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  • (#10) Weird Found Footage from Texas

    This ambiguous footage appears to show a figure obfuscated by curtains while a very childish song plays. At some point, a creepy, spindly hand slowly wraps around the curtain's edge. 

    The next scene shows a dark, murky figure in the woods wearing a mask. Another scene simply pans over some medical devices and a sink drain. The audio throughout is distorted and warped. 

    It's unclear what any of it is supposed to mean. It's intentionally unsettling, that's for sure.

    Could this possibly be a short film school project mean to evoke a sense of dread, or, as the YouTuber user suggests, were these clips actually found in a big box at an estate sale in Texas along with other various pieces of junk. 

  • (#3) Creepy Tape Found in Croatia

    This tape was supposedly found in 2005 and features a pair of Croatian teenagers who have been missing ever since the night this tape was made. 

    In the video, the two kids are fooling around with a camera that the person filming says he has just acquired. 

    They soon spot a man who is wandering about with a hood on his head. They initially approach the man, thinking he's drunk. He begins staggering towards them and continues to follow them without saying anything. The teens run away and think they've left him behind, but he soon reappears. Though they discuss staying and recording him, they ultimately get scared and flee again. 

    And just when the teens think they've made it home…

    Is there any evidence to suggest these two kids really went missing? Not really. But the last few moments of this video are super creepy, nonetheless.

  • (#11) Slenderman Stick Creature Climbs Building in Russia

    This chilling video shows a very long-limbed being climbing down the side of a building. It appears to be humanoid with very limber arms and legs. 

    Some have purported that the figure is Slenderman, a boogeyman that originated as a Creepypasta and is said to prey on children. Other believe that the figure is some other kind of supernatural being, perhaps some kind of otherworldly spider. Others, of course, believe the video to be a prank.  

    Either way, it'd make a great horror film, one to watch with the lights turned out.

  • (#7) Spirit Creeps Behind Two Musicians

    In Southeast Asian mythology, a tuyul is a spirit made via black magic from the fetus of a dead human. They are believed to be mostly harmless on their own, but can be used by human masters to commit various tasks or crimes. 

    In this video, a creature referred to as a tuyul appears behind two people who are playing guitar and singing a song. Though this is not a common part of tuyul mythology, it appears that the creature can only be spotted by the cameraman and the two musicians are unable to see it, even as it creeps around them. 

  • (#4) Mister Peeper's Stalking Footage

    YouTube user Pacemaker Studios offers this compilation of another YouTuber's supposed "web series," featuring clips of a stalker following and possibly killing numerous women. The original uploader, aptly named Mister Peeper, claimed that the segments of video found on his channel were discovered on SD cards, wrapped in plastic, and attached to the roof of a car he found abandoned in the woods. His channel has since been deleted "due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy on nudity or sexual content."

    Fake? You decide. 

  • (#14) Found VHS Cassette

    A distorted piece of footage from a supposedly found VHS tape shows someone walking through the woods on what seems like a pleasant, if party cloudy, day. 

    The footage later picks up at night. Again, the person seems to be tromping, perhaps aimlessly, through the woods. At one point, they come across an object being tugged away by an unknown party via a string. A whistle is heard, then it's over. 

    This piece of footage comes from the same collection mentioned in the "Weird Found Footage from Texas" entry on this list. However,  the YouTube users are different. This one is via Jack Torrance, a name that may sound familiar to you if you've read or seen The Shining

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