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  • (#18) They All Dressed Alike In Pink Poodle Skirts And Long Gloves

    From Redditor /u/mightbedylan:

    It's a mom, a daughter who's probably 16, and a younger daughter who's probably 12. All three are always dressed alike, usually in a pink or white poodle dress, shiny black high heels, and long stockings. The youngest one usually just wears sneakers.

    They all always have long white or black gloves on that usually go to their elbows. Their hair is always done up in big elaborate curls, and the older two always walk around with their hands cupped in front of them. Strange folk. All very nice and polite, but strange.

  • (#11) Perhaps This Mother Really Wanted Grandkids

    From Redditor /u/Nikcara:

    That just reminded me of a guy I very briefly dated. His mom would do stuff like lock us in his bedroom together and make creepy comments when she finally unlocked it later.

    Never had sex with the guy, I was too creeped out and the relationship was very short. I definitely got the impression the mom was trying to trick me into getting pregnant.

  • (#9) They Thanked Jesus Every Hour When The Cuckoo Clock Chimed

    From Redditor /u/Dotelpenguin:

    I had a good friend in elementary school. They lived in a farm house that looked like it belonged to the Adams Family. Every wall in this house had a crucifix on it. Not a small handheld-size crucifix, these were two or three feet tall. On EVERY WALL; bathroom, bedrooms, closets.

    They had a room upstairs that we were forbidden to go into, so of course we had to sneak in and see. I didn't know why it was forbidden, but it was basically a Vatican-style church chapel complete with burnt offerings, candles, pews, alter, and [a] six-foot-tall crucifix with Jesus hanging on it. But this was not the most WTF thing.

    They had a cuckoo clock they called the "prayer clock." The clock had the 12 disciples for the numbers on [the] dial. I never knew what came out of the clock on the hour (probably Jesus), but every single hour that clock would go off. My friend's mother would round up all the kids and make us write thank you prayers and place them in the "prayer jar."

    We had to write down thank you notes to Jesus for everything we did in the last hour... If we were playing with Legos and had a snack, I would have to write down, "Thank you, Jesus, for letting me play Legos and eating string cheese." His mom would read them and usually would have us edit them, saying things like, "You had apple juice, too, you don't think Jesus would be sad if you didn't thank him for the apple juice, too?"

    By about 4th grade, I refused to go over anymore. It was just too weird, especially since their mom had just had a new baby and they "didn't believe in diapers." They let the kid crawl around naked and piss/sh*t on everything.

    Twenty-four years later, what happened to the kids? The roaming pissing/sh*tting baby became a Catholic priest, the second youngest moved out and is a transsexual "entertainer," and the oldest (my friend) became a programmer in Silicon Valley. The father eventually left the mother.

  • (#16) Dad Cooked A Disturbing Dinner

    From Redditor /u/anastasialeu:

    I spent the night at classmate's house when I was eight. Her dad told us he was cooking dinner that night and proceeded to go out to the backyard, take one of the girl's pet rabbits, cut its throat, then cooked it.

    When she started to cry, her mom gave her this death stare and said, "Stop it. What does Mommy love the best?" 

    And the girl said, "Obedience."

  • (#13) Fun With The Phone Book

    From Redditor /u/thepotatob*tch:

    I had a friend whose family would get the paper and the phone book, and go through crossing out the people who had died. They thought it would come in handy someday. That was how my friend justified it, but I'm certain they got some kind of twisted pleasure from it.

  • (#15) Haircuts And Dinner Conversation Were Banned

    From Redditor /u/Berinnaa:

    There was a family of girls I went to church with and none of them were allowed to cut their hair. They had to wait until they were 16 so they wouldn't get a haircut they'd regret, because the mother had. They also weren't allowed to talk at the dinner table.

    One time one of the daughters was laughing at something and coughed on her food. The mom was afraid of one of them choking and dying, so talking was banned. No one told me that when I came over for dinner. I just talked and they all stared at me.

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