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  • (#1) Step-Mom Wants Them To Take Her Kids To Disneyland Too

    From Redditor u/unReasonableBreak:

    Okay so my sister was married to a guy, as soon as she got pregnant things went sour, he became distant and not long after my niece was born he left her for the girl he had been cheating on her with for the past few months. This lady has two of her own children already.

    My sister was far more nice than necessary she didn't haul him to court for support payments or anything they have 50/50 custody, things are amicable considering the cheating, whatever.

    Anyway, my wife and I who are childless want to take my niece to Disney land, her mother doesn't care, her father doesn't care, but the non-married step mom is having none of it.

    She expects us to take her two children also and expects us to pay as we intended to with my niece, she has been harassing my wife, trying to screw up her friendships on social cussing out my sister etc. all the fun that comes with a selfish psycho.
    She has even gone so far as to threaten calling protective services if we "kidnap" the child.

    Really my question is am I the asshole for not taking these two kids I've met once who are both older than my niece to Disney land? What the hell do I own them?

    Edit: Thanks for all the replies everyone, I didn't think I should feel like the asshole and you all reaffirmed my thoughts. We will most definitely be ensuring all the paperwork is in order before we book flights and hotels etc. Thanks again everyone!!

  • (#2) Woman Wants To Propose At Disneyland But Her Sister Has Other Plans

    From Redditor u/throwingstars03r5:

    Using a throwaway as my girlfriend knows my Reddit and I don't want to spoil the surprise.

    So I (31F) and my Girlfriend (32F) are planning a trip to Disneyland Paris (Not for anytime soon with the pandemic but still planning, editing to include this as some people were concerned), it's not as big as say Florida but it's closer to us, it's also both our first time going, and as my Girlfriend is obsessed with Disney it's where i'm planning to propose to her to make it more special.

    My sister knows i'm proposing as she helped me pick out the Ring and she was very supportive until she found out where I was planning to propose, she doesn't approve of it as we're not kids and has stated that as we're not Children it's "weird" and how if I wanted to go there I should take her kids who are 10 and 6, I love my Niece and Nephew but this is a special trip for me and my Girlfriend.

    I explained this to my Sister and I thought she understood, but next time I was over seeing her kids they were upset as she had told them about the Disney trip and they couldn't understand why I wouldn't take them, I tried to console them but I felt very put on the spot and upset by this, I ended up leaving not long after and my Sister keeps badgering me to take the kids now as they're so upset.

    The Worst part is my Girlfriend is starting to feel guilty and wondering if we should just take the kids with us. I can't explain to her why i'm so angry right now as I want to make this a special thing for her.

  • (#3) Brother Refuses To Take His Sister To A Concert While At Disney World

    From Redditor u/thejmils:

    So my family is taking “one last vacation together” before I graduate college in 3 weeks and, we are going to Disney World. So my sister texts me today asking “do you want to go to a Justin Bieber concert while we are in Disney” and I reply saying “no, I’d rather spend time in the parks than go to a concert, sorry”.

    So more details about this situation, it is a well known fact in my family that I HATE Justin Bieber’s music. I spent probably 12-15 hours planning out our time in Disney since everything needs to be pre-planned due to the new Covid rules. My sister has a habit of binge drinking whenever she isn’t under my parent’s supervision, so she isn’t allowed to go alone, but in the same vein if I take her she’ll ignore me and go talk to guys and get them to buy her alcohol. It feels like babysitting an alcoholic toddler, except the toddler could handle alcohol better than her. Also I’d have to drive across Orlando, which doesn’t exactly have the safest beltways, and I haven’t driven in months since I don’t have a car at college, so that worries me. And she decided to go get a rhinoplasty and intentionally scheduled it for 2 weeks before the trip which will prevent her from participating in rides at the parks. She made that decision knowing exactly when we are going to Disney, and what the consequences will be.

