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  • Daredevil Murders Bullseye over Elektra's Death on Random Marvel Movie Scenes That Were Way More Brutal and Disturbing in the Comics

    (#8) Daredevil Murders Bullseye over Elektra's Death

    Before Disney got their hands on the character, the rights to Daredevil belonged to Fox, who quite infamously released a film adaption starring Ben Affleck. Time has not been good to that film - it's become a punching bag of sorts. Though in a lot of ways, it was loyal to the comic on which it was based, right down to the villainous Bullseye killing Elektra. In the film, when Daredevil and Bullseye have their final fight, Daredevil pushes him out of a church where he lands on the hood of a car, injured but alive. In the comic, that scene plays out differently, with Daredevil intentionally letting Bullseye go so he would fall to his death. 

  • Tony Stark's Alcoholism on Random Marvel Movie Scenes That Were Way More Brutal and Disturbing in the Comics

    (#7) Tony Stark's Alcoholism

    Has there ever been a superhero casting decision more perfect than Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark? Anyone with a shred of common sense will tell you absolutely not: Downey IS Iron Man. He imbues almost every aspect of the character perfectly. Unfortunately, Marvel's family-friendly guidelines may make one of Tony's greatest storylines impossible to show on screen. That, of course, is the famous Demon in a Bottle storyline - which shows Tony grappling with alcoholism. 

    In Iron Man 3, Tony deals with anxiety, panic attacks, and a fake Mandarin, which seems like a perfect way to address his drinking habits. In fact, in an original draft, the screenwriters revealed that they did indeed include a subplot relating to Tony's alcoholism, but Marvel deemed it too dark. It's a shame, too, because given Robert Downey's past struggle with alcohol and drugs, he probably understood how to play the part perfectly. 

  • Instead of Disappearing on His Own, the Marvel Heroes Shoot Hulk Into Space on Random Marvel Movie Scenes That Were Way More Brutal and Disturbing in the Comics

    (#10) Instead of Disappearing on His Own, the Marvel Heroes Shoot Hulk Into Space

    Before Avengers: Age of Ultron was released, there was massive speculation about what would happen to the Hulk by the film's conclusion. Trailers depicted the Hulk going insane and forcing Tony Stark to fight him, which lead many to believe Marvel was setting up for its famous Planet Hulk storyline. In that event, Marvel heroes deemed the Jolly Green Giant too dangerous and shot him into space so they wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. 

    Of course, that didn't happen, and the film ended with Hulk stealing a Quinjet and disappearing somewhere in the world by his own free will. He's entirely absent in Captain America: Civil War, but knowing he'll show up in Thor: Ragnarok means he winds up off-planet any way. Marvel is choosing to send Hulk into space in a different way than having his friends betray him, which makes sense, but robs the plotline of some of its emotional heft. 

  • The Prison the Guardians were Held in is a Luxury Resort Compared to its Comic Counterpart on Random Marvel Movie Scenes That Were Way More Brutal and Disturbing in the Comics

    (#4) The Prison the Guardians were Held in is a Luxury Resort Compared to its Comic Counterpart

    One of the biggest ways the Guardians of the Galaxy film differed from its comic was the depiction of the Kyln, the prison where all the characters were sent and started to work together. In the film, the prisoners seemed rowdy and dangerous, but there was never a clearly defined sense of danger.

    The prison in the comics would eat the prison in the movies for breakfast. It's not only one of the most dangerous places in the galaxy, it also has a 99.999% inmate mortality rate - most don't survive more than three years. It doesn't sound like a place where a gigantic tree can just walk up and take a battery off a wall. Again, Marvel is in the business of making mostly family-friendly entertainment, so depicting a prison where people are brutally murdered left and right probably wouldn't fly. 

  • Hank Pym's History of Domestic Violence on Random Marvel Movie Scenes That Were Way More Brutal and Disturbing in the Comics

    (#3) Hank Pym's History of Domestic Violence

    When Marvel made Ant-Man, they made a bold decision to not focus on the original version of the character, Hank Pym. Instead, they chose to focus on the lesser-known Scott Lang. Hank Pym was still in the film, played by Michael Douglas, but one of the most infamous moments from his comic history was unsurprisingly left out. Out of everything he has done, the comic book version of Pym is perhaps most remembered for hitting his wife Janet out of anger. It's been an unfortunate stigma on the character since it happened, and while the movie mentioned that Pym had a temper, it never suggested that he resorted to domestic abuse. 

  • Captain America's Death on Random Marvel Movie Scenes That Were Way More Brutal and Disturbing in the Comics

    (#6) Captain America's Death

    Marvel movies have been criticized in the past for being unwilling to kill any major characters (Quicksilver barely counts, stop acting like he does!) so when a movie adaption of Civil War was announced, more than a few eyebrows were raised. The comic ends with the assassination of Captain America in a brutal sniper attack, but as long as Captain America brings in cash (and Chris Evans has movies on his contract), it seems unlikely that Marvel will him off in a movie. 

    A few people thought that Captain America's death would be 'transferred' to another character, but that turned out to not be the case. Nobody died in Civil War (the movie) and the only character who suffered any long-term consequences was War Machine, who ended up with a broken back. Edgy stuff, Marvel. 

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