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  • (#1) Ash Never Grows Up

    Reddit user KokoaKuroba discovered a clue that might explain why Ash is permanently 10 years old. In the first episode of the original Pokémon anime, Ash encounters the legendary Pokémon, Ho-oh. The PokeDex entry for Ho-oh says, "Anyone seeing [Ho-oh] is promised eternal happiness." 

    KokoaKuroba believes that eternal happiness for Ash is being on a permanent Pokémon journey as a 10-year-old. 

  • Poké Balls Use Quantum Mechanics To Convert Pokémon To Light on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#2) Poké Balls Use Quantum Mechanics To Convert Pokémon To Light

    Nerd alert! Reddit user nameless88 came up with a very detailed and complex theory about how Poké Balls could use quantum mechanics to convert Pokémon to light and store them as data. It's a long read, but it's worth it:

    If you ever look inside of one in the anime, it's basically a bunch of mirrors. So, how exactly does this work? Well, the pokemon is converted into light, and then bounces around inside the pokeball at lightspeed, until it is needed again.

    Whenever a pokemon is caught in the anime, there's a red light around it as it gets sucked into the ball. Whenever one is released, the light is blue, or close to it.

    That's a redshift and a blueshift. If you've taken a quantum mechanics course, you know that humans have a wavelength, but it's negligible. Like, it's so damn small, it doesn't really matter. All things have a wavelength. So, the pokemon's wavelength increases as it gets sucked into the pokeball to compress it's body into data stored as light, and it decreases as it's being released, until it returns to the wavelength of the solid pokemon.

    This also explains how you can store pokemon in a PC. You're converting the solid pokeball with light stored as data into even more compressed data. dawg

    Basically, the world of Pokemon somehow figured out quantum computing and how to convert matter into energy for the sake of storage.

    The fucked up part is, they somehow used to use apricorns to do this, in the way olden days.

    So, like, they carved god damn acorns into computers sophisticated enough to convert matter into energy.

    ...Or, it isn't the storage device that does it, but Pokemon possess the ability to convert matter to energy, and the pokeball just exploits this and forces them to do it. This would make sense, as the more they exert themselves and train, the more energy (or, experience) they build up. When they reach a certain point, they're able to convert that stored energy into matter - "evolution" - and become larger, and fundamentally change their bodies.

    And if they possess the ability to spontaneously turn matter into energy and vice versa, this also explains how they can shoot out fire or water from seemingly nowhere. They're converting their own body's chemistry into this raw form. Which also explains why in the games there is a limit to how much they can do this before it's drained out.

    tl;dr: Uhh...I'm not sure I can summarize this. Pokemon convert matter to energy, pokeballs exploit this in them and force this change to occur, storing them as data and light. There's some actual science in the show that backs it up.

    Afterthought: I think pokemon actually obey the laws of physics. Wat.

  • Charizard Permanently Scarred Some Of Ash's Pokémon on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#3) Charizard Permanently Scarred Some Of Ash's Pokémon

    Reddit user friendlyteddie has a theory on why Ash's Squirtle and Bulbasaur never evolve. The Redditor speculates that after Squirtle and Bulbasaur see Charmander rapidly evolve into Charizard in the span of a few episodes, the water and grass type are shocked to see their fire type friend change so much. friendlyteddie writes:

    "[Charizard] no longer obeys Ash, even going so far as to physically harm him. I believe that after seeing this, both Squirtle and Bulbasaur were traumatized, believing that evolution would completely change them, and possibly cause them to hate their friends and trainer. As a result, they make an agreement between the two of them that neither would evolve, hence they live the rest of their lives in their base forms."

  • You Play As The Rival In Pokémon Sun and Moon, Not The Protagonist on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#4) You Play As The Rival In Pokémon Sun and Moon, Not The Protagonist

    Reddit user ShinyBreloom2323 has a great theory on why Sun and Moon feel a little different from other titles in the series. Hau is typical of the protagonist that you'd normally play in Pokémon titles - he is "bland, and seems to revolve around a single trait." He starts with a Pikachu, which is how Red and Ash (both protagonists) got started. He also always arrives later than you, meaning you get to a location first. This means you're more similar to the rivals like Wally and Silver. ShinyBreloom2323 explains:

    "Hau isn't an obstacle to you. You are an obstacle to Hau. When you finally reach the Pokémon League, you're ahead of him. You've completed the Pokémon League in the same manner as Blue and surpassed him. You play the role of a stereotypical rival; and Hau plays the role of a stereotypical protagonist. [...] It's one of the reasons you find his jolly nature so insufferable. You've been that way every other game, so Sun is a change of pace due to his more adamant role in the scheme of things. You, unlike Hau, have multiple choices to choose from and more emotion to express."

