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  • Tai Lung Was Never Denied The Scroll Or His Destiny Of Being The Dragon Warrior In 'Kung Fu Panda' on Random Fan Theories About DreamWorks Movies That Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#1) Tai Lung Was Never Denied The Scroll Or His Destiny Of Being The Dragon Warrior In 'Kung Fu Panda'

    From Redditor u/Whitepill-rescue:

    In Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung the villain was never denied the scroll or his destiny of being the dragon warrior. The denying of the scroll to him was just a test, he was supposed to accept the denial with humility. At that point, he would have proven his humility and been granted the scroll.

    To test whether an acolyte was worthy of completing their training, the dojo will deny an acolyte the scroll at the end to test what kind of person they really are. If an acolyte had truly learned the art of balance and inner peace in addition to his physical training, he would have accepted the denial with humility. In doing so, the acolyte would then prove that he is perfect inside and out, and at that point, the master would then explain that it was just a test and grant him the scroll.

    Tai Lung failed this test by reacting with anger and hatred. That was why he was never granted the scroll: not because he was not worthy, but because he proved himself unworthy. For all his prowess, tai lung failed the most important test in the end, the test of whether he could exercise his great power with great responsibility.

    This was clearly hinted strongly by the movie by the fact that the scroll was empty.

  • Shrek Was Exiled From The Ogres on Random Fan Theories About DreamWorks Movies That Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#4) Shrek Was Exiled From The Ogres

    From a former Redditor:

    Shrek is actually an outcast from the Ogre community he is from. Shrek did not enjoy the harsh lifestyle the other Ogres lived.

    After he refused to participate in vicious attacks against humans and other creatures he was exiled. Shrek attempted to befriend several humans, but they were all afraid of him. This caused him to become bitter and he soon began to enjoy causing chaos, but he still did not enjoy causing physical harm and still looked for companionship.

    Shrek eventually settled in his swamp, which was far away from the Ogre community, because he didn't know where else to go. The first movie takes place a few years after all of this happened.

  • Literally Everyone Was Happy Farquaad Died on Random Fan Theories About DreamWorks Movies That Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#5) Literally Everyone Was Happy Farquaad Died

    From Redditor u/Walnutterzz:

    After watching Shrek with my 4 year old the 100th time this week I have just realized that everyone who is ruled under Farquaad hates him, and his soldiers are jerks. This theory is supported by the following:

    When the crowd sees Farquaad's best men being easily taken down by an ogre and a donkey they start cheering and rooting for the soldiers defeat. If the crowd respected the soldiers they would be booing Shrek, but instead we see them advising Shrek to hit them over the head with a chair.

    When the soldiers are defeated there's more cheering until the crossbows are shown. They immediately stop because they realize that they may be next after the ogre and donkey are dead.

    When Farquaad passed nobody cared.

  • Trolls Are Going To Starve Because The Bergens Don't Eat Them on Random Fan Theories About DreamWorks Movies That Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#11) Trolls Are Going To Starve Because The Bergens Don't Eat Them

    From Redditor u/cashewbiscuit:

    Bergens were the Trolls' only hunter. Trolls reproduced and Bergens ate them. Over ages, the Trolls reproduction rate and Bergens appetites evolved to keep both species in balance.

    Now that Bergens don't eat Trolls, the Troll population is going to explode and they are going to deplete their food sources and starve.

  • Metroman Retired For Megamind's Own Good, Not His Own on Random Fan Theories About DreamWorks Movies That Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#8) Metroman Retired For Megamind's Own Good, Not His Own

    From Redditor u/WamsyTheOneAndOnly:

    Metroman realised he was what was keeping Megamind as a villain. Metroman even says himself that he wanted a life outside of being a superhero, I'm suggesting that he thought had to keep being the hero because of Megamind but after reading through some self help books and doing some soul searching decided that without him protecting the city and Megamind having no-one to fight he would have a change of heart and become the hero Metroman has wanted him to be for so long. That way the city no longer needs him and he can pursue his love for music.

  • After The Events Of 'Shrek,' The Magical Creatures Went On A Rampage And Destroyed Duloc on Random Fan Theories About DreamWorks Movies That Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#10) After The Events Of 'Shrek,' The Magical Creatures Went On A Rampage And Destroyed Duloc

    From Redditor u/premeddit:

    Duloc was the capital city of Lord Farquaad, the main antagonist in Shrek. It was prosperous, clean, had a large population and apparently a thriving economy as any big city must in order to stay afloat.

    A few years later, during the Scared Shrekless miniseries... here is how Duloc looks now.

    It has clearly been wiped out and depopulated. But nobody ever has addressed how this happened. A kid watching probably wouldn't think too much of it, would just assume it got abandoned after Farquaad died. But I believe that in fact, immediately after the events of the Shrek movie, the fairytale creatures took their bloody revenge against the entire city, pillaging and burning it to the ground and likely murdering most of its citizens. Here is the supporting evidence:

    1. Cities don't get abandoned that quickly. First of all, Farquaad dying wouldn't cause the whole city to instantly fail, someone else would just take his place and business would continue. Now perhaps Duloc's economy was wrecked as a result of the political changes... but even if we run with that and assume that people left because of economic hard times, it takes more than a few years for a large capital city to be entirely empty. There would still be some form of inhabitation for a while. Historically the only times a city has been suddenly depopulated is due to either natural disaster or... razing by an invading army. Such as a large uprising of fairies who are out for blood and starving for revenge.
    2. There is evidence of violence. Scared Shrekless only takes place a few years after the first movie. That picture above is of a city that has suffered a massive loss, not just one that people just decided to leave gradually. Glass is broken. Furniture is broken. Trees and houses show obvious burn marks (could be from Donkey's dragon or fairytale creatures going house to house and lighting them on fire). Carriages were hastily abandoned in the streets. There was clearly a huge fight.
    3. And finally most importantly, there is motive. The first film begins with Farquaad exacting all manners of torment on magical creatures. Put yourself in the shoes of a magical creature during the movie. Your own friends and neighbors turned you in to the secret police for a reward.Your assets, businesses and life savings were seized by the state. You were forcibly relocated. You may have been physically harmed (ie Gingerbread Man). Entire families were cruelly separated and wiped out (ie. Mama Bear flayed to use as a rug). Now at the end of the movie, Farquaad has been taken out and the military leadership is in disarray. Duloc, once your racist oppressor, is now helpless. Your allies are inside the palace and ready to open the gates. You are traumatized and full of rage. What are you going to do next?

    How did Duloc's mighty walls get overtaken, you may ask? As noted above, Shrek and his buddies including the dragon were already inside, and in a position to undermine the city defenses immediately. Furthermore we see the only "bad guy" who is reformed is the headsman; he's dancing around with our heroes at the end. It could be that he had the foresight to see which way the winds were blowing, and made a deal to open the main gates after Farquaad was taken out. For this he was spared.

    Anyway. There is a lot of evidence to believe that after the movie credits rolled, Duloc was immediately overtaken by an angry mob of rioting fairytale creatures. Entire city blocks were burned. Babies torn from their mother's arms. Civilians ripped apart by magical spells, teeth and claws. Gingerbread may have gone around severing legs of his targets in a perverse sort of catharsis. The three little pigs huffed and puffed and blew down houses with the inhabitants still inside. I shudder to think how Pinocchio used his nose against maidens that he cornered during the pillage. All that remains is a smoking shell of a town.

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