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  • (#1) Blue-lined Octopus

    • Hapalochlaena fasciata

    Octouses are deadly enough, but this one here is no sucker. His fascinating yellow skin runs the full length of his body, which, incidentally, is only about two inches or so in length. Not only is the blue lined octopus tiny enough to be missed, but when his venomous tentacles turn a glimmering shade of blue, beware. That blue ringed getup means he’s dressed to kill. 

    This little guy blends into the aquatic plants and coral to disguise itself. And usually when people figure out the octopus is hiding within the weeds, it's too late. 

  • Mimic Octopus on Random Crazy Awesome Sea Creatures That Can Change Their Shape, Color, And Size

    (#2) Mimic Octopus

    • Thaumoctopus mimicus

    The mimic octopus deserves an Oscar for its deep sea performance. Have you ever heard of a venomous sea creature who can convincingly impersonate not one or two, but at least fifteen other sea creatures? So remember folks, if you see any of the following, it might be a blood-sucking, carnivorous octopus in disguise:

    • Crab
    • Flatfish
    • Jellyfish
    • Sea snake
    • Lion fish
    • Shrimp
    • and more

    What makes the mimic octopus so mesmerizing, aside from its stated ability to change its shape, color, and texture at will, is that it’s smart enough to know who to impersonate depending on the given situation. It’s also ruthless enough to use this ability to lure in unsuspecting prey.

  • Dottyback on Random Crazy Awesome Sea Creatures That Can Change Their Shape, Color, And Size

    (#3) Dottyback

    • Pseudochromidae

    Picture this scenario if you will. You’re floating through the rippling waters, a baby fish just enjoying a pleasant swim with mommy and daddy when suddenly, out of nowhere, mommy and daddy dart towards you, trying with all their might to eat you alive! But wait, you realize all too late, that wasn’t mommy and daddy after all. It was none other than the dottyback reef fish, a colorful saltwater swimmer whose whole modus operandi is shapeshifting to look like the parents of itty bitty baby fish and then proceeding to devour the little guys while still in costume. Nobody whips up a terrifying nightmare quite like Mother Nature.

  • Southern Pygmy Leatherjackets Change Color When They Fall In Love on Random Crazy Awesome Sea Creatures That Can Change Their Shape, Color, And Size

    (#4) Southern Pygmy Leatherjackets Change Color When They Fall In Love

    Southern pygmy leatherjackets are certainly full of surprises. Not only do they have the ability to puff up in order to intimidate fellow ocean dwellers, but they also have a unique color changing quality. They are known to switch colors during courtship. How romantic.

  • (#5) Stonefish

    • Synanceia verrucosa

    Synanceia, better known by laymen as simply the stonefish, has quite the reputation for being the deadliest fish known to man. When provoked, or more commonly, stepped on, the fish can release a fatal toxin that paralyzes and sometimes even kills its victims on contact. Unlike most of the fish on this list, this guy is not a deep sea dweller. He takes in all the action from the shallow depths of the ocean, where unsuspecting humans tread water that’s way more dangerous than they realize.

  • Mahi-mahi on Random Crazy Awesome Sea Creatures That Can Change Their Shape, Color, And Size

    (#6) Mahi-mahi

    • Coryphaena hippurus

    The mahi-mahis resplendent colors are truly a sight to behold. But did you know they change to signify a change in habitat? For example, the mahi-mahi, when taken out of water and put into a state where it can’t breathe, turns an unforgettable shade of gold. If not returned to water, it then transitions through several other vibrant colors, kind of like a rainbow. Its most dramatic hue of all however, is the color of death, which is the final shade in the process. It has been described by experts as a “muted yellow-grey.”

  • (#7) Ribbon eel

    • Rhinomuraena quaesita

    Ribbon eels change genders in order to adapt to their environments and preserve their species. They also change colors from time to time. It wasn’t until recently that scientists discovered that these two phenomena are actually linked. As it turns out, they change color to signify that they have, indeed, changed genders. 

  • (#8) A Clever New Mystery Fish Is Mimicking The Mimic Octopus

    Here's one clever mystery fish who may be wearing several disguises at once. Unlike some of the other ocean mimics, this little fish is not poisonous. He mimics the mimic octopus, going so far as to turn his whole body into something that looks like a tentacle. After the actual octopus departs, we see this creature revert back to a jawfish only - wait - he might not be a jawfish after all. In a bewildering twist of events, it would appear his form once he takes off his disguise is yet another disguise and it’s possible that this mystery fish is an entirely new species previously unknown to all of humanity. Oh yeah, and he also grows a ninth arm out of nowhere!

  • (#9) Cuttlefish

    • Sepiida

    The cuttlefish is one of the most notorious masters of disguise in all of the sea. His innate ability to shapeshift, texture switch, and color coordinate according to the background makes him able to adapt to, and hunt in, otherwise harsh environments. He could, at any given moment, be described as sea creature, plant life or mineral depending on how he is dressed.

