and took a shower. When I got out, my phone was blowing up. I had around 50 new text messages from other coworkers, and missed calls.

    I called my boss, and he informed me that Joe expired in the office, and that the police are investigating. The investigation was a very stressful process, and I was blatantly accused multiple times (I was the last one seen with Joe). Security later confirmed that Joe came down to the lobby for something after I had left the building, so it ruled me out.

    The strange bit? He was completely [destroyed]. He wasn't even in the same room as his project. No signs of anyone else being in the office with him, either. The window in the room he [passed] in was also shattered.

    They held a funeral for him, but there wasn't much left of him. His stepbrother had a meltdown later, and started yelling about these shadow men coming for him like they did Joe. To this day, I have no idea what happened. I had to quit my job soon after the incident. I couldn't stand that building anymore.

  • (#7) Be Careful Crossing This Bridge

    From Redditor /u/TenGuns:

    My grandfather had his head [removed]. By a bridge. Walking home [inebriated], he passed out near a bridge that opens and closes for boats. I guess he fell asleep resting on some kind of pivot, and rolled when it started to move.

    From what I am told, by the time he realized what was happening, it was to late.

  • (#13) Two Of A Car

    From Redditor /u/Lethophobia:

    I knew a guy whose wife [passed] in a car accident. On his way home from her funeral, he [expired] in a single vehicle car accident. They think he fell asleep at the wheel.

  • (#18) A Fatal Slip While Walking The Dog

    From a former Redditor:

    My second cousin was sitting at the edge of a nearby cliff with his dog. As he went to stand up he slipped on the crumbly limestone and fell off. His dog jumped right after him. The dog lived but he didn't.

  • (#15) Success Cut Short

    From Redditor /u/CormacMcGill:

    My friend's client had just completed a dependency program. So my friend congratulates him, talks to him about his upcoming plans, and [wishes] him a good weekend. When she comes back to work on Monday, everybody tells her the client [passed] when he was surprised by the rain, hid under the bridge, and was [felled] by lightning.

  • (#17) Slammed The Brakes Too Soon

    From Redditor /u/brokendownandbusted:

    An old friend got into an argument with [his] girlfriend in the car and threatened to jump out the car door (not really meaning to). Girlfriend panicked, slammed on the brakes, and tossed him into traffic...

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