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  • Your Mouth Fills With Bacteria on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#1) Your Mouth Fills With Bacteria

    Let's face it, our mouths are pretty gross, even when we're awake. Saliva goes through your mouth in order to redistribute and cleanse bacteria that's in there. Your saliva has antibacterial compounds that really can flush out your mouth well, but at night time, that's when things really get wild.

    Your swallowing helps regulate levels of saliva in your mouth, but unfortunately, your swallowing reflex isn't exactly active while you sleep. It's so relaxed, in fact, that sometimes your saliva builds up so much that it spills out of your mouth and you drool in your sleep. However, much of the time the mouth also gets very dry, which means that your saliva isn't flushing out the bacteria in there. Instead, bacteria is free to grow and thrive, so each night, you have a literal bacteria party on your teeth, tongue, gums, and even lips. This is what often causes morning breath, or that weird coat of film on your tongue. 

  • Your Body Becomes Paralyzed on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#2) Your Body Becomes Paralyzed

    You may have heard of sleep paralysis before, but your body becoming paralyzed doesn't just happen to people with this often frightening condition. When we sleep, we hit a point of rest called REM, and during this phase, out body becomes unable to move. You freeze up all over in complete muscle paralysis, with only your eyes able to move. People with sleep paralysis just happen to experience while they are still conscious, which can be an incredibly terrifying experience.

    But why do we do this? Apparently it's done to keep us safe. Since dreams occasionally make us move around if they're particularly vivid, we could potentially hurt ourselves. To keep us from harming ourselves and others, our brain produces two strong chemicals which mix together and send signals to our body. That signal is: Freeze. Now. No moving whatsoever. Luckily, it's short-lived. 

  • Your Eyes Get Goopy on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#3) Your Eyes Get Goopy

    You may notice when you wake up that there's some dry or even wet gunk at the corners of your eyes. It's easy enough to brush away, and doesn't really cause you any harm. However, what you're experiencing is just the tail end of a pretty gross process that happens every night while you sleep. 

    The average person's eyes have three layers over the surface of the eye, which include a mucus membrane, water based lubrication, and a layer over the other two called meibum. This layer is made up of oils and sebum, which is a fatty waxy substance that can lubricate and waterproof surfaces. At night, the meibum layer and the water layer mix gently together to keep the eye moist, and get rid of things that upset it, like dust and dirt. To do this, the meibum cools during the night and becomes thick, white, and gunky. This leads to a crust at the corner of the eye as that meibum is moved to the edges, made up of excess mucus, oil, and dust. By the time we wake up, it's usually dry and powdery.

  • Your Throat Gets Narrower on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#4) Your Throat Gets Narrower

    This might sound like no big deal, but it can actually be a serious problem. When you sleep, your breathing slows and changes, and your throat gets more narrow in response as your muscles begin to relax. For certain people, the throat gets too narrow, and this is what causes heavy snoring. This is exacerbated by issues with the tonsils, sicknesses that gum up the throat, or clogged sinuses.

    But here's where it gets potentially dangerous. In some rare instances, the airway can get so narrow that it briefly closes altogether. This can cause sleep apnea, a condition where the airway briefly closes and breathing periodically starts and stops for periods of time. In some occasional and severe scenarios, sleep apnea can help lead to someone's demise.

  • You Start To Shed Your Skin on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#5) You Start To Shed Your Skin

    Every night, your body continues to generate new skin cells, and old skin cells simply fall off of you. This is done at a nearly microscopic level, as if you're just shaking off little bits of dust every time you shift while you're dozing. Every minute you sleep, you're losing tens of thousands of skin cells! Wearing makeup while you sleep can trap the dead skin cells on your face, and can lead to a zit-fest if you let it happen regularly.

    When you sleep, those shedded cells have to go somewhere, and they often go into your mattress and pillow. If you don't wash your sheets and pillows regularly, those skin cells can build up in a  pretty horrifying way. It's even been estimated that one third of your pillow's weight is made up entirely of your own dead skin cells.

  • Your Body Ramps Up Your Immune System on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#6) Your Body Ramps Up Your Immune System

    Sometimes, your body uses the opportunity of you being asleep to kick certain functions into overdrive. One thing it does this to is your immune system. As you sleep, the body turns up the dial on proteins that ward off various infections. These proteins are known as tumor necrosis factor, or TNF for short. They're great at, in particular, offing tumor cells and interacting with the way your body's cells reproduce. These proteins also help keep you sleepy, so you tend to sleep better when you have high levels of them going through your body. In other words, your body seems to use sleep as an opportunity to send out terminator cells to eliminate all potential threats.

    If we don't have enough of these proteins, we can get very sick, even with potentially fatal health issues. So, sleep well, get sick less. 

