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  • The Main Tenants Of Raelism on Random Incredibly Bizarre History Of Raëlism

    (#3) The Main Tenants Of Raelism

    What do the Raëlians actually believe outside of their leader's weird story about alien abduction and people being half Elohim? According to Glenn Carter, the President of the UK branch of the movement since 2002, explained to the Daily Mail that "Being Raëlian means that I believe in the fact that all life on earth was created by the Elohim; a society who came to earth 25,000 years ago specifically to create life." He continued, saying that their goal is to open the world's minds to concept that humans were created in a lab and not by some mysterious god. At some point they'd like to "create an embassy in order to facilitate and welcome the return of the Elohim to Earth."

    To create an embassy the Raëlians need to have money, and to get that money they've made one of their main commandments that if you're in the religion you have to give 1% of your annual income to help the movement with its physical infrastructure. To be fair to the Raëlians, that 1% probably adds up to about as much as you would tithe to your church even if you weren't in a weirdo alien sex religion.

  • The Elohim on Random Incredibly Bizarre History Of Raëlism

    (#2) The Elohim

    Now that you know who Raël is, it's time to understand the extra terrestrials who tapped him to be the savior of earth. The aliens explained that they were the "Elohim", humanoid aliens who were 25,000 years more advanced than the people of earth. In fact they weren't just super advanced beings who wanted to help out earthlings - they had actually created humans in a lab and sent them to earth. Prophets like Jesus, Mohammed, and especially Raël were half-Elohim, giving them a pass to act outside of the norms of human behavior. That half-Elohim DNA also means that Raël is allowed to have sex with a special collection of women who have joined his religion. What a surprise.

  • Raël Branches Out Into Human Experiments on Random Incredibly Bizarre History Of Raëlism

    (#7) Raël Branches Out Into Human Experiments

    In 1997 a project called Clonaid was founded by Raël with the intent of cloning a human being. Although the cult has attempted to distance themselves from the company there's no doubt that it got its start with Raël. In an interview with CNN, Raël claimed, "The cloning company and the Raël movement [are] completely separate. And the cloning company belongs to Dr. Brigitte Boisselier, who is a bishop in our organization, but it's a private company. And the Raëlian movement, our religious organization, is completely separate. There is no link, no investment. I don't know where the laboratory is."

    This incredibly messy part of the Raëlien story shows that the cult is either attempting to do something like money laundering under the guise of science, or that they're actually trying to clone a human. Either way even Dr. Brigitte Boisselier, the chemist who heads up Clonaid, isn't immune to the Elohim's standards of beauty. In 2004 Raël said, “All our women try to do their best, even if they are not beautiful. Like Brigitte here, she does her best to look beautiful, but she is not so young anymore. But she does her best.”

  • Who's Behind Raëlism? on Random Incredibly Bizarre History Of Raëlism

    (#1) Who's Behind Raëlism?

    The religion's founder goes by Raël but he was born Claude Vorilhon in France in 1946. Vorilhon was working as a "French sports car journalist" (weren't the 70s amazing?) when he was abducted by aliens at a volcanic crater near Auvergne, France. He claimed that the four foot tall green aliens who picked him up said that he was the perfect guy to explain the plan of the aliens to the world because he was just a regular guy. He wasn't some egghead who would complicate things with science, and he wasn't a writer so he wouldn't "make up convoluted sentences that most people wouldn't be able to read." Over a series of meetings the aliens explained their whole interplanetary deal to Vorilhon and finally gave him the name Raël. He began working on his first book of scripture during this series of UFO-based meetings. 

  • How To Join Raëlism on Random Incredibly Bizarre History Of Raëlism

    (#11) How To Join Raëlism

    If you haven't been turned off of Raëlienism after reading about their faux-forward views on sexuality, their creepy leader, and that whole human cloning thing then you should probably look into joining the cult. But how does one go about joining Raëlienism? In some instances you can find them outside of science fiction conventions - they'll be the naked models handing out UFO pamphlets - or you can just go to a meeting. 

    Rather than have one big indoctrination ceremony, the Raëlians prefer to ease people into their alien sex cult. Once you go to their website it's actually pretty easy to find a Raëlian meet up in your area (if you live in a major city). For instance, if you live in Los Angeles there's a meet up with two Raëlins named Salem and Sonoko above a Culver City Thai restaurant. Nothing says intergalactic space gods like pad thai. 

    Once you've made the decision to join Raëlism you undergo a baptism at 3 PM sharp on October 7. According to the Canadian Raëlian website you aren't just dunked in some gross religious water. Instead your electro-magnetic frequency is recorded by a supercomputer that's in a spaceship hovering above the earth. 

  • Raëliens Get Sexy on Random Incredibly Bizarre History Of Raëlism

    (#5) Raëliens Get Sexy

    With all of this business about aliens creating humans in laboratories you're probably wondering how the Raëliens feel about sex. Do they shy away from it like other famed UFO cult Heaven's Gate? Or are they purely a hedonistic sex cult? It's tricky. On the surface Raëliens are very sex positive and forward thinking about feminism. In 2012 they put on a "Go Topless" protest in Toronto to encourage the local authority to allow women to go braless in public.


    Unfortunately the movement's sex positivity isn't purely altruistic; in fact, most of it is just downright gross. A major part of Raël's teachings is that sex is meant to be solely for pleasure as a way to purify the gene pool. According to Medium Raël invited followers to seminars where they would ditch their hang ups about monogamous relationships and gender norms and have sex with each other. However the Raëliens are quick to point out that they don't "organize orgies." But if an orgy just happens to break out at a seminar who's going to stop it?

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About This Tool

Raëlism is a well-known international religious organization. It is a cult with human cloning as the core of theology. The governments of the United States, Britain, and France have put heavy pressure on the cult organizations and actively implemented policies to combat the Raëlism. This cult was established in 1973. The founder claimed to be cloned by aliens, who appointed him as a messenger on earth.

The Rael movement tempted its followers with sex and immortality. They declared that life on earth was created by aliens, and humans can only reproduce through cloning. The random tool lists 11 bizarre historical facts about Raëlism.

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