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  • Eucharist In Sex Magick on Random Fascinating Truths About Pagan Sex Rituals

    (#7) Eucharist In Sex Magick

    The fluids produced in these rituals are referred to as the "eucharist." Just like in Christianity, the eucharist in a ritual is considered consecrated. It is believed to contain powerful magickal energy and can be used in several ways. As previously mentioned, they may be used to anoint a talisman, or an actual person. They can be ingested in their natural form so that the power is absorbed into the body, or even put into wine or spread on food. FYI—menstrual matter can be put into this category as well. 

  • In Paganism, Intimate Expression Is An Act Of Joy on Random Fascinating Truths About Pagan Sex Rituals

    (#13) In Paganism, Intimate Expression Is An Act Of Joy

    Many religions view intercourse simply as an act of procreation, or for something for two married people only to enjoy. Paganism, on the other hand, views sex as an act of joy. It may not be a common act in ritual, but the act is looked at as a natural desire and a gift, and should be enjoyed as such.

    A commonly heard line among pagans and wiccans is taken from a poem called "The Charge of the Goddess," and states “all acts of pleasure are my rituals,” and sex definitely falls into that category. As long as no one is getting hurt or violated, most pagans view all consenting sex - no matter who it is between - as equally acceptable. 

  • Other Acts Can Be Incorporated In These Rituals on Random Fascinating Truths About Pagan Sex Rituals

    (#8) Other Acts Can Be Incorporated In These Rituals

    S&M is when a person derives pleasure from either inflicting or receiving mental or physical pain. Despite what many may think, the basis for S&M is trust and an exchange of power. If the ritual practitioners enjoy this type of play, it could be very powerful to use during a ritual. The "top," or "dominant," is in control of the energy exchanged during the ritual. The "bottom," or "submissive," may use the technique to enhance their ability to enter a meditative or astral state, allowing the magick to work more potently. 

  • Eroto-Comatose Lucidity on Random Fascinating Truths About Pagan Sex Rituals

    (#10) Eroto-Comatose Lucidity

    Eroto-comatose lucidity is an extreme form of sex magick created by the English occultist Aleister Crowley, who was well known for his use of sex in ritual. The purpose of this technique is to help a specific magickal practitioner reach a deep state of trance in order to complete intense divination or receive a prophecy.

    The state is reached through the help of several others, who bring the main magician to a constant state of arousal (without climax) until he or she becomes completely exhausted. The main magician then falls into a deep meditative sleep, is again aroused, then allowed to fall back into the trance-sleep. The act of magick takes place while they are in that trance state. 

  • Intercourse Isn’t Very Common In Modern Pagan Rituals on Random Fascinating Truths About Pagan Sex Rituals

    (#1) Intercourse Isn’t Very Common In Modern Pagan Rituals

    Despite what many people may think, pagans usually don’t include intercourse in their rituals. While many groups perform rituals “skyclad” (in the buff), it is done as a symbol of trust and connection, rather than for intimate purposes. However, “ritual intimacy” does, on occasion, take place, and is often referred to as “sex magick.” It is used as a magical tool to symbolize the union of the god and goddess, to raise energy and create magical power. Sometimes ritual acts are only performed symbolically using specific tools and wording. Other times it is, in fact, just what it is. 

  • Tantric Intimacy Versus Sex Magick on Random Fascinating Truths About Pagan Sex Rituals

    (#4) Tantric Intimacy Versus Sex Magick

    Tantric intimacy is an ancient Hindu practice that means "the weaving and expansion of energy." Both tantric intercourse and sex magick use intimacy and mind and body connection to expand consciousness and join together masculine and feminine energy. The main difference is that tantric's purpose is to connect the two lovers, whereas sex magick’s purpose is to use that connection to fuel another magickal purpose. 

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