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  • He Experienced A Bathroom Accident When A Judo Legend Choked Him Out on Random Ludicrous Stories About Steven Seagal

    (#3) He Experienced A Bathroom Accident When A Judo Legend Choked Him Out

    According to some accounts, as Seagal's star rose high in the Hollywood sky, he began to believe his own hype. Apparently, at the height of his fame, he once claimed to be immune to a judo chokehold. To prove this claim, he convinced stuntman and martial arts legend Gene LeBell to choke him. LeBell obliged

    As it turns out, Seagal was not immune to a judo chokehold. Although Seagal denies this happened, LeBell stated that he choked Seagal until he passed out and defecated in his pants. 

  • He Likes To Establish Himself As An Alpha Male on Random Ludicrous Stories About Steven Seagal

    (#8) He Likes To Establish Himself As An Alpha Male

    Steven Seagal has a reputation for trying to establish himself as the “alpha male” on whatever set he appears on. According to John Leguizamo, things got a little hairy when he was cast alongside Seagal in 1996's Executive Decision

    We were in rehearsals for Executive Decision. I’m playing his Master Sargeant and we come in for rehearsals and he says, “I’m in command. Everything I say is law. Anybody doesn’t agree?”

    I was like, “Bwahahaha.” I started cracking up because he sounded like a retard and he came up and he Taekwondo’ed my *ss against the brick and he [hit me with his elbow]... He’s six-foot-five and he caught me off guard and knocked all of the air out of me and I was like, “Why?! Why?!” I really wanted to say how big and fat he was and that he runs like a girl, but I didn’t because all I could say was, “Why?!”

  • He Tells Dubious Tales About His Past on Random Ludicrous Stories About Steven Seagal

    (#10) He Tells Dubious Tales About His Past

    It's easy to see why Steven Seagal wanted to be a movie star. He loves making up stories. Supposedly, he was a student of the founder of aikido, Morihei Ueshiba. Ueshiba died in 1968 when Seagal was 14. If this story is true, Seagal lived alone in Japan at 13 or 14. There are reports of Seagal hanging around Ueshiba's studio in the late '60s, early '70s, though it's unlikely his time there overlapped with when Ueshiba was teaching.

    Seagal also claims he helped train CIA agents in Japan, telling the Los Angeles Times

    They saw my abilities, both with martial arts and with the language. You could say that I became an advisor to several CIA agents in the field, and through my friends in the CIA, I met many powerful people and did special works and favors.

    His wife at the time denies he was involved with the CIA.

    Additionally, Steven has said he's of Italian descent, but his mom says he's Jewish and Irish. He's also supposedly one of the world's foremost experts on swords, claiming auction houses regularly retain him for authentification purposes.

  • A Mystical Dog Supposedly Saved His Dojo on Random Ludicrous Stories About Steven Seagal

    (#12) A Mystical Dog Supposedly Saved His Dojo

    Apparently, while Seagal was living in Japan in the '70s, he met a mystical dog. He described feeling as though he'd known the animal, which was all white and wore no collar, his entire life. The dog lived with Seagal for a few days. On the final day of its stay, it flew into a barking fit, alerting Seagal that his aikido dojo was on fire. The warning allowed Seagal and his friends to extinguish the flames and save the dojo.

    The dog vanished while they were doing so, and Seagal reportedly never saw it again. 

  • He Is An Animal Rights Activist And PETA Honoree on Random Ludicrous Stories About Steven Seagal

    (#13) He Is An Animal Rights Activist And PETA Honoree

    Steven Seagal has worked with PETA to dissuade consumers from purchasing fur products. In 1999, Seagal was decorated with a PETA Humanitarian Award for preventing the export of baby elephants from South Africa to Japan. 

    Additionally, in 2003, he wrote a letter to the government of Thailand asking the country to consider legislation preventing the torture of baby elephants. He similarly wrote to the prime minister of India regarding cows. 

    According to the Animal Liberation Front, "Seagal believes in reincarnation: 'When I walk into a room, some people see a dog, some people see a cow. I am all of what they see. It is their perception.'" Films like On Deadly Ground and Fire Down Below reflect Seagal's stance on animals and the environment. 

  • He Tangled With The Mafia After A Spiritual Awakening on Random Ludicrous Stories About Steven Seagal

    (#9) He Tangled With The Mafia After A Spiritual Awakening

    Steven Seagal made a whole movie where he beats up mobsters. It was called Above The Law, his first starring role, the one that put him on the map. It also got him noticed by the real-life Mafia.

    They tried to shake him down through his agent, who warned them, Seagal doesn't scare easily. After a handful of meetings, Seagal agreed to star in a slate of action films for the wiseguys, though reneged when he had a spiritual awakening and decided to star in less violent fare and devote his life to the compassion of the Buddha.

    Long story short, Seagal testified against the wiseguys in court. 

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