  • Mew Is An Average Of All Existing Pokémon, And That's Where His Name Comes From on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#5) Mew Is An Average Of All Existing Pokémon, And That's Where His Name Comes From

    OK, this one is pretty nerdy, even by nerd standards. Reddit user Dinomaparty has a theory on Mew's name and origin.

    "In statistics the population mean (the average) is given the Greek symbol Mu (μ), which is pronounced very similar to Mew. The definition of the average is the sum of all the values in the population divided by the number of values in the population. This means that when you include all possible values the average will be the number which shows the central tendency. Now, Mew is said to contain the DNA of all other Pokémon in its body, but by itself, it's not particularly strong.

    It could be possible that Mew actually represents the average Pokémon from which all other Pokémon are derived. Just like how the Mu contains all possible values, Mew contains DNA from all Pokemon."

  • Ash Isn't Pikachu's First Trainer on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#6) Ash Isn't Pikachu's First Trainer

    Reddit user Oufour put together a very detailed and well-sourced theory on why Pikachu likely had another trainer before Ash. Think about it - they have a rocky start because Pikachu is too unruly for him to train. Pikachu has a unique Poké Ball that fans rarely see because someone must have let him roam free all the time, which is why he's always out walking around with the gang.

    The list goes on, but the community seems to agree this one's pretty likely. 

  • AZ From Pokémon X/Y Actually Represents Players Who Abandoned The Series on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#7) AZ From Pokémon X/Y Actually Represents Players Who Abandoned The Series

    Reddit user Irish33 has some great insight on why AZ from Pokémon X/Y is so old, and why he has such a unique connection with early Pokémon: "In my theory, AZ represents the people that were attracted to Pokémon Red and Blue as kids, and today swear off the series because 'there's [sic] too many Pokémon,' or 'they made it too complicated.'" 

    Irish33 reasons that AZ is much older and an adult, as original Red/Blue players would be. He treasures a certain Pokémon that is no longer in the world, and goes so far as to destroy all other Pokémon in his quest to revive that nostalgic partner. This could be representative of the nostalgia that gamers hold onto RBY. In the end, he recalls that people, when they were children, were fascinated with raising and finding new Pokémon. He remembers that joy in first discovering Pokémon, which could also be gamers of RBY coming to terms with all the new generations of Pokémon and realizing that the franchise is still a grand adventure.

  • So, In All The Pokémon Games, Where's Your Dad? on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#8) So, In All The Pokémon Games, Where's Your Dad?

    Countless theories have been made about who your father is and why he's never present in any of the Pokémon games. Reddit user redhare87 thinks everyone is trying too hard. If you put yourself in the shoes of a 10-year-old Japanese child, it all makes perfect sense:

    "For instance, the perennial question of Pokémon is just where the hell is the main character's dad? Theories abound, but quite simply, he's probably just a salaryman and your mom's a housewife. A salaryman will work 6 days a week for crazy long hours, sometimes having to work half the country away [and] only come home on holidays. Seems simple to a Japanese kid that your dad's just a salaryman."

  • Professor Willow Is Geotagging In Pokémon GO on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#9) Professor Willow Is Geotagging In Pokémon GO

    Reddit user Sternsson came up with a theory that puts many hearts at ease. What happens to all the Pokémon you transfer in Pokémon GO? Are they held captive? Are they killed? Are they turned into delicious candy? Probably, but Sternsson believes any "transferred Pokémon gets geotagged by Willow and released. Candy represents the scientific data you gain on them and you use that data to train your pokémon [sic]."

    Definitely a happier theory on what happens to transferred Pokémon. 

