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  • (#15) Creepy AND Dumfounding at the Same Time

    A baby doll sits in a white room in front of a PS3. Its eyes blink open and it giggles. Then, tears seep out and then back into its big, glassy eyes as visions of fiery explosions appear inside each orb. "Ma-ma," the doll calls out. Why? 

    Well, Playstation marketing chief Peter Dille explained the spot

    Emotion is a big part of the category. You've seen the baby spot, which kicked off the TV effort. The whole thought behind that was, look at the wide variety of emotions the PlayStation 3 can elicit. The other theme we're setting up is that the power of the PlayStation 3 is so awesome that anything placed in close proximity is witness to this awesome power. So this baby doll is whipsawed through a gut-wrenching range of emotions, from laughing and crying to reverse crying. That's going to set up a series of spots where you'll see the power of the PlayStation 3 in this white room environment.

    Ostensibly, this makes sense, though he failed to mention the emotion of bowel-shaking fear, which everyone who watched this ad immediately felt.

  • (#4) He's Going to Hit His Girlfriend...

    This extremely effective but graphic and disturbing seatbelt PSA from the UK does what every horror film worth its salt should do: it shocks in order to stir a reaction from the viewer, here relying on realistic violence and clashing, peppy party music. A brutal video that gets the job done.

  • (#18) Missing Our Deals Will Haunt You

    In 2011, British mobile phone retailer Phones4u released a series of ads where an ordinary, unsuspecting person was approached by some sort of horrible monster or ghost. Sometimes the person would be fleeing through dark woods, or just trying to find their car in a dimly lit garage. When the beast catches up to them, it merely tells the terrified person about a deal on a phone. “Missing our deals will haunt you,” was the theme of the commercials.

    Perhaps the scariest of Phone4u’s beats was the above creepy little girl. According to the Inquirer, that ad netted over 200 complaints filed to the Advertising Standards Agency. It's easy to see why...

  • (#12) Pub Loo Shocker

    This London PSA known as #publooshocker is meant to prevent drunk driving. At an ordinary pub, men go to the bathroom, then meander over to the sink to wash their hands or check their hair. All of a sudden, the image of a woman’s face crashes into the mirror and blood drips from the shards. The men all panic, understandably so, throwing themselves away from the mirror. Confusion follows. 

    "What impact could a drink have on your night out?" the ad asks, implying that if you're not careful, the woman's face in the mirror could be an actual woman's face smashing through your own windshield. Which indicates that the woman wasn't wearing her seatbelt, but it was your drunk ass that hit her head on, so it's your fault...? But then other PSAs are designed to scare you into wearing your seatbelt so...everyone sucks?

    The message might be a tad confusing, but the jump-scare prank sure is classic.

  • (#10) AIDS Is a Mass Murderer (NSFW)

    Some might find the nudity and graphic sex acts depicted in this ad for AIDS awareness offensive, but really, it's the totally WTF, creeptastic moment at the end that really raised some eyebrows. Just watch it and see...

  • (#1) Speed KILLS

    Of all the PSAs on this list, this on is hands-down the most f*cked-up. Words do not do it justice, so you'll just have to watch it to find out. 

    Once again, the British give us a commercial that isn't afraid to punch you right in the stomach and laugh.

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About This Tool

Every year before Halloween, the shelves of the make-up costume store are empty, people consume an incredible amount of candies, the skeletons rise from their graves, and the brand's advertising ideas become abnormal. In fact, many brands not only use seasonality to launch different advertisements but also some special creativity makes the advertisements creepy. 

The random tool shows 18 creepy WTF TV commercials that are entertaining and will surprise those who are thrill-seekers and like the element of horror at the same time. If horror movies are not your favorite, then you may want to close this page immediately.

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