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  • (#1) Chronic Eczema

    From Quora user Lisa Yee-Litzenberg:

    My daughter Mia suffered from exposure to toxic mold spores for over 3 years. Once we figured out the cause, we got the house cleaned up by a top mold remediation company, and our daughter has recovered completely!

    The National Eczema Association asked me to share her story, which includes... a sudden onset of chronic eczema (skin that itched 24 hours/day over 90% of her body and required 3 hospitalizations for intensive treatments, chronic sinus issues, sensitivity to light, headaches, joint pain, extreme lethargy, inability to concentrate, frequent bloody noses, hair loss.

    Some of these symptoms were signs of Stage 2 exposure to toxic mold spores. Stage 3 includes organ failure... we were extremely thankful for finding out the cause and being able to restore her health.

  • (#2) Sneezing And A Stuffy Nose

    From Quora user Phil Clark:

    If you have a mold allergy, the best defense is to reduce your exposure to the types of mold that cause your reaction. Medications can help keep mold allergy reactions under control. Mold allergy causes the same signs and symptoms that occur in other types of upper respiratory allergies. Signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis caused by mold allergy can include sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, cough and postnasal drip, itchy eyes, nose and throat, watery eyes, and dry, scaly skin.

    You may have year-round symptoms or symptoms that flare up only during certain times of the year. You may notice symptoms when the weather is damp or when you're in indoor or outdoor spaces that have high concentrations of mold.

  • (#3) Wheezing And Difficulty Breathing

    From Quora user Victor Mankad:

    Exposure to a large number of mold spores may cause allergic symptoms such as watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, itching, coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, headache, and fatigue. Repeated exposure to mold can increase a person’s sensitivity, causing more severe allergic reactions. These problems are worse indoors, where mold causes indoor air quality problems. Certain molds, such as Stachybotrys and Aspergillus, can produce toxins called mycotoxins under certain conditions. Exposure to mycotoxins can cause more serious illness.

  • (#4) Lung Infections

    From Quora user Alvin Anderson:

    It is difficult to predict the degree of severity of the health risks associated with mold in the home. Sometimes, people may develop severe reactions to mold exposure. Symptoms of severe reactions, which are uncommon, include fever and difficulty breathing. People with compromised immune systems or those with chronic lung disease can develop serious infections of the lungs due to molds.

    Allergic reactions to mold are the most common health effects of mold and are therefore the greatest health risk related to mold.

  • (#5) Memory Loss

    From Quora user Russ Palmer:

    Exposure to mold in buildings and homes can cause serious health issues. The symptoms include runny nose, headaches, rashes and fatigue. There are psychiatric symptoms as well such as memory loss, insomnia, anxiety, depression, confusion, and trouble concentrating. It can cause more serious health problems such as neurological conditions and respiratory problems. The effects of mold are more hazardous to people with weak respiratory and immune systems. Mold exposure has also been found to be associated with cancer. Thus, it is necessary to get rid of mold from your home as soon as possible.

  • (#6) Eye Infections

    From Quora user Clint Richardson:

    There may be a stinging sensation as if an insect were biting you. You may feel as if you have parasites as mold affects the nervous system.

    Long after you have treated the infection with anti-fungal medication, the mycotoxins can remain and tend to collect in the leg tissue causing soreness and in extreme cases the inability to walk.

    A small percentage of people can develop eye infections, which can be treated with itraconazole for 7-10 days.

  • (#7) Coughing Up Blood

    From Quora user Harlan Kanoa N Sheppard:

    I'm going to presume that you mean infected in a very final sense, in which case we're talking about something like Aspergillosis. This happens to immunocompromised individuals or those with severe lower respiratory illness. Folks who have Aspergillosis tend to not last very long, from my layperson's understanding of it. One of the main reasons hospitals tend to be so squeamish about mold is the lethality of Aspergillosis. [Those infected] may cough up blood (and maybe chunks of mold!) as well as contract a fever.

  • (#8) Allergy-Like Irritation

    From Quora user John Ward:

    Allergenic type[s] of mold [impact] your health... you have allergic reactions to mold, which is very irritating... medications may not help at all as you are constantly breathing in mold spores... [Y]ou need professional mold companies to not only test the air quality but also to do the proper mold removal.

    On the other hand, pathogenic type[s] of mold can have a health impact not only on allergic sensitive people but on healthy ones too. 

  • (#9) Lethargy

    From Quora user Opeyemi Olorunleke:

    In my case, I felt weak all the time and slept a lot, added weight, had itchy and watery eyes, itchy ears, I was wheezing, sneezing and coughing, and I had decreased cognitive function - I could not effectively carry out activities that require medium to high cognitive ability. It was terrible! I knew I could do more, but I just couldn't.

    I went to the doctor several times, and he kept diagnosing me of hay fever. I took medication, and the symptoms went away for a while, but within two to three weeks I’d be back consulting the doctors.

    After repeating the cycle a few times, I knew my problem was beyond hay fever. I Googled the symptoms (with the little cognitive capacity I had), and mold allergies kept popping up. That was when I had the “aha” moment. I remembered the tiny black spots on the wall of my bathroom and some whitish stuff (mildew) spread across it.

  • (#10) Asthma Attacks

    From Quora user Victor Mankad:

    People who are allergic to an indoor mold can experience year-round symptoms, like a sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, and more; for those who also have asthma, mold can trigger [their] asthma... People with a weakened immune system or a chronic lung condition like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can develop a serious infection in the lungs if they’re exposed to mold.

  • (#11) Blindness

    From Quora user Phil Clark:

    The following Mold exposure symptoms are the most severe and are attributed to high levels of exposure: blindness, brain damage, long term memory loss, bleeding lungs, cancer, and [loss of life].

  • (#12) Swelling

    From Quora user National Water Restoration:

    About one in three people are allergic to mold in varying degrees of severity. For some, it can cause or aggravate asthma symptoms. In the young or old, it can have even more damaging health effects, creating symptoms like respiratory problems, swelling, and in extreme cases, [loss of life]. 

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About This Tool

Exposure to mold can be dangerous to humans, and it can damage areas or objects that grow in the home. People living in a damp and moldy environment for a long time can easily cause many health ailments. Some people are very sensitive to mold, which can cause nasal congestion, wheezing, red eyes, and other symptoms. Some people, such as those who are allergic to mold or have asthma, may have a stronger reaction. 

Mold is very common in buildings and homes, and it is likely to cause health problems. Mold can produce allergens, irritants, and in some cases potentially toxic substances. The random tool lists 12 health ailments that are signs of mold growing in your home. 

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