    So right after I told her I did not want to go, I receive a text from my father asking if I told her that I wouldn’t go to the concert. So I told him I said I didn’t want to go and explained those reasons listed above. And now he is lecturing me via text about how I am not being selfless and not doing something out of the kindness and goodness of my heart, since she will be miserable at the parks.

    In my opinion if she chose to be miserable at the parks instead of scheduling the procedure for right after we get back, then why should she then also make my vacation worse by missing time at Disney and having to suffer through that concert.

  • (#4) They Refused To Give Into A 'Disney Adult'

    From Redditor u/Queen_Of_Wands19:

    My niece just turned five and we got her a MagicMixie. My sister, "Elsa" has a strict "Disney Toy Only" policy and literally gives us lists of acceptable Disney-only toys, but that's not what my niece wanted. She's been obsessed with getting a MagicMixie since her friend got one. My BIL doesn't care and gets her other stuff all the time. I texted him and he said it was okay to not stick to the list since the grandparents got her stuff that wasn't Disney-related. He said he wants Niece to branch out more and to ignore the list.

    "Elsa" is a Disney Adult. Everything has to be Disney related. Before my niece was born Elsa sent out a facebook post and a family-wide email that anything without a Disney character on it, toys, clothes, bedding, furniture, anything, would get thrown out. Not donated, thrown out. We've never actually sent my niece a gift at all because we knew Elsa would throw it away. Disney is her aesthetic and she'll throw things away in front of the people who gift them to her if they're not plastered with cartoon characters.

    At her birthday party, Niece opened the MagicMixie and went bananas. Elsa didn't say anything other than a neutral "how cute" and then moved on to something else. After the party was over, Elsa went apesh*t and said it's my fault she has to throw her kid's toy away. Apparently she and BIL got into a big fight when she tried to throw it out during the party. She also tried to give it to several of the parents at the party. The moms from her mom group called her insensitive that she'd try to get rid of a toy her kid was so excited about and asked if she was going to do that with their gifts.

    My mom called me later and said I was a huge AH for not sticking to what Elsa wanted and “making her anxious about the presents” because I guess after the party, her mom group friends got p*ssed at her when they found out she throws gifts away so she and Niece are uninvited from a lot of spring activities.

    AITA for not giving in to a Disney Adult and getting the kid the toy they actually wanted?

  • (#5) They Split Up To Find A Table And It Didn't Go As Planned

    From Redditor u/beemo_wisdom:

    My younger sister (29F), Mal, & I (31F) always lived together growing up, while our half-sister (35F), Jean, lived 3 hours away. We were all very close.

    Jean, her husband Joe (38M) & their 4 kids lived near Disney World, while Mal & I live in Louisiana.

    The incident:

    Mal, her boyfriend (36M), Mason, & I went to visit Jean & her family. Mal & I plan everything, book a hotel, take off work, find dog sitters & get tickets to Disney (Jean wants to take us). We took turns driving the 14-hour trip in my car.

    Most of the time there, Joe insists we play board games with him. Jean is only able to play once for a very short time, as she is cooking, cleaning & taking care of their kids. He makes sexist jokes to Mason, who is not sexist & is very kind. Mal, Mason & I are not “allowed” to eat when/what we want, use the restroom when we want, or do lots of strange things. We had to beg to stop at a Starbucks during a tour of the town because Jean had coffee at home (we were paying for our stuff).

    Mason was looking forward to going to a certain store during a sale while we were there, but Joe insisted that a store he knew was better and made Mason go with him, & Mason didn’t get what he was wanting and missed the sale at the other store.

    This was the day we were going to Disney. Mason’s store was close, Joe’s was 45 minutes away. After, Joe wanted us to go to their house to play board games before going to Disney. Finally, at 4, we go to Disney. We had not eaten, so when we get in Joe asks what we want to do first & Mal & I say eat. He names dessert & candy places, and we say, “Literally anything, we are starving, just food.”

