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  • Sunspot on Random Most Redundant X-Men Characters

    (#22) Sunspot

    First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel #4: The New Mutants

    The solar power channeling Sunspot wasn't all that similar to the solar power channeling Sunfire when he was first created. Sunfire could fly and project energy blasts, whereas Sunspot's solar energy was channeled into strength and durability. That changed in the '90s when writer Fabian Nicieza wrote a storyline that added to Sunspot's power set. Sunspot picked up the abilities to (you guessed it) fly and project energy blasts.

    Rendered Redundant By: Sunfire
  • M on Random Most Redundant X-Men Characters

    (#13) M

    • Generation X, Marvel Universe

    First Appearance: Generation X #40

    Technically, Monet St. Croix is a very powerful telekinetic and telepathic mutant, but she seems to channel that into being a very dull Superman rip-off. She flies fast, she hits hard and she's invulnerable.

    Exodus boasts all the same qualities with his telekinetic and telepathic mutant powers though his fluctuate with the confidence of those around him. Monet is just comprehensively unbeatable all of the time, which makes her pretty boring. Both characters are supremely arrogant and like to float when they could just stand like a normal person.

    Rendered Redundant By: Exodus
  • Cecilia Reyes on Random Most Redundant X-Men Characters

    (#10) Cecilia Reyes

    First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #65

    Cecilia Reyes can protect herself with a psioplasmic bio-field. Before her, Skids had a frictionless force field. Skids was the more interesting character because she struggled at times with being able to touch things without her force field knocking it away from her.

    Reyes was just a doctor who started having force fields, presumably so she could join the action and artists could draw her in the ugly blue and yellow uniforms of that era. She never even got a codename.

    Rendered Redundant By: Skids
  • Siryn on Random Most Redundant X-Men Characters

    (#19) Siryn

    • X2, X-Men: The Last Stand, Marvel Universe

    First Appearance: Spider-Woman #37

    The dramatic backstory of how Siryn was separated from her father, Banshee, is actually pretty good and sets up the powerful rivalry between Banshee and Black Tom.

    None of that changes the fact that Siryn has the same sonic-scream powers, outfit, and sometimes hair as the original Banshee. It's another case of a deceased character being replaced by a similarly-powered relative, but the fact that she has hypnotic vocal abilities should keep her from the top of the list.

    Rendered Redundant By: Banshee
  • Jubilee on Random Most Redundant X-Men Characters

    (#23) Jubilee

    • X-Men, Generation X, X-Men: The Last Stand, X2, X-Men, Marvel Universe

    First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #244

    Dazzler can turn sound waves into powerfully blinding lights, while Jubilee can produce energy plasmoids (aka. fireworks) from her hands. The powers aren't the same, but they both have the effectiveness of a flash bang grenade.

    What makes these two heroines so similar is how they both reflect a female stereotype from their time period. Dazzler is the late-'70s disco queen and later a painfully cheesy early-'80s pop star, while Jubilee is the quintessential early-'90s Valley Girl. It's enough similarity to land Jubilee on the list.

    Rendered Redundant By: Dazzler 
  • Warpath on Random Most Redundant X-Men Characters

    (#16) Warpath

    • X-Men: Days of Future Past, Marvel Universe

    First Appearance: New Mutants Vol. 1 #16

    First there was Thunderbird, a dull super-athletic Native American mutant who died on his second X-Men mission. Then his brother, Warpath, joined because the writers decided they just couldn't live without a dull super-athletic Native American mutant. Technically, he is the younger brother of Thunderbird, but they look identical.

    Rendered Redundant By: Thunderbird

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