  • Lance's Pokémon From Silver/Gold Were Radioactive on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#10) Lance's Pokémon From Silver/Gold Were Radioactive

    Reddit user pepetrillvia may have cracked the code on how Lance from Heart Gold/Soul Silver had three Dragonites at level 50, when Dragonair doesn't evolve until level 55. The short version is that "Lance had three Dragonairs before going to the Lake of Rage and the radio broadcast forced them into evolving early." 

  • Pokémon GO Is Actually The First Game In The Pokémon Timeline on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#11) Pokémon GO Is Actually The First Game In The Pokémon Timeline

    Twitter user @Ink_Virtue got the ball rolling on this theory and Reddit user mtws25 connected all the pieces. They believe that gamers are currently LIVING in the first Pokémon game in the Pokémon timeline. Before Gen 1, there was Pokémon GO. They explain that, because not all of the original 151 Pokémon were in GO when it was released, Professor Oak had yet to complete the PokéDex for the Kanto region. And, "just like in Safari Zone, when you encounter creatures in the street, trainers ONLY throw (recently invented) Poké Balls and try to capture monsters without battling to weaken it's opponents."

    Thus, because the "concepts of strategic battles were not invented at this time," trainers don't know how to teach their Pokémon new moves yet. They also don't know how to level up Pokémon yet, "so they use Candies. Those candies were overused and in the future, by the time RBY takes place, they are very, very rare to find. They are now called 'Rare Candies.'"

    mtws25 further speculates that the foundation for the Pokémon League had yet to be laid in the GO world, which is "why Gym Leaders change all the time and there's no Gym Badges." They also theorize that "Aerodactyl, Omanyte, and Kabuto that are long extinct by the time of RBY," but they can still be caught in GO. 

  • (#12) Team Rocket Are The Good Guys - Jessie And James Just Make Them Look Like Idiots

    Tumblr user andynemo and Reddit user IrishMerica team up for an in-depth analysis of Team Rocket over the years. Their motto is: 

    "To protect the world from devastation

    To unite all peoples within our nation

    To denounce the evils of truth and love

    To extend our reach to the stars above."

    The only stealing Team Rocket does in the actual games was in order to save the planet from Mewtwo. Jessie and James from the anime were just a couple of clowns who ruined it for the rest of them. 

  • (#13) Digimon Are Corrupted Pokémon Files

    Some people feel that Digimon was just a bastardization of Pokémon, and Reddit user Reethk_Vaszune has a theory that backs that up. When Pokémon are entered in a PC database, they are presumably a data file. So he theorizes, what happens to corrupted files? 

    "I think that the Digimon universe is somehow interlinked or tapping into a networked quarantine PC directory for corrupted Pokémon files. There are a lot of glaring similarities between Pokémon and Digimon (affinity to elements, evolution process, etc.). If you look at the evolutionary process of Digimon, it's initially very sporadic and uncontrolled (they revert backwards often) until they develop some mastery of the process; perhaps skilled Digimon are files that are being repaired/reconstructed?"

  • Haunter Killed Misty on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#14) Haunter Killed Misty

    Reddit user Spankler did some research and discovered that in practically every PokéDex entry, trainers are warned to NEVER let a Haunter lick them, because it will "steal your life away." Well, Ash's Haunter gave Misty a big ol' lickin' in the anime in episode 24, which might explained why she eventually left Ash and Brock behind, to die alone.  

  • The Players Are The Villains In Pokémon GO on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#15) The Players Are The Villains In Pokémon GO

    This one is kind of a tag-team between comic artist Tim Buckley and Reddit user rejectsuperstar, who theorize that gamers of Pokémon GO are "all collectively playing as the bad guys...Think about it. Team Instinct, Team Valor, Team Mystic. When was there ever a team in a Pokémon game that wasn't the antagonists?"

    Buckley, of CTRL+ALT+DEL, backed up this theory with a comic on where that sweet, sweet candy comes from. 

  • Brock Was Cursed By A Medusa on Random Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

    (#16) Brock Was Cursed By A Medusa

    When the Internet asks a question, a lot of weird answers come out. This one comes from No One Special, and was shared on Reddit by KokoaKuroba when someone asked why Brock never opens his eyes.

    "Brock is cursed with Mystic Eyes of Gorgon, Medusa. If he opened his eyes and looked at someone, they would turn to stone. This is why he became a rock-type Pokémon trainer. You cannot turn stone into stone."

    It's a solid theory...

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