    He then starts walking very quickly & everyone rushes to catch up. It's very busy & very small. One line is for ordering food & the other is to pick up. Mal, Mason & I order food together, then Jean, Joe & kids. Our food comes out first, so we walk out to grab a table (letting them know). We find one & start eating, expecting them to join any moment.

    After 15 minutes, they have not joined, so we start calling & texting, but no answer. We pull up Find My Friends & track them down 20 minutes later. We run up and start to say, “Oh good, we found you!” when Joe cuts us off and begins cussing (lots of F-bombs) and yelling at us saying “I have never been so disrespected in my life.” Mason starts to laugh a little thinking it’s a joke, but Joe continues as people are staring at us, “The trip is over! Forget camping, forget Disney, y’all are done go home.”

    Jean is standing behind Joe smirking and the kids are sitting next to her. He finishes screaming and they leave, while Mal cries and Mason stares. After I realize what happened, I chased after Jean and told her that was messed up, but she just pulls her daughter's arm and keeps walking.


    So, Reddit, AITA for walking off to find an open table at Disney while my sister, her husband & their kids wait for their food?

  • (#6) Friends Completely Hijack Their Disney Vacation

    From Redditor u/kwilson25j:

    Back story: wife and I go to Disney every year for an anniversary trip. We were also married there, so it’s fair to assume we’re “those” people. However we don’t focus on our anniversary when we go besides dinner the day of. Just a nice little memory lane thing…

    Anyway, we’re all getting older now and for awhile we’ve always told our friends we’d want to take them and their kids to the parks once their big enough. Low and behold we get approached by our closest friends who basically give the green light they’re ready. So we start planning, looking at places, all that crap. Week goes by and everything’s pretty settled out. We know the details just need to click purchase. Then it’s dropped on us they invited their entire family. And then it’s established they won’t want to go without their extended family. Blindsided us and brought in some anxiety because of planning. Eventually we manned up and said we’re not interested in making this a grand family vacation. We’ve been saying for awhile now we want to share something we love dearly with our friends and their kids, but this is a little much for us. Not to mention the head count makes logistics a nightmare. So we back out of going together and say we’ll do our own thing. Now there’s awkwardness and tension. I was genuinely upset for a couple days. Probably some (wrong) interpretations occurring of how we feel about their family. AITA (AWTA really)?

  • (#7) Parents Let Their Daughter Stay Home And Now She's Mad

    From Redditor u/Fun_Talk3027:

    As parents, we just want to do our best for our kids, especially when it comes to admitting wrongs.

    My wife and I are the lucky parents of two girls, Sarah (17F) and Anna (13F) and a boy, Tyler (8M).

    We managed to save enough money to go to Disney World for a week. Sarah is currently in the teenager phase of acting like a solider being sent out to war whenever she has to go out with the family, and she refused to go to Disney World on the basis of it being a stupid place and not wanting to be away from her friends.

    My wife and I tried everything - talking to her, showing her pictures of all the fun places, we told her it would be fun and that we wanted her to go but Sarah refused and eventually we agreed to let her stay at her Aunt's house. The week passed, we came back. Anna showed Sarah a couple of pictures and now Sarah is incredibly angry at her mother and I, she feels betrayed and angry that we let her miss out on a vacation and valuable family time and is angry we didn't fight harder to make her go.

  • (#8) They Refused To Let Their Ex Come To Disney With Them

    From Redditor u/Tro_Mig_Ikke:

    Alright, so I have a son(13M) with my ex husband. We got divorced because he was having a emotional affair which turned physical, and had a kid with the AP, and is a single dad atm as the AP left.

    My son goes over to his house on weekends, and sometimes his kid comes over to my house because my son and him are somewhat friends, and I don’t really mind.

    The problem now is that I’m planning on taking me and my son to Disney as I’ve been saving it up for him as I believe he should go there at least once in his life to experience it, as well as him having good grades for the whole semester.

