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  • Lemur on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#1) Lemur

    • Lemuriformes

    Lemurs are a unique family of prosimian primates that can only be found in the wilds of Madagascar. There are estimated to be at least 99 different species of lemur living on the island, and not all of them have the work "lemur" in their name. Perhaps the most famous species is the ring-tail lemur, a social animal known to live in large family groups. Ring-tails secrete a powerful musk that is used by males to establish dominance. The stinkier the lemur, the more masculine they appear. Unfortunately, deforestation has become a massive threat to the survival of lemurs all over Madagascar.

  • Giraffe weevil on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#2) Giraffe weevil

    • Trachelophorus giraffa

    Possibly one of the most bizarre insects in the world, the giraffe weevil definitely lives up to its name. It has an enormous, articulated neck which is much more prominent in the males of the species. Unlike giraffes, the long neck has nothing to do with reaching food and everything to do with making babies. Males use their long necks to fight each other and prove their worth to the females. After mating, females are known to make a nest by rolling up a leaf into a tube shape. Females only lay a single egg at a time, which is very unusual for an insect. 

  • Aye-aye on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#3) Aye-aye

    • Daubentonia madagascariensis

    Definitely one of the oddest primates on Earth, the aye-aye is a lemur relative that is shrouded in mystery and superstition. Some locals believe these animals are a dark omen of bad luck, and unfortunately many aye-ayes are killed because of this. While they are a protected species, they are still at risk of being hunted. Aye-ayes are nocturnal and have large, bulbous eyes that help them see in the dark. They have extra long fingers that they use to scoop out fat grubs from holes in trees, which they make by gnawing at the bark with their teeth. 

  • Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#4) Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko

    This bizarre lizard is a satanic leaf-tailed gecko, a species that can only be found in Eastern Madagascar. They are masters of camouflage and sport a broad, flattened tail that looks just like a leaf. This helps them distort their body shape and better blend in when pressed against a tree. Leaf-tails can also change their skin color like a chameleon to better match their environment. The species has been suffering a population loss due to logging and the exotic pet trade, but they are not yet considered an endangered species. 

  • Langaha madagascariensis on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#5) Langaha madagascariensis

    • Langaha madagascariensis

    While none of the snakes of Madagascar are deadly to humans, the Madagascar spear-nosed snake has some pretty intimidating features. There are some legends that say these snakes will drop from trees and impale anyone foolish enough to stand under them, but these are just myths shared by locals. The snake is quite harmless, and its spear is most likely used as a form of camouflage rather as than a weapon. Males and females have slightly different nose shapes, with males being more pointed and females having a flatter nose. 

  • Blue Coua on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#6) Blue Coua

    • Coua caerulea

    It's hard to miss a blue coua in the wild, as their vivid coloration stands out against the lush green of the jungle. They are quite common throughout the island and are at no immediate risk of extinction, unlike many other animals on Madagascar. They can be found in the island's forests and spend their days foraging for food. They are omnivores that will eat any fruits and insects they can find. These unique birds may not look like it, but they are actually closely related to cuckoo birds. 

  • Madagascar hissing cockroach on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#7) Madagascar hissing cockroach

    • Gromphadorhina portentosa

    This is not your ordinary roach, which is bad news for anyone with an insect phobia. The Madagascar hissing cockroach is one of the most disturbing insects in the world not only because of its appearance, but also due to the sound it makes. They really do hiss, and they do it for a variety of reason. Males have large, horn-like antennae jutting from their heads that they use to compete for mates. After battles, the winning males often hiss loudly in celebration. They also hiss to attract mates and to give off a warning in case there is danger lurking nearby. They do this by pushing air out of their breathing tubes, similar to human vocalizations. 

  • Tomato frog on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#8) Tomato frog

    • Dyscophus

    The tomato frog doesn't have the most creative name, but it is pretty accurate. These plump amphibians have a bright red coloration that makes them look like a delicious tomato. There is a slight difference in color between males and females; males are more yellow-orange while females have a brighter red skin tone. These frogs are toxic and can release a nasty secretion from their skin if they feel threatened. On top of that, they can blow themselves up like a balloon to make it harder for predators to swallow them. These animals spend most of their lives underground, where they live buried in mud. They specialize in eating insects and worms and are known for their distinctive calls.

  • Fossa on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#9) Fossa

    • Cryptoprocta ferox

    The fossa is like a cross between a house cat and a weasel, but they are actually a relative of the mongoose. While relatively small, the fossa is the largest carnivore in Madagascar and is considered an apex predator on the island. They are short creatures, but they can measure up to six feet in length to the tip of their tails. Fossas can pretty much eat anything on the island, including large species of lemur. They are incredibly speedy animals and can zip through the trees at lightning speeds. Due to extensive habitat loss, the fossa is unfortunately experiencing population declines. 

  • Brookesia on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#10) Brookesia

    • Brookesia

    This tiny chameleon is the smallest of its kind and can easily fit on the tip of your finger. They grow to a maximum length of about half an inch, smaller than any species of chameleon in the world. They are also considered one of the smallest vertebrates of any kind. They are diurnal, moving around during the day and hiding up in the rainforest canopy at night. These tiny chameleons were only discovered in 2012, after researchers traveled to Madagascar in order to study tiny reptiles.

  • Comet moth on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#11) Comet moth

    • Argema mittrei

    Also known as the Madagascan moon moth, the comet moth is a large insect that is known for its beautiful coloration and long tails. These moths have an incredibly short lifespan and usually survive for about a week at best. Very few comet moths even make it to adulthood, so life is hard for these impressive insects. Adult comet moths are physiologically incapable of eating, as their mouths and stomachs are merely vestigial and do not function. Their only purpose is to find a mate, and it's the males who have to do all the work. Females are known to remain entirely still as soon as they emerge from their cocoons, so the males have to fly out and find a mate before it's too late.

  • Common Tenrec on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#12) Common Tenrec

    • Tenrec ecaudatus

    The island of Madagascar is home to 30 different species of tenrec, small mammals that look not unlike hedgehogs. While not rodents, they have a very rodent-like appearance and occupy a similar niche in the animal kingdom. They are one of the most fertile animals in the world, with some in captivity giving birth to up to 32 babies at once. Tenrecs are considered "primitive" in the sense that they retain many of the traits that early mammals would have had millions of years ago. This includes the female cloaca, an all-in-one opening that is used for reproduction and expelling waste.

  • Panther chameleon on Random Insanely Cool Animals You Can Only Find In Madagascar

    (#13) Panther chameleon

    • Furcifer pardalis

    Panther chameleons are one of the most recognizable species in the world, and they are one of the largest and most beautiful of all chameleons. They have special skin cells that allow them to change color at will, a technique they use to camouflage themselves as well as to communicate with other chameleons. Recent genetic testing confounded chameleon enthusiasts around the world when it was discovered that the panther chameleon was actually 11 distinct species that had all been going under the same name. 

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About This Tool

Due to its unique history, Madagascar has an unusually rich species. The unique geographical location has allowed this area to form a unique ecosystem. Madagascar is the 4th largest island in the world and the largest in Africa. Due to its long-term isolation from neighboring continents, nearly 90% are endemic species, such as lemurs, carnivorous civet cats, and a large number of birds.

Madagascar is one of the most biologically diverse regions on the planet. Many rare animals in Madagascar cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The random tool introduces 13 cool animals people can only see in Madagascar.

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