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  • Gerbils on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#1) Gerbils

    How cute are these things? They're the cutest! As cute as they may be, gerbils are now believed to have been the culprit behind the black plague that lasted from the mid-14th century until the 1800s.

    We might owe rats an apology - or we should just shift the blame to fleas

  • Mosquitos on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#2) Mosquitos

    Mosquitoes may be one of the smallest animals on this list, but they are among the deadliest.

    These insects are carriers of fatal or at least very damaging diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus.

  • Tsetse Flies on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#3) Tsetse Flies

    If you're not freaked out by bugs yet wait until you hear about the Tsetse fly. 

    The Tsetse fly is responsible for spreading sub-Saharan African sleeping sickness or Trypanosomiasis, which affected nearly 1,000 people in 2018 and has sickened many more in previous decades.

  • Snakes on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#4) Snakes

    If you're afraid of snakes, you're probably smarter than the average bear. Snakes kill an average of 50,000 people around the world every year, as of 2016.

    The most venomous snake is the Inland Taipan of Australia, though they rarely attack humans. 

  • Crocodiles on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#5) Crocodiles

    No duh crocodiles are on this list. Just look at these creeps! About 1,000 people are killed by crocodiles each year based on a source from 2016. 

    At least Captain Hook escaped mostly intact. He's a real guy right?

  • Scorpions on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#6) Scorpions

    Known as one of earth's oldest residents, scorpions evolved from sea-dwelling creatures to land menaces over 400 million years ago. Around 1,500 species of scorpions exist in the world but only 30 of them have poison that is dangerous enough to kill humans. Nevertheless, according to 2008 statistics, around 1.2 million people are stung by scorpions each year, and 0.27% of them (3250) are killed.

    Scorpion attacks are most common in South Latin America, South India, the Middle East, and Sahelian Africa.

  • Hippopotamus on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#7) Hippopotamus

    • Animal

    As portly and cute as they are, the hippo is considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa - far deadlier than lions. They seem docile, but when provoked they will THROW DOWN.

    Around 200 people a year die from hippo attacks. 

  • Moose on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#8) Moose

    • Animal

    Don't let the dumb look on their face fool you; moose are among the most dangerous, regularly encountered animals in the world. They prefer to leave humans alone, but if disturbed or threatened they are known to respond by charging with aggression.

    They attack more people annually than bears do in states like Alaska.

  • Deer on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#9) Deer

    Most deer-associated deaths are caused not by their antlers but by accidents on highways. Deer often cross highways and stop right in the middle of roads, causing collisions among vehicles.

    At least 211 people died in 2017 from collisions with animals (according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety), and the cause of these deaths were likely because of a run in with a deer.

  • Bears on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#10) Bears

    Bears are some of the most lovable omnivores in the world. They're also on the shortlist of animals known to kill humans.

    Grizzlies, black bears, and polar bears are the most feared, but all large species of bear can potentially be dangerous.

  • Elephant on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#11) Elephant

    The elephant is often portrayed as a lovable giant, and animals domesticated by trainers and zookeepers can be quite peaceful. But if agitated, mistreated, or if encountered in the wild, an elephant can be one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. Elephants experience unexpected bouts of rage and are known to be vindictive.

    In India, hundreds of people are killed by mistreated or rampaging elephants.


  • African Lions on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#12) African Lions

    The king of the jungle does what it wants and eats who it wants. While it's difficult to estimate how many people are killed by lions each year, sources estimate the number is between 50 and 250.

    The African lion has definitely earned its place on top of the totem pole.

  • Bees on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#13) Bees

    In the US (between 2000 and 2017), more than 60 people a year are killed by bee, wasp, and hornet stings, and this number seems to be on the rise.

    Most die due to an allergic reaction.

  • Giant Anteater on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#14) Giant Anteater

    You wouldn't know it by looking at them, but this large creature feeds only on ants and termites. Its size is part of what makes it such a dangerous animal, but its true weapons are its powerful, sharp claws.

    If threatened, an anteater can maul a human, like some unlucky hunters in Brazil who were attacked and bled to death.

  • Slow loris on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#15) Slow loris

    • Organism Classification

    This adorable half sloth, half monkey might look harmless, but the slow loris is a poisonous mammal.

    When threatened, the loris raises its arms and licks a gland in its armpit, taking the toxin into its mouth to deliver a poisonous bite.

  • Mountain Lions on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#16) Mountain Lions

    They might look like an overgrown version of your house cat, but don't forget that you're on the menu of almost all of the wild big cats. In North America, pumas and mountain lions are an occasional threat to lone hikers and small children. But all of the world's big cats - including tigers, lions, jaguars, leopards, and cheetahs - can threaten lives if they are mishandled.

    There are an estimated 5,000 tigers kept captive in the United States, and only some of them (merely 6%, according to the World Wildlife Fund) are in accredited zoos.

