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  • Is Black Widow's Demise Really A Sacrifice? on Random Huge Plot Holes In 'Avengers: Endgame'

    (#6) Is Black Widow's Demise Really A Sacrifice?

    We learn in Avengers: Infinity War that the only way to acquire the Soul Stone is to sacrifice "that which you love," meaning "a soul for a soul." For Thanos, that means sacrificing Gamora, presumably the one person he loves the most. Later, when talking to young Gamora, he says he's sacrificed "everything."

    Jump ahead to Endgame, when Black Widow and Hawkeye have to get the Soul Stone. They're told again there must be a sacrifice. But the thing is, it feels like a bit of a stretch that sacrificing either of them would be a huge loss to the other. They're best friends, but Black Widow has affection for a lot of people, including an obvious connection with Bruce Banner. Hawkeye has an entire family that we assume rank ahead of Black Widow in his heart - though, with them gone, maybe Natasha really is number one. 

    Beyond that, it's quite a stretch to say Hawkeye "sacrifices" Black Widow. She tricks him and sacrifices herself, which doesn't feel like how the Stone works. It's a bit less impactful if somebody is willing to perish, rather than somebody being forced to choose to sacrifice someone. After all, Red Skull explains in Infinity War that "to ensure that whoever possesses it understands its power, the stone demands a sacrifice." If anything, Black Widow should have gotten the Soul Stone because she was willing to sacrifice herself.

  • Wouldn't Bringing That Many People Back Five Years Later Cause Society To Collapse? on Random Huge Plot Holes In 'Avengers: Endgame'

    (#2) Wouldn't Bringing That Many People Back Five Years Later Cause Society To Collapse?

    For Tony Stark’s sake, it makes sense to simply bring everybody that disappeared into the current, five-years-later reality. That way, he gets to keep his daughter, and everything is fine. Except that actually, no, everything is about to be horrible.

    Bringing these people back five years after they left would create profound problems across the entire planet and the rest of the galaxy. How would governments that were still recovering from the effects of the Snap suddenly handle this huge influx of citizens? Do people immediately get to reacquire all the property and money and jobs they left behind, or does it stay with whoever had it in 2023? How would the world document who's returned? How would we go about reintroducing all these people back into society? What about people who were in airplanes when they were snapped? Did they reappear at 30,000 feet without parachutes? Ecologically, we know that the water is finally cleaner and whales are starting to enter the Hudson in 2023, but what's the effect of doubling the wildlife population in an instant?

    The whole situation is going to become a profound mess and not one easily fixed by a bolt of lightning from Thor or a Hulk in glasses.

  • How Does Steve Rogers Turn The Space Stone Back Into A Tesseract? on Random Huge Plot Holes In 'Avengers: Endgame'

    (#1) How Does Steve Rogers Turn The Space Stone Back Into A Tesseract?

    When Steve Rogers and Tony Stark travel back in time to grab the Space Stone, it's still in the form of the Tesseract. By the time it makes it to the present day, they've reduced it down to just the stone so it can fit on the new Infinity Gauntlet for Hulk.

    But at the end of the movie, Rogers is supposed to return the Stones to the exact moment they were taken. That should be easy enough, except the Space Stone is still just a stone. How is he supposed to turn it back into a Tesseract? That seems like it'd make a pretty massive difference in the timelines if the Tesseract magically turned into a pure Space Stone for no apparent reason.

  • Shouldn't Our World Now Be Overrun With Darkness? on Random Huge Plot Holes In 'Avengers: Endgame'

    (#8) Shouldn't Our World Now Be Overrun With Darkness?

    When Bruce Banner attempts to convince the Ancient One to give up the Time Stone, she tells him that if they lose the Time Stone, Earth - and maybe all of existence - is basically screwed. She says if he takes the stone, it'll create a new reality and "in this new branch reality... our world will be overrun, millions would suffer." Bruce assures her that it's fine, and they'll bring the Time Stone right back, thereby preventing an alternate reality.

    And that's all well and good, but by the end of Endgame, Thanos (presumably) still wipes out all the Infinity Stones - including the Time Stone. This means that, at least according to the Ancient One, the future is doomed without the Time Stone. Just because it took an extra nine years for the Stone to be removed from reality doesn't suddenly mean there are no more forces of darkness.

  • How Did Thanos Manage To Jump A Spaceship And Thousands Of Soldiers Through The Quantum Realm? on Random Huge Plot Holes In 'Avengers: Endgame'

    (#3) How Did Thanos Manage To Jump A Spaceship And Thousands Of Soldiers Through The Quantum Realm?

    Tony Stark realizes that time travel is basically impossible without a “GPS” of sorts. Bruce Banner was able to get time to move, but it basically only moved through Scott Lang instead of him moving through time (hence why he became a baby and an old man rather than going back to 1950). Tony solves that problem by making some sort of device to help guide them through the Quantum Realm to where they need to go.

    When Thanos captures future-Nebula in 2014, he learns about the Avengers’ time travel antics and sends past-Nebula back in time - presumably using future-Nebula’s time device. Then, past-Nebula basically spends five minutes on the time machine console - a technology that no one has ever used before - and somehow finds a way to bring in a spaceship the size of a small country and thousands and thousands of alien soldiers through a tiny portal from 2014 to 2023.

    How in the world did she manage that? How did she improve the technology so significantly and so quickly that she was able to push through that much firepower without Pym Particles or time watches? Thanos's tech team must be absolute geniuses.

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