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  • Turn Heat Down, Not Off on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#1) Turn Heat Down, Not Off

    When you turn the heat off (or the air conditioning, for that matter), environmental factors take over. Re-heating your house back to a comfy temperature - let alone doing so regularly throughout the day - will waste a lot more energy than simply letting it run. Rather than switch your heat off, a better option is to just turn it down; 7-10 degrees oughta do it. You can also install a thermostat that can regulate temperature on its own.

  • Use An Air Vent Booster on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#2) Use An Air Vent Booster

    Ever had one of those Goldilocks rooms that are always a little to warm or a little too cold? Look no further than an air vent booster, which should be able to solve that pesky problem. A powered fan that pulls cool air directly from your ducts into the room, the booster will fit perfectly in your vent and your budget; most use a 12-volt DC power adapter, which is ultra-cheap to run.

  • Be Dishwasher Smart on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#3) Be Dishwasher Smart

    Your dishwasher takes up a significant chunk of household energy - but it can take up a lot less if you're a bit more judicious about using it.

    For starters, it's best to wait until you've got a full load of dishes ready to go through. Once the washing cycle is complete, choose the air-dry setting - rather than heat-dry. Your checking account will thank you in the long run.

  • Unplug Electronics That Aren't Being Used on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#4) Unplug Electronics That Aren't Being Used

    According to the US Department of Energy, American households spend an average of about $1,900 a year on energy costs. And contrary to assumption, the energy is not just the result of all those appliances - the TV, the laptop, the coffee machine - you keep running.

    If you want to save money, turning them off won't do the trick - you've gotta unplug them altogether. Plugged-in electronics keep zapping energy even when they're switched offAnywhere from 5-10% of residential electricity is used by devices that are always plugged in.

  • Place The Outside Air Conditioner In The Shade on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#5) Place The Outside Air Conditioner In The Shade

    Make sure your outdoor AC is shaded - preferably by the house. What you don't want to do, however, is build a cover over the unit. That can restrict airflow and prevent hot air from being able to fully discharge from the system, thus causing the system to believe it's hotter outside than it actually is.

  • Be Smart About Your Fridge on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#6) Be Smart About Your Fridge

    Your refrigerator's perpetual energy consumption may be unavoidable, but there are still a few ways to make sure it's not breaking the bank too much. First? Pick the right size. Figure out how much room you're actually going to need - how many people live in the house, how much refrigerated food you usually keep around - and go with an appropriate size. Keeping a fridge around that's too big and too empty just wastes energy.

    Second, while you certainly want to keep your fridge chilly inside, don't make it too cold. Around 36-38 degrees Fahrenheit should work just fine.

    And finally, if possible, try to position your refrigerator away from direct sunlight and other heat sources - including ovens and stove tops. That excess heat will only force the fridge to use more energy to keep its temperature low.

  • Don’t Close Off The AC Vents on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#7) Don’t Close Off The AC Vents

    A 2003 study by the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory found that manually closing specific vents in your home actually "led to increased energy use." There's often a presumption that closing vents will redirect the air into rooms that need it. But doing so doesn't actually prevent air flow; instead, your home's overall energy efficiency takes a huge hit.

  • Don’t Shut Doors on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#8) Don’t Shut Doors

    You'd think that closing the door to an unused room would help cut heating and cooling costs, but it actually does the opposite. Closed doors block airflow. The trapped air finds a way to escape the house any way it can.

    That lost air is replaced, often drawing in 300-900% more air, significantly increasing utility bills.

  • Air Dry Clothing on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#9) Air Dry Clothing

    Tossing your clothes in the dryer once they're out of the wash is quick, easy, and almost intuitive - but it's not exactly efficient. Drying your clothes on a line will save you money in the long run, one dollar - or $1.08, by one calculation - at a time.

    If it's sunny outside, take your wet laundry outside to hang. If you're fearful of allergens, you might want to clear out a room indoors instead.

