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  • Florida Panther on Random Deadliest Animals In Florida

    (#13) Florida Panther

    • Puma concolor coryi

    The swampy forests of Florida are the perfect homes for the Florida panther, though they're rare. Humans decimated the species due to loss of habitat and overhunting. The cats are powerful and territorial, but there have been no reported attacks on humans in the state's history.

    Even so, they're intimidating creatures: these seven-and-a-half foot long, 200-pound powerhouses are capable of taking down everything from livestock to the massive American alligator.

  • Boar on Random Deadliest Animals In Florida

    (#12) Boar

    • Sus scrofa

    The wild boar is a feral pig that can become aggressive if it feels cornered or threatened. At anywhere between 100 and 200 pounds, it's a massive mammal that's a danger to both wildlife and humans. The animal is not a native species to Florida; their introduction can be traced back to the Spanish explorer Hernando DeSoto, who brought them in around 1539.

    This animal is also carrier of all sorts of diseases and bacteria, like tuberculosis, pseudorabies, and anthrax.

  • Widow spider on Random Deadliest Animals In Florida

    (#4) Widow spider

    • Latrodectus

    The black widow may be small, but it's one of the most dangerous spiders in Florida. The female southern black widow is much larger than the male and has fangs that are long enough to pierce human skin. She carries a distinctive red "hourglass" marking on her underbelly, which warns of her venomous bite.

    Although widow spiders are shy, if intimidated to the point of biting, they will inject a neurotoxic venom that can cause extreme sickness and, in some very rare cases, death.

  • A Brown Recluse Bite Is Sometimes Harmless, But Can Cause Necrotic Lesions on Random Deadliest Animals In Florida

    (#1) A Brown Recluse Bite Is Sometimes Harmless, But Can Cause Necrotic Lesions

    One of the most dangerous spiders in Florida, the brown recluse dwells in dark spaces and boasts a nasty bite. It's a shy creature that will play dead when threatened, but the brown recluse will also protect itself with powerful venom.

    Most bites are harmless, but in rare cases necrosis can develop. That means destroyed tissue, scarring, and sometimes side effects like fever, dizziness, and vomiting.

  • Barracuda on Random Deadliest Animals In Florida

    (#11) Barracuda

    • Sphyraena

    Barracudas are ferocious predators with nasty bites. This saltwater scavenger is known to follow snorkelers; it assumes a person is a predator, and tails them in the hopes it can feed off of whatever they prey on.

    The barracuda's teeth are made to rip and shred, and an encounter with one can turn into a painful fish fight. Barracudas can swim up to 35 miles per hour, and it's very easy for them to mistake something that shines or glitters as a tasty meal.

  • The Southern Copperhead Has Powerful Venom on Random Deadliest Animals In Florida

    (#8) The Southern Copperhead Has Powerful Venom

    A relatively small pit viper, the southern copperhead is considered exceptional if it reaches even three feet in length. It would rather run away or "freeze" instead of attacking another dangerous animal, such as a human, but it can cause extreme bodily distress if it strikes. Luckily, this snake will typically issue a "warning strike" with little to no venom the first time it bites.

    Even though a bite from this critter is rarely fatal, it can cause extreme pain and swelling.

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About This Tool

There are many animals in Florida that can cause serious injures to humans. Some animals use the deadliest venom, while other dangerous animals have sharp teeth or claws, or strong jaws. What we must realize is that most of these dangerous animals want to be alone and will not actively attack humans unless they are frightened or trying to protect their cubs.

Florida is not only one the best travel destinations but it is also a paradise for many scary and even deadly animals. The random tool introduced 14 of the deadliest animals in Florida, some of them are very common outdoor, such as spiders, rattlesnakes, and more potential danger.

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