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  • Humans And Apes Have The Same Blood Types on Random Fun Facts You Should Know About Apes

    (#4) Humans And Apes Have The Same Blood Types

    All great apes have one of four blood types: A, B, AB, or O, just like humans. This means that in theory, a human could get a blood transfusion from an ape, but more research is needed to determine whether it's medically possible.
  • Chimps Love Watching Movies on Random Fun Facts You Should Know About Apes

    (#12) Chimps Love Watching Movies

    Multiple studies have been done on chimps watching television and movies. In one study, chimps were shown a movie featuring human actors dressed in ape suits. The chimps were so engrossed in the film that they turned down a delicious snack, and they remembered the major events of the film after watching it only once.
  • Gorillas Aren't Fat, They Have Enlarged Instestines on Random Fun Facts You Should Know About Apes

    (#11) Gorillas Aren't Fat, They Have Enlarged Instestines

    Gorillas have big, round bellies, but not because they're overweight. Gorillas have enlarged intestines, which they need in order to digest 40 pounds of vegetation every day.
  • Apes Have Sex Face To Face on Random Fun Facts You Should Know About Apes

    (#8) Apes Have Sex Face To Face

    Bonobo chimpanzees frequently have sex in a face to face position, and some gorillas and orangutans have been observed using this position as well. Face to face sex isn't commonly observed in any other species in the animal kingdom.
  • Humans Are Apes' Biggest Threat on Random Fun Facts You Should Know About Apes

    (#3) Humans Are Apes' Biggest Threat

    Apes don't really have any natural predators, besides leopards who will sometimes prey on young apes. That means that the biggest threat to apes is humankind. Humans destroy apes' habitats for massive agricultural operations, and capture them to sell them to circuses or as exotic pets. Great ape numbers dwindling, and it's up to us to save them.
  • Orangutans Have The Longest Childhood Of Any Animal on Random Fun Facts You Should Know About Apes

    (#18) Orangutans Have The Longest Childhood Of Any Animal

    The orangutan childhood is the longest childhood in the world, with the exception of humans. Baby orangutans will nurse until they are six years old, and then stay with their mothers for several years after they are weaned. Female orangutans stay with their mothers until they are teenagers.

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Apes resemble monkeys in appearance and live in tropical forests in Asia and Africa. Scientific research shows that about 30 million years ago, apes lived in the global village. There are 4 species of modern apes, including pongos, hylobates, pans, and gorilla, among which the gorillas are the closest to humans. Apes are as smart as humans and have a strong ability to imitate. They can form complex small groups and spend years caring for the young generations.

Apes are mammals, they look like monkeys but bigger, and there are many different breeds. Are you curious about these animals that are regarded as the ancestors of humans? The random tool will help you to find 20 fascinating facts about apes you should know.

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