  • (#10) Seahorse

    • Hippocampus

    What makes seahorses so great at hiding in the deep? Why, their ability to change multiple aspects of their physique, of course. A seahorse can change color, shape, and texture in order to blend in with its surroundings and protect itself from peril. Even the patterns on their skin can be altered as a form of defense.

  • While Disguised As A Flower, The Yellow Sea Anemone Distributes A Fatal Toxin on Random Crazy Awesome Sea Creatures That Can Change Their Shape, Color, And Size

    (#11) While Disguised As A Flower, The Yellow Sea Anemone Distributes A Fatal Toxin

    You might not want to stop and smell the flowers if you’re floundering around on the ocean floor. That’s because something that looks like a flower might actually be a ravenous monster who consumes its prey in a most terrifying and unusual manner. The yellow sea anemone likes to paralyze its victims with a dangerous neuro-toxin, sending them into a state of submission as they are then simultaneously injected with venom and stabbed to death by tentacles that were hidden in plain sight. 

  • Caribbean Reef Squid on Random Crazy Awesome Sea Creatures That Can Change Their Shape, Color, And Size

    (#12) Caribbean Reef Squid

    • Sepioteuthis sepioidea

    We’ve seen fish who morph for food and fish who morph for protection. We’ve even seen those maritime marvels who change color to tell the world they are taken. But the male reef squid is one of a kind. He changes color to let the ladies know he’s still on the market and down for a great time, kind of like a peacock except as a cephalopod.

    This message is just for the ladies, this color changing aspect is totally gender based. When a lady is in the vicinity of an available male reef squid, he turns himself a desirable shade of red. If a male comes around, he changes to white in order to repel the male. And if a male is on one side and a female is on the other, he will change half his body to red to attract the female and the other half will pale to white as a repellant for the male. Talk about a squid who knows what he’s looking for.

  • (#13) The Tasseled Anglerfish Lures Its Prey By Dressing Up As Tackle

    Well here’s one way to bait a victim - by dressing up as tackle itself. The notorious tasseled anglerfish uses this tactic to capture its prey and things are going swimmingly. Even his name is a play on fishing. The term angler refers to a rod casting fisherman.

  • Tapetails Are The Caterpillars Of The Sea on Random Crazy Awesome Sea Creatures That Can Change Their Shape, Color, And Size

    (#14) Tapetails Are The Caterpillars Of The Sea

    Imagine what would happen if scientists thought caterpillars and butterflies were two entirely different insects. Such was the case for the tapetail, a fish that undergoes a similar process. As it turns out, this deep sea fish was accidentally counted three times as a result of morphing into different looking fish.

  • (#15) North Pacific Giant Octopus

    • Enteroctopus dofleini

    If a giant north Pacific octopus is the ocean's mood ring, and not in a figurative way. That’s right - this particular octopus changes its color based on what it's feeling and what kind of creatures its encountering. But you better watch out if you come too close to one, as it can also suck you to death. Every mood has a unique shade to accompany it.

  • (#16) The Red Devil Is Sending A Secret Code Across The Sea

    The red devil is a squid with something to say and an extremely accurate name. He changes colors as a form of communication. To make matters worse, several sea creatures seem to pick up on what this squid is stating immediately. Based on whatever color its flashing indicates to predators (and possible mates) what its intentions are, and sometimes uses its color-changing abilities to hide right in front of our eyes. 

  • (#17) Flounder

    Of all the crazy ocean morphers on the list, the flounder’s reasoning for transforming is probably the most sound. In a sea filled with sharks, this guy had to be a flounder. Fortunately, he’s flat enough to become one with the ocean floor and talented enough to morph into something that isn’t dinner.

  • (#18) The Rockpool Goby Changes Color To Dodge Predators

    The rockpool goby is a master of camouflage, but it still has one feature that makes it stand out. It’s one of the fastest color changing fish on the planet, and for good reason. This particular fish is swimming in the big leagues, fighting off a scourge of predators and natural phenomenon like heavy currents and colossal waves. One intriguing aspect of its metamorphosis is the fact that it can alter its color and level of brightness, all in less than 60 seconds flat.

  • (#19) Oyster toadfish

    • Opsanus tau

    Standing in stark contrast to the fish who uses camouflage to steal babies is the beautifully named oyster toadfish. who blends in with his environment in order to protect his young. This fish is one of the few omnivores that morphs in the sea.

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About This Tool

Humans' awe and exploration of the ocean have always existed. But at present, the depth of oceans and sea creatures we can know is limited, but with the development of science and technology, the ocean will bring us surprises. Except for magicians, there are many sea creatures who are masters of transformation, countless sea creatures have evolved extraordinary and incredible transformation skills to adapt to the dangerous deep sea.

Here you could know 19 powerful and crazy sea creatures that can change their shape, color, and even size, which are necessary survival skills, some of the ancient species can survive in the ocean for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

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