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    (#12) The "Tremor In The Force" That Darth Vader Feels Didn't Come From Obi-Wan

    From Redditor u/Supervinyl:

    In a scene from ANH, Vader is speaking with Tarkin about his suspicions that Obi-Wan is aboard the Death Star. When Tarkin asks how Vader can be so sure, Vader replies, "A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master."

    I propose that this "tremor" was not caused solely by Obi-Wan himself, if he contributed to it at all. For one thing, this would suggest that this tremor was a close-proximity phenomena (which is plausible) and that Obi-Wan continuously gave off this sensation (which, to me, is less plausible, as Anakin never mentions any such sensation in the prequels). Assuming that Obi-Wan didn't just start giving off this tremor in his final confrontation with Anakin, I'm left with what I consider to be the most likely candidate for the cause: The close proximity of his son to his daughter.

    TL;DR In A New Hope, while speaking with Tarkin, Vader mentions a "tremor in the force." This feeling was caused by the reunion of his son Luke with his daughter Leia, not by Obi-Wan.

  • R2-D2 Doesn't Remember Darth Vader Or Obi-Wan Or Anything From The Prequels Because It's Not His Function on Random Most Believable Obi-Wan Kenobi Fan Theories In The Galaxy

    (#19) R2-D2 Doesn't Remember Darth Vader Or Obi-Wan Or Anything From The Prequels Because It's Not His Function

    From Redditor u/RandomRedditGuy_:

    Basically, we were introduced to different kinds of droids in the Star Wars saga. Battle droids, astromech droids, medical droids, creepy torture droids, protocol droids and so on. As their names are saying, they all serve a different purpose.

    What we know so far about astromech droids is that they are used as mechanics and as co-pilots for starships. (they also served as overhead projectors as seen in ANH or as a drink holder in RotJ, but let's not get into that)

    At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Bail Organa ordered to have C3PO's memory erased, but not R2D2's. Many people consider this as a plot hole because of all the useful information he had, which he didn't share with the rebel alliance or Luke.

    So here comes my theory: R2D2 isn't made to record everything he sees, so he automatically deletes everything thats older than a certain amount of time. After all, astromech droids are made for manual jobs and not to be a memory card. C3PO at the other hand is a PROTOCOL droid, who's job beside communication it also is to protocol everything possible, so that's why he had his memory erased and R2D2 had not.

    TL;DR: R2D2 doesn't save his memory if it exceeds a longer period of time as he is more a manual-worker droid, that's why he didn't need his memory erased and also didn't remember anything from the prequels.

  • Kenobi's Control Of The High Ground All But Guaranteed His Victory on Random Most Believable Obi-Wan Kenobi Fan Theories In The Galaxy

    (#4) Kenobi's Control Of The High Ground All But Guaranteed His Victory

    From Redditor u/SainttecWalker:

    There actually is a legitimate foundation for why "The High Ground" would be so important in that moment between those two duelists.

    They begin their duel in a control room on the volcanic lava planet Mustafar, and their duel damages important safety mechanisms that cause the facility they're engaged in to begin melting into the lava below.

    Eventually, they are dueling simply on scrap metal floating upon a lava river. We see that the river is leading to a lavafall, and so the duel must end here one way or another. 

    So Obi-Wan turned to Anakin and said "It's over, I have the High Ground" because he, just like Anakin now, had once been in a position where success requires a massive vertical leap over your opponent and he knew the risk that move entailed.

    Obi-Wan begged Anakin "Don't try it.", but Anakin misinterpreted that plea. In his hatred and overconfidence, Anakin felt Obi-Wan's fear and thought he had found the situation where he could best his master. 

    He believed he had found a strike that Obi-Wan could not repel and now, of course, his statement about the High Ground was simply a bluff! Unfortunately, Obi-Wan's true fear was that the only way to survive that slope on Mustafar, the only hope for the Republic to live, was to make one of a million past nightmares reality.

  • Why Darth Vader Reacted The Way He Did At Obi-Wan Disappearing Into A Robe on Random Most Believable Obi-Wan Kenobi Fan Theories In The Galaxy

    (#3) Why Darth Vader Reacted The Way He Did At Obi-Wan Disappearing Into A Robe

    From Redditor u/mybustersword:

    Vader wasn't as confused as he was surprised. He knew what happened, Obi Wan warned him that he would be more powerful if struck down.. He gives a hint to the power he was promised by Palpatine, eternal life. A power he could not get from a a Jedi

    Yet we know that in Episode II Qui Gon has contacted--in a way - Anakin during his slaughter of the sand people. He heard his voice. We can assume Qui Gon had been contacting Anakin/Vader in some way throughout his life, and if we assume that Vader has at least had a suspicion of becoming one with the force, it brings much more context to Vader awkwardly pushing around the robe after Obi-Wan disappeared.

    He can't believe what happened. He can't believe it's true, the Jedi can teach eternal life, Palpatine lied to him, and he's been manipulated the entire time. This is the turning point we see in Vader this early on in the trilogy, and gives more credence to his turn from the Emperor and request to Luke to join him. This is the moment he learned the true nature of the dark side

  • Obi-Wan Wasn't Lying When He Said He Didn't Remember Ever Owning A Droid on Random Most Believable Obi-Wan Kenobi Fan Theories In The Galaxy

    (#9) Obi-Wan Wasn't Lying When He Said He Didn't Remember Ever Owning A Droid

    From Redditor u/mybustersword:

    Star Wars a New Hope- Obi-Wan wasn't saying he did not recognize R2, he said he never OWNED a Droid. His statement is not to convey secrecy but respect.

    Obi-Wan looks at R2, gives him a funny little look and say "I don't recall ever owning a droid."

    We think it may be because ol Lucas made a boner on the prequels. Or maybe he was trying to hide his importance. I think, we saw how much R2 did and accomplished in ep 1-3, and how much the heroes owe to him. He practically saved their a**es a dozen times over.

    When Obi-Wan says that controversial line of never having owned a Droid, he has a little glint in his eyes. He's not saying "keep quiet you, you'll blow our cover." he's saying no motherf**ker in this galaxy can own R2, he's intelligent and reliable in a way no other Droid has been. He is correcting Luke about droid ownership.

    He's saying I don't own this Droid, this Droid is my friend.

  • The Reason The Sand People Are So Scared Of Obi-Wan In Episode IV on Random Most Believable Obi-Wan Kenobi Fan Theories In The Galaxy

    (#8) The Reason The Sand People Are So Scared Of Obi-Wan In Episode IV

    From Redditor u/lunch77:

    It used to be canon in a Star Wars novel that Anakin slaughtering the village of Tuskin Raiders turned him into a Sand People legend & they went as far as doing commemorative dance to the sounds of a lightsaber to appease him.

    Obi-Wan flashing a lightsaber at them sometime before he meets Luke for the first time (with the exact same color and hilt as the one that killed their people) would be enough for them to quickly run away and not f**k with him.

    The noise he makes when he arrives is theater to fit with their legend of him being an evil spirit/horrible beast.

    TL;DR: They think he's Anakin from Attack of the Clones

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