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  • A 1.5 Ton Plane: Michel Lotito, Mister Eat it All on Random Craziest Objects Ever Found Inside People

    (#11) A 1.5 Ton Plane: Michel Lotito, Mister Eat it All

    Alright, so either European food is actually this bad, or people just need to find better hobbies.

    Michel Lotito, a French native, regularly consumes massive objects like a 1.5 ton plane, an entire car tire, multiple wine glasses, and crushed light bulbs. Medical examiners have studied Lotito's digestive and circulatory systems at length, but they haven't come up with an answer for how on earth he is able to consume all of this machinery.

    He has a specific clenching and unclenching method for his Esophagus and other soft tissues to be able to handle the stress, but my question is, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? He drinks water, and uses the bathroom frequently during meals.

    IMPORTANT: If the Terminator/Skynet apocalypse ever happens, this man will be our only hope. This guy is the urban myth that all robot parents scare their robot kids with when they're misbehaving or not following protocol

    Click here for the full news report.
  • Caution: Your Body Isn't a Purse on Random Craziest Objects Ever Found Inside People

    (#13) Caution: Your Body Isn't a Purse

    Lawyers seem to have a real problem with losing things up their butts, most likely while looking for that "stick" everyone keeps telling them about.

    A Georgia lawyer was apparently showering with his cell phone (was it water proof?) and managed to slip on a tile and fall against his dog (normal!), and plop right on top on his ringing cell phone.

    Really, the worst part of the ordeal other than the forced intrusion is that the phone was ringing. Also, this gives a whole new meaning to the butt-dial.

    During the removal surgery, the phone continued to ring, three times in fact, so the surgical team regularly stopped in order to try and silence the ringing and laugh their asses off.

    It was successfully removed, but(t) one can't help but(t) wonder: did he have an embarrassing ringtone? Cause if so, boy would his face have been red.
  • So This Guy Literally Inhales His Wendy's on Random Craziest Objects Ever Found Inside People

    (#12) So This Guy Literally Inhales His Wendy's

    John Manley, who really earned his last name with this one, had suffered with long term lung problems, from pneumonia to uncontrolled fits of coughing to turning blue in the middle of a public place and passing out.

    Of course, instead of seeking emergency care, Manley decided to ignore the problem in the hopes that it would go away just like everything else does (this is a flawless plan). 

    After one too many public fainting incidents, Manley was finally feeling not-so-manly, so he decided to go to the hospital with what looked like a tumor on his lung: turns out, the thing was a growth on a piece of a Wendy's fork that Manley had accidentally inhaled during a meal at the fast food chain.

    It was a golden, gorgeous, plastic Wendy's fork: the old school kind that was gold and shiny. They don't make 'em like they used to. Hell, he could probably sell it on eBay. Worth it!
  • 20 Cobblestones in Chinese Woman's Stomach on Random Craziest Objects Ever Found Inside People

    (#14) 20 Cobblestones in Chinese Woman's Stomach

    In 2006, a young woman from Foshan, China swallowed more than 20 cobblestones after a fight with her boyfriend, most likely while trying to pave roads to a new emotional beginning.

    She assumed her digestive system would naturally flush the stones out of her stomach, but the stones stayed lodged for several days after the incident - cos nobody's ever heard of passing stones through your system as something that's painful, right?

    She experienced intense pain and (deserved) discomfort, and was constantly disturbed by the stones knocking against one another when she would walk or move. Maybe she got too many complaints that when she walked it sounded too much like a billiards club.

    After a trip to the hospital, she underwent surgery to remove them, after, of course, consulting an online medical database - because those are always perfectly accurate.
  • 7-Inch Body Spray Found Up Lawyer's Rectum on Random Craziest Objects Ever Found Inside People

    (#7) 7-Inch Body Spray Found Up Lawyer's Rectum

    A 39-year-old lawyer was recently admitted to a university teaching hospital because he shoved a ladies' perfume bottle so far up his rectum that he couldn't remove it himself, even though he had been able to remove it on previous occasions (we've all been there, though, haven't we?)

    The perfume was called "Impulse Body Spay," which actually seems to have worked on this lawyer. The bottle measured 3 cm by 17 cm, and emergency room doctors had to sedate the man with spinal anesthetic and remove the "rectal foreign body" (yes, that's what it's called in medical terms) with their bare (sterilized, gloved) hands.

    The man's rectum swelled up like a happy birthday balloon at the supermarket, but eventually the procedure was successfully performed.

    He was offered, but later refused, psychological counseling after the incident. The picture on the left shows the man's perfume-filled rectum, while the picture on the right is of a man who shoved a d***o up there. A 20 cm by 4 cm d***o. That's like a 7.8 inch penis. The average is 6 inches. This man had an entire bottle in his rectum larger than most male penises.
  • A Cement/Enema Mix is Found. Yes, This Happened. on Random Craziest Objects Ever Found Inside People

    (#6) A Cement/Enema Mix is Found. Yes, This Happened.

    People in their early twenties are generally not the best rational decision makers, but this homosexual couple took it to a whole new level.

    During a particularly heated moment in their lovemaking, the patient's boyfriend poured enema fluid mixed with concrete mix into his lover's rectum, and the stuff hardened and nearly ruptured some crucial butt-anatomy (which is doctor talk for the stuff in your butt.)

    He explained to the admitting doctors that he had laid flat on the ground and lifted his legs up at a 45 degree angle (feel free to try it), and allowed his lover to pour the mix into his rectum through a funnel - which every self-respecting American has in their sex kit.)

    The mass had to be surgically removed, but, luckily, the patient's boyfriend stayed with him through the entire procedure. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, but is maybe not so effective in the form of enema liquid, especially when it's mixed with concrete mix - that is unless you're building a parking lot.

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