  • Cassowary on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#17) Cassowary

    • Organism Classification

    A cassowary looks like a flamboyant ostrich and can be found wandering the rain forests of Australia and New Guinea. It prefers to keep a low profile, but when disturbed, this flightless bird can become extremely aggressive and territorial.

    Capable of running and leaping at high speeds, the cassowary attacks predators by thrusting its large claws forward.

  • Blue-ringed octopus on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#18) Blue-ringed octopus

    • Organism Classification

    The tiny, blue-ringed octopus can pack a wallop. It is widely regarded as one of the world's most venomous animals. It lives in tidal regions ranging from Australia to Japan and is frequently encountered by people wading in tide pools.

    If provoked or stepped on, it will bite. Blue-ringed octopus poison has no antivenom and it can kill an adult human within hours, causing many horrible symptoms in the meantime.

  • Ants on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#19) Ants

    With so many types of ants across the world, stings from venomous species like the bullet ant cause intense pain.

    Even those as common as fire ants can kill people who are allergic to them. 

  • Cows on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#20) Cows

    How do you get killed by a cow? Easy! Just let one kick you in the head!

    Over 20 people are killed per year by these quintessential farm animals.

  • Horses on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#21) Horses

    We hate to put these sweeties on the list, but with the human tendency to ride horses, particularly in rodeos, races, or tricky equestrian events, people do get killed.

    An estimated 20 Australians are killed from horse riding each year.

  • Poison dart frog on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#22) Poison dart frog

    • Organism Classification

    Poison dart frogs sure have a lot of pizzazz! But beware, these bright colors are also nature's way of telling you to please stay away. The poison dart frog is among the most poisonous creatures on Earth.

    Indigenous people once used the toxic secretions to poison the tips of blowgun darts.

  • Wolverine on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#23) Wolverine

    Armed with powerful jaws, sharp claws and a thick hide, the wolverine can take down prey as large as a moose and take food from bears and wolves.

  • Pfeffer's Flamboyant Cuttlefish on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#24) Pfeffer's Flamboyant Cuttlefish

    This cute little fish may sound like a character in a Dr. Seuss book and look just as dazzling, but their colorful display is meant to hypnotize its predators

    While once thought to be toxic because of their bright colors, there is no evidence that these fish are actually poisonous.

  • Leopard Seal on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#25) Leopard Seal

    • Organism Classification

    The leopard seal is at the top of the food chain in its home in the Antarctic, and this is one predator you don't want to swim with. It is bold, powerful, and curious, and it has been known to hunt people, although it usually targets penguins. 

    In 1985, Scottish explorer Gareth Wood was bitten twice on the leg when a leopard seal tried to drag him off the ice and into the sea. He described the seal's eyes as "cold and evil with intent." In 2003, a leopard seal in Antarctica dragged snorkeling biologist Kirsty Brown underwater to her death.

  • Gila Monster on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#26) Gila Monster

    This chunky lizard with pink or orange spots is one of the few venomous lizards in the world and the largest lizard native to the United States. Though it is sluggish, the Gila monster is capable of delivering a fatal dose of venom when provoked or stepped on. If you are bitten by a Gila monster, it will latch onto you until its toxins can pass through its teeth into your wound.

    For this reason, sources suggest different methods for getting an attached Gila monster off you - submerging it in water, holding a flame under its jaw, or forcing it away with a screwdriver.

  • Monkeys on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#27) Monkeys

    Monkeys are so similar to humans that some diseases, like HIV, have been carried by monkeys and apes and easily transmitted to humans. Even a small monkey can bite, potentially transmitting a deadly sickness like B Virus.

    If you or someone you know has been bitten by a monkey, go to the hospital.

  • Sharks on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#28) Sharks

    Every year, sharks attack over 50 people. In 2019, there were 64 unprovoked attacks by sharks and many other provoked attacks, scavenging attacks, and boat attacks, leading to a total of 140 unfortunate shark encounters. 

    The species that most commonly attack humans and lead to fatalities are the Great White Shark, Tiger Shark, and Bull Shark.

  • Black Widow And Brown Recluse Spiders on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#29) Black Widow And Brown Recluse Spiders

    Over 2,000 people report black widow bites each year, with a few fatalities. Both spiders can be found in indoor and outdoor areas.

    A bite from a brown recluse can lead to tissue necrosis that might require a skin graft, though you're unlikely to die from the bites. 

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About This Tool

Most people think that the animal that killed the most people must be a beast, but in fact, the deadliest animal in the world is not a shark, nor a tiger. The most terrifying animals are actually all around us. Mosquitoes kill 1 million people every year. Most of them are bitten by mosquitoes carrying dengue fever and West Nile virus and infected with malaria.

The consequences of being attacked by deadly animals are very serious. Here you could know more about the 29 top deadly animals in the world, the random tool also shows their pictures. Welcome to share this interesting collection with friends.

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