  • Adjust Your Thermostat on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#10) Adjust Your Thermostat

    It's summertime, and you want to stay reasonably comfortable - but you don't want to break the bank once the bill finally comes due. This sounds simple enough, but try seting your thermostat as warm as you can without disrupting your general comfort. If you can deal with 80 degrees, set it to 80 degrees. Each notch past the 75-degree mark can save 5-8% on your AC bill.

  • Use Energy Star Certified Light Bulbs on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#11) Use Energy Star Certified Light Bulbs

    Using an Energy Star certified light bulb is a no-brainer. It'll save you, on average, more than $50 during its lifetime. These bulbs use up to 90% less energy than their incandescent counterparts and last 15-25 times longer.

  • Understand Your Electricity Bill on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#12) Understand Your Electricity Bill

    Take a look at your electricity bill to make sure your provider is not gouging you on the price per kilowatt-hour. In some areas - namely, those with deregulated energy markets - you may be able to choose from different providers with different rates. Otherwise, it's a good idea to keep track of how much energy you're using on a monthly basis and be fully aware of what charges make up your final bill.

  • Make Sure Your Home Has Adequate Insulation on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#13) Make Sure Your Home Has Adequate Insulation

    Air can leak practically everywhere in your house. Not just windows and doors, but even walls. That wastes energy, and that wasted energy increases your costs. 

    Air can leak through outer walls, windows, doors, and other openings of your home, wasting energy and increasing your utility costs.

  • Keep Your Outside Air Conditioner Coils Clean on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#14) Keep Your Outside Air Conditioner Coils Clean

    We generally think of air conditioning primarily in terms of the buttons and dials on our wall-bound thermostats - but it's the physical equipment outside that's ultimately the key to your comfort inside.

    That means keeping your AC's condenser coils clean. Doing so not only keeps your AC running as cool as possible, but will keep the energy requirements to a minimum. And while it always helps to get professional help when needed, cleaning your AC coils is thankfully something you can also take care of on your own.

  • Change The AC Filter on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#15) Change The AC Filter

    AC filters get dirty pretty quickly - possibly within 30-90 days - and thus require pretty regular maintenance. Leaving them unattended for too long can cause problems down the line - not just energy inefficiency but possibly even a fire.

  • Seal Window Leaks on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#16) Seal Window Leaks

    Even if all of your equipment is running smoothly and you've figured out how to get the most out of your energy expenditure, your drafty windows could still be slowly draining your wallet.

    Needless to say, preventing that air from leaking out through your windows can make a big difference. In fact, sealing those leaks can save you anywhere from 10-20% on your bill.

  • Ventilate Your Attic Property on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#17) Ventilate Your Attic Property

    If you have an attic, make sure it's ventilated properly. Not enough ventilation can be bad enough - moisture issues during the winter, inefficiency during the summer - but over-ventilation can be even worse, with too many openings making your attic susceptible to the effects of harsh natural events like hurricanes, rainstorms, or wildfires. Consult a professional to determine how much ventilation is necessary for your house.

  • Install Solar Panels on Random Energy Saving Hacks For A Lower Electric Bill

    (#18) Install Solar Panels

    Sunlight is free! That means solar panels can cut your electricity bill drastically. Solar panel electricity systems capture the sun's energy - even on cloudy days - and convert it into electricity.

    The installation will cost you, of course - but the long-term financial benefits of having the panels on your roof will be significant. And you'll be doing your part for the environment, too.

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About This Tool

With the rapid development of the global economy and society, mankind's requirements for the ecological environment are becoming higher and higher, and the emphasis and action measures on environmental protection, energy conservation, and emission reduction are also increasing. With the global outbreak of the greenhouse effect and ecological disasters, people have an urgent need for environmental protection. Energy-saving can effectively alleviate the greenhouse effect and more environmental problems. 

Even if you are not worried about climate change, energy efficiency should attract your attention. Energy-saving means lower bills and environmental protection measures. This random tool introduces 15 energy-saving tips that you can implement in daily life at almost no cost.

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