    I believe that my son must’ve told his half brother, as my ex husband called me and asked me what day I’m planning to leave and am I driving or him. I was confused initially, but I realized what he was talking about, and told him that it was just gonna be a trip for me and my son.

    He started to get mad and accused me of favoring my son over his half sibling and trying to be petty for his past actions, and such, and told me I should at least offered for his son to go too.

    I told him no, as I wasn’t gonna pay for another plane ticket and other supplies, and that if his son wanted to go, he needed to pay for himself, I hanged up before he could say anything else.

    Now my son says that his dad was ‘disappointed’ about my decision and to go try to ‘change my mind’ so his half sibling could have fun too and some other remarks.

    My ex and a few of my friends who heard about the situation say I’m TA for not letting his brother go on the trip as well and that I’m being selfish and petty, so I’m starting to reconsider everything and just relenting, so I wanted a outside opinion.


  • (#9) Husband Wants To Go To Disney Even Though They Can't Afford It

    From Redditor u/Illustrious_Sun_9995:

    I (32f) and my (32m) husband have been together since highschool 16 years. Background: When we were younger we made some stupid financial decisions that are still on us. We were doing ok until about a year ago. My husband = rent I = utilities. But everything was in my name because I had better credit and I trusted him. he didn't pay rent for months. My credits destroyed. After much counseling and therapy I agree to a second chance. Time passes. Move into my grandmother's house after she passes. Find out months later he hasn't been paying my aunt the $ he owes her but asked her not to tell me because it will "upset me." Obviously furious I tell him nothing will be bought, no trips, no games, no going out, literally nothing until he pays her back. I'm so ashamed I could die. Cut to December. MIL informs us at Christmas we're going to Disney. With financials there's literally no way we can do this trip! It's thousands of $$$ we don't have. I'm genuinely perplexed but H is totally on board! Agreeing and making plans with MIL. I wait until we're home to ask wtf he's thinking. We owe my aunt thousands of dollars at this point we are not going to go to Disney while I owe her that. It's absurd. Finally FINALLY I think he's agreed with me. Subject is dropped for a few weeks until he comes home one day looking devastated and says this trip is important beyond measure to his mother. It's their grieving process together (gma died two years ago). She's offered to buy him out of his portion of her house (inheritance) and give him that $ now so he can pay everyone back and still do trip. Logistically I can't say no it puts us in the black and realistically who doesn't want to go to Disney? I make him SWEAR this is taken care of, my aunt confirms all the $$ is in her account he owes, a few things that needed repaired get done and I stupidly believe this is actually taken care of.
    Surprise! He did not in fact get bought out of his inheritance. He felt "too guilty" to take it from his mother. What he did was had her pay my aunt and the Disney tickets but that's it. That is all. Meaning all the reservations, food gas etc. Will be on us. He insists he did not lie to me, and that he simply didn't think this decision was that big of a deal and that I'm overreacting. How could I be ok with beggaring his mother? I flipped the f*ck out. I called him a bad husband, bad person, liar, pretty much every name under the sun and told him to get out. If he couldn't admit that he lied to me I didn't want to look at him. He/His family think I'm the asshole and am having a massive overreaction willing to end a 16 year relationship over this when "technically" what I wanted more than anything was my aunt paid and I got that. After 72 hours of bombardment I'm starting to feel like maybe I am just losing it. So AITA?

