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  • Many People Find Out Their Father Isn't Really Their Father on Random Most Shocking Secrets Learned After Taking An Online DNA Test

    (#9) Many People Find Out Their Father Isn't Really Their Father

    The realization that the person you called "Dad" all of your life isn't your father is one of the most common surprising outcomes from DNA testing. Tyler Perry, the film-maker and actor did DNA testing with his brother and found out that he and his sibling had different fathers. He then took a test with the man who raised him, confirming that it was not his biological father.  After he discovered the truth, it became clear to him why his pseudo-father was so abusive all of his life. Perry revealed this information while imploring women to be honest with their children, making it clear that while he loved his mother, her lies hurt him deeply. 

    Perry is one of many individuals that learned the truth about their fathers through DNA testing. When Jackie and Alan (not their real names) took DNA tests in 2013, they learned that they shared only one parent. When Jackie confronted her mother about the results, she learned that her mother had a one-night stand with a man that wasn't her husband and that man was Jackie's father.  

    According to researchers, anywhere from 1-2% of DNA testing reveals "non-paternity" or "false-fatherhood." 

  • DNA Test Revealed A Lot Of Major Medical Malpractice on Random Most Shocking Secrets Learned After Taking An Online DNA Test

    (#4) DNA Test Revealed A Lot Of Major Medical Malpractice

    Kelli Rowlette's parents used a fertility doctor to conceive in 1980 and were told that they would have the best results if they used a "85 percent mixture of her dad's [Mr. Fowler] genetic material, and 15 percent...from anonymous donor." When Rowlette performed a DNA test as an adult, she discovered the shocking truth: The doctor, Gerald Mortimer, had used his own sperm and was technically her father. 

    Rowlette thought that the results from her DNA test were a mistake. She has filed a lawsuit against the doctor, his wife, and his former medical group alleging "medical negligence, failure to obtain informed consent, fraud, battery, emotional distress and breach of contract." At this time, there are no other instances of Mortimer fathering additional children.

    In another instance of fertility professional misconduct, "Paula" and "Jeff" learned that the father of their daughter, "Ashley," was actually a worker at the clinic they used in Utah after taking DNA tests through 23andMe. The clinic employee, Tom, had kidnapped a college student and held her captive as part of a "love experiment" in 1975.

    During his time at the fertility clinic, Tom had displayed pictures of children he "helped" couples conceive, indicating that he might have "donated" his sperm more than once. 

  • DNA Helped Solve The 64 Year Old Mystery Of A Baby Abandoned In A Phone Booth on Random Most Shocking Secrets Learned After Taking An Online DNA Test

    (#3) DNA Helped Solve The 64 Year Old Mystery Of A Baby Abandoned In A Phone Booth

    Steve Dennis was adopted as an infant and, in his teenage years, he learned he had been abandoned in a phone booth in Lancaster, Ohio as a baby. In January 1954, two men discovered Dennis stuffed inside a phone booth. He was inside a cardboard box and wrapped in blankets with a bottle of milk left nearby. While there were many investigations after the discovery, no one ever determined who left Dennis in the phone booth and why. 

    64 years later, after his teenage children began asking questions about their heritage, Dennis submitted his DNA to Ancestry.com. Three months later, he received an email saying the site found a match and Dennis was able to connect with his first cousin, who revealed the name of Dennis's mother. 

    According to the cousin, it had been a long known family secret that someone abandoned a baby in a phone booth at one point. After getting in touch with his half sister, Dennis learned his mother was 85 and lived in Baltimore, Maryland. While it took his mother some time to recall the precise details, she eventually revealed she gave birth at 18. Dennis's father said they could only marry if they abandoned the baby and so she complied, leaving her son in a phone booth.

    Dennis's father left soon after, and his location remains unknown. 

  • A Man Used A DNA Test To Find His Real Family, But It Was Too Late on Random Most Shocking Secrets Learned After Taking An Online DNA Test

    (#8) A Man Used A DNA Test To Find His Real Family, But It Was Too Late

    Dick Nelson knew he didn't look like any of his siblings and wanted to find out why.  His mother told him it was because the family had Native American ancestry, so Nelson took a DNA test to see if that was true. Instead, he discovered that the man he thought was his father really wasn't and that his biological father was already deceased.

    Nelson had never particularly liked the man he was raised to think was his father, partially because the man allegedly had a drinking problem. Through his DNA test, Nelson learned that his father was actually an Italian friend of his family who had served as a sheriff but who Nelson never knew well.


  • A Man Discovered That His Unborn Twin Fathered His Child on Random Most Shocking Secrets Learned After Taking An Online DNA Test

    (#2) A Man Discovered That His Unborn Twin Fathered His Child

    When a Washington state resident and his partner were told that their son's blood type didn't match their own, they were confused. The couple had used a fertility clinic to conceive their child but when neither parent matched the boy's genetic material, they feared there had been a mix-up at the lab. Even a DNA test failed to find the cause of the anomaly.

    The couple finally found their answer through the genetic genealogy testing at 23andMe. According to the test, the man who thought he was the child's father was really his uncle.  How did this happen?  The only explanation was that the "father" had been a twin, albeit a chimera - a twin that absorbed the cells from his sibling after the latter died in the womb. 

  • (#1) A Man Found Out His Best Friend Was Actually His Brother

    Walter Macfarlane and Alan Robinson had been friends for over six decades when they discovered that they were brothers. Both natives of Honolulu, HI, they grew up together and even vacationed with their families as adults. When both men were in their seventies, they began researching their family ancestries and discovered that they shared a birth mother. 

    Neither Walter nor Alan were raised by their birth parents. Walter Macfarlane's mother was going to give him up for adoption but his grandparents opted "to hanai their grandson - part of a Hawaiian practice in which a family can adopt a person informally, with or without papers."  They brought him up in their home and the identity of his father remained unknown. Two years later, Alan Robinson was adopted. He knew nothing about his birth mother or his biological father.

    Walter and Alan met when they were in the sixth grade and established a close bond. Once they got the results of their DNA tests, they understood why they'd been so drawn to each other. These two men, who had always felt like family, really were. 


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