  • You Get Turned On on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#7) You Get Turned On

    We all know that sometimes spicy dreams happen while we sleep. This can lead to physical arousal, and even release sometimes. However, even if we don't have any saucy dreams or lewd thoughts during our slumber, our body still gets turned on at night. Throughout REM sleep, your brain is more active because you are dreaming, and it requires more oxygen to work. In order to accomplish this, you end up with extra oxygen flowing to all parts of your body, including your reproductive organs, and this means higher blood flow too.

    This doesn't always result in release or feelings of desire, but it can cause arousal.

  • Your Sense Of Smell Stops Working on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#8) Your Sense Of Smell Stops Working

    Scientists have found that when you're in deep sleep, certain parts of your body slow and even stop working. One of those things that stops is your sense of smell. Unfortunately, this can also have a potentially dangerous effect.

    Brown University decided to research just how well we can sleep through strong smells, and they did this by using smoke. They exposed deeply sleeping participants to smoke, even at intense levels, but the participants did not wake up. Time to make sure those smoke detectors are up to date!

  • You Flail Around on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#9) You Flail Around

    When your body isn't kept paralyzed while you enter REM sleep, it sometimes likes to move around. And no, that's not just talking about sleep walking or sleep talking. Instead, many people experience periodic limb movement as they dream. This happens specifically when you're entering very deep sleep or dreaming about something particularly vivid. It results in sudden, uncontrollable flexing and retracting of your muscles, which makes you flail and kick.

    In the end, we're not actually certain what causes us to flail during our sleep, but we do know it has to do with our nervous system and can be linked to other disorders. Either way, you're bound to do a little wiggling during the night time. 

  • Your Whole Body Slows Down on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#10) Your Whole Body Slows Down

    When you sleep, some parts of your body decide it's time to go into overdrive, such as your immune system. The rest of you, however, more often likes to take it easy and slow the heck down. Your body temperature drops, your blood pressure lowers, and your breathing rate goes way down. Your brain waves slow down as well, with occasional sudden bursts, and your heart rate lowers to a slow steady pace.

    Even your kidneys slow down. This is particularly important, because it keeps you from having to pee in your sleep. Your organs that filter toxins out of your bloodstream and produce urine start doing less and act very slowly. This is why, in the morning, you usually have to pee and the urine you produce is so dark in color.

  • Your Eyes Are In Constant Motion on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#11) Your Eyes Are In Constant Motion

    You've probably heard of REM sleep, but you may not know what that stands for. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement, and it's the level of sleep where most of our dreams happen. During this stage, your breathing and heart rate vary greatly, and this is when your muscles become paralyzed. However, during this part of sleep, there's part of you that's always moving, and that's your eyes. The brain, during this area of rest, acts and looks like it's awake, even though you're fast asleep. Your eyes also act like you're awake, and dart back and forth, moving and looking everywhere.

    However, the whole time this happens, your lids remain closed.

  • You Get Taller Every Night on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#12) You Get Taller Every Night

    During the day, the pressures of the world weight heavily on your shoulders. Literally. You have discs in your spine that act as cushions between bone pieces in your back. During the day, they get slightly compressed by the weight of your body and constant movements. During the night, they rehydrate and decompress, making your spine slightly longer. By the time you wake up, you'll have gained a little bit of height. This is especially true for people who lie on their side, taking any weight at all off of your back.

    For another thing, the body produces more human growth hormone while you sleep. This helps muscles, bone, and other tissues regenerate, and can help keep you growing when you're young. Still, when you're an adult, you do gain some height just from relaxing in a lying down position.

  • Your Brain Goes Into Cleaning Mode on Random Disgusting And Creepy Things That Happen To Your Body While You're Sleeping

    (#13) Your Brain Goes Into Cleaning Mode

    Your brain is active both at night and during the day, but sometimes it needs a little time to tidy up the place, and sleep is the best time to do that. A study done in 2013 shows that waste removal systems in the brain happen to be more active as you slumber, particularly in REM sleep. This means that the brain is better at clearing away toxic byproducts that might build up in the body and brain, and could cause health problems. Your immune system is also working at higher levels, which means that you're keeping your body healthy and tidy, even while you rest.

    During this time, your brain also sorts and stores information accumulated during the day. It tosses out things it believes we don't need to remember, and keeps what we do. So, if you wake up having forgotten some of what you needed to remember for a test in the morning, your good night's sleep could be the reason for that.

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About This Tool

People's breathing rate and heart rate are reduced during sleep, but this does not mean that the body stops working. When sleeping, the brain and spinal cord will start to work and clean up waste in the brain. At the same time, the parts of the brain related to dreaming and memory storage are also quite active. Therefore, the brain processes and stores information through dreams.

Deep sleep can relieve fatigue and stress, promote the body's metabolism, and restore all parts of the body to the best condition. Few people have learned about how our body changes during sleep. The random tool explained 13 creepy things that will happen to the body when we fall asleep.

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