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  • Brain Sandwiches on Random Horrifying Restaurant Foods You Can Actually Order In USA

    (#2) Brain Sandwiches

    Brain sandwiches are something of a delicacy in parts of Indiana. The sandwiches were traditionally made with cow brains, but locals have switched to pig brains to avoid mad cow disease. The brains are battered, deep fried, and served on a bun.

    Food personality Alton Brown described the sandwich as "smooth and creamy on the inside... like a giant brain fritter with a bun on it." He ultimately concluded that it "wasn't very good."

  • Ikizukuri on Random Horrifying Restaurant Foods You Can Actually Order In USA

    (#3) Ikizukuri

    Ikizukuri is definitely not an example of ethical eating. This dish consists of fish or lobster; it is fileted and consumed while it is still alive. In some cases, chefs even return the animal to the tank to recover a little before it is finally consumed. Very few places in the U.S. serve this dish, and there is a movement afoot to ban it entirely because of the ethical factors associated with the dish. But if you're in New York, the Jewel Bako does serve ikizukuri occassionally. 

  • Live Octopus Parts on Random Horrifying Restaurant Foods You Can Actually Order In USA

    (#6) Live Octopus Parts

    When you cut up a live octopus, parts of it remain somewhat alive. In fact, they continue to squirm around, wiggle, and even try to grab things. This knowledge alone is pretty horrifying, so that makes the fact restaurants actually serve still-squirming octopus parts as a dish even more so. At some high-end sushi restaurants, as well as at Korean restaurants where it's called Sannakji, you can order a plate of tiny octopus tentacles completely raw and still moving. The parts will try to cling to your face and throat as you try to swallow, and you'll feel them wiggle all the way down. 

  • Jellied Moose Nose on Random Horrifying Restaurant Foods You Can Actually Order In USA

    (#4) Jellied Moose Nose

    Go ahead, read that title a few more times - it says exactly what you think it does. Jellied moose nose is actually a classic and culturally traditional recipe for hunters, specifically in Alaska, though it is served in restaurants in several other states as well. The two main ingredients are vinegar and time (well, and a moose nose,) and it's definitely an acquired taste. To make this dish, you take a moose's nose and you cook it into a jelly, then wait until it's a cool, jiggly Jello-like dish. 

  • Testicles on Random Horrifying Restaurant Foods You Can Actually Order In USA

    (#5) Testicles

    If you've seen Rocky Mountain oysters on a menu before, then you've been to a restaurant that serves bull testicles. These delicacies are usually deep fried or baked, but either way, you know just what you are eating. They're on the menu in many Southern and Midwestern cities, and some people actually really enjoy them. Bulls are not the only animals on the menu for this specific delicacy; goats, lambs, roosters, and even ducks have had their gonads served up in various dishes.

  • Escamoles on Random Horrifying Restaurant Foods You Can Actually Order In USA

    (#9) Escamoles

    While this dish is extremely rare in the United States, there have been restaurants that have made it at least once. A few high-end chefs have brought in small stashes of escamoles for tastings in restaurants because they're considered a delicacy south of the border.

    Escamoles are a dish served more commonly in Mexico and are known by a different name: ant eggs. What is escamole? It's basically ant caviar - edible larvae and pupae of ants. When eaten, tt is known to have a sensation much like that of some fish caviar, where the eggs actually pop in your mouth and have a lightly peppery flavor. 

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About This Tool

American foods include not only cheese hamburgers, hot dogs, and other delicious foods. Some of the American restaurant foods is somewhat different from the dishes most people are accustomed to, we still cannot believe that some Americans will like to eat these dark dishes with strong flavors. Some people feel sick just after looking at the names of these gross foods. These foods can spark discussion.

Let's take a look at the most horrifying American restaurant foods introduced by this random tool, such as balut, testicles, live octopus parts, there are a total of random 15 foods. Which ones have you ever tried? You may find your favorites here.

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