  • (#10) They Had A Controversial Encounter With An Overprotective Dad At Downtown Disney

    From Redditor u/Alone_Percentage8262:

    I was minding by own business exiting the parks after an amazing night at Disneyland via Downtown Disney. Apparently there was a private event in California adventure and so people were coming and going: super busy basically. A group of ten people were approaching with a small child (4/5) in the center. I continued to walk my path and was completely aware of the child at all times. The group was completely oblivious until I stopped two feet in front of the child (my rule of thumb in these scenarios is I will not run into a child but if they run into me, oh well), the father reacted after the fact (I was standing still) by reaching out and placing his hand on my right hip bone, like where my bikini would cover. Needless to say I was shocked and said, please remove your hand. He was all indignant, stating he was protecting his child. I then repeated myself and said, I have stopped moving and you need to remove your hand. He continued to bluster and made reference to me being such a big person ( I’m 5’9” ). I repeated myself a third time and said, ‘sir, I need you to remove your hand now. Needless to say, the child remained free from me and was never within two feet of me. He finally removed his hand, walking away and I continued on my exit, but not before hearing multiple female voices speaking loudly in the realm of, OMG, can you believe how rude that woman was, what a B****. I was ultimately flabbergasted.

  • (#11) Families Get Into Some Line Drama At Disneyland

    From Redditor u/artbyscout:

    It’s funny how much self awareness people lack at parks like Disneyland. I’m(19F) standing in line for guardians right now and there’s this family behind us playing heads up. Which is totally fine except every time we stop they full on run into us because they’re not paying attention. The youngest is probably around 10 but the rest of the family are teens and adults. The last time they ran into me I turned around and NICELY asked if they could back up because they keep running into us. Teen/adult? girl says “it’s a line.” So I say “I don’t care if you’re standing so close to us you bump into us every time you move it’s too close.” The dad starts full on yelling at me “ENOUGH” over and over so I start telling him to stfu. The mom says something about not cussing and I said idgaf don’t yell at me. My dad cuts in and says to the dad to knock it tf off. The sister pitches in “there’s children here” and again I say idgaf don’t be an @ss and you won’t get people angry at you. Finally things calm down and now they’re standing a normal length behind us. I guess we have to be in the same car as them so that’s great lol

    let me reiterate that I was calm and did not start cussing until the dad started yelling at me. And i don’t mean yelling as in raising his voice bc he was upset, I mean yelling as in he got up in my face and was SCREAMING at me. I never screamed back at him just raised my voice enough for our two parties to hear. I got in anyones face, I never cussed any child out, just the dad. If I wasn’t at Disney I would have done worse for even getting that close to me. I wasn’t mad at the kid for bumping me, she only bumped me once and I didn’t mind. I only said something when the dad had ran into me and my dad and my sister at least four times.

  • (#12) Parent Calls Their Child's Father A Bad Parent For Not Taking Their Child To Disneyland

    From Redditor u/sanitanidanj:

    4 years ago, I gave birth to my son. My son’s father was an older coworker of mine. He was married and I was younger and stupider. After I got pregnant he pretty much left me high and dry with his kid and went back to his family. His wife knows but stayed with him and he has 2 daughters with her aged 7 and 5.

    He is “coparenting” so he does not pay any child support. He only sees our son at most one a week. Our son desperately misses him and wants to have a full relationship with his dad, but he keeps him at arms length.

    A while back I confronted him and told him that he needs to spend some extended time with his son, and that he needs his father. He agreed that he would at some point but he just didn’t have time as he’s working and has a family. I told him his son is his family.

    Yesterday, his wife posted on Facebook a picture of their entire family Disneyland. This made me mad. He has time to take a weekend trip to Anaheim, but can’t do be with his son.

    So I called him. I told him that he could’ve involved his son instead of just leaving him. He said that he’s not going to take our son around his family and that I need to “remember our place in his life”. This set me off and I exploded. I told him he wasn’t a real man and that he was a sh*tty husband and father along with some other more crude personal attacks. He told me that this was all my fault.


  • (#13) Parents Refused To Give Daughter What She Really Wanted For Her Birthday

    From Redditor u/GamersInParis:

    My (18F) mom and stepdad had surprised me and my siblings (8M and 12F) Christmas 2020 by telling us that we were going to Disney World in October 2021. i was excited, but they didn’t tell us when in October we were going until about a month before when i asked so that i could take off work. my mom told me that we were leaving the morning of my 18th birