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  • The Poor Sport on Random Most Annoying Players In Every 'Call Of Duty' Game

    (#5) The Poor Sport

    Losing is a part of life. Everybody loses sometimes. This gamer cannot accept that, and spends whole rounds screaming at his teammates and throwing around all kinds of accusations about why they're losing. You can practically hear the veins in their foreheads throbbing.
  • The Unstoppable Killing Machine on Random Most Annoying Players In Every 'Call Of Duty' Game

    (#14) The Unstoppable Killing Machine

    This person is way, way too good at Call of Duty, rampaging across maps taking out anyone and everyone unlucky enough to be in their way, killing everyone multiple times before anybody else manages to squeeze off a few lucky shots. These joystick jockies inevitably leave you wondering just how long they've been playing to get that good.
  • The Team-Killer on Random Most Annoying Players In Every 'Call Of Duty' Game

    (#4) The Team-Killer

    Rather obvious, this one. When someone on your own team decides they aren't playing this game anymore and kill you and your teammates. Sort of puts a damper on the whole thing. Go figure -- team-killing makes it hard to enjoy playing the game. 
  • The Shotgun Camper on Random Most Annoying Players In Every 'Call Of Duty' Game

    (#6) The Shotgun Camper

    Campers are awful, but even more infuriating are the campers who sit in a corner of a room with their shotgun waiting for anyone to run into the room. It's there that the lazy shotgunners blast you into oblivion and there that they remain waiting for the next sprinting soldier to pass directly in front of their shotguns.
  • The Sniper Who Never Leaves a Perch on Random Most Annoying Players In Every 'Call Of Duty' Game

    (#10) The Sniper Who Never Leaves a Perch

    Listen, the sniper serves a useful function keeping the opposing frontliners from being able to fight at full strength. But modern FPS games have ever-moving strongholds, so that sniper who never leaves their perch isn't interested in helping your team win; they're just interested in padding their kill/death ratio. 
  • The Child Who Keeps Screeching In Your Ear on Random Most Annoying Players In Every 'Call Of Duty' Game

    (#1) The Child Who Keeps Screeching In Your Ear

    This one really doesn't need much explanation. Children are the reason why most adults simply don't activate voice chat. Children are the worst. But the thirteen year old who just won't stop talking/yelling/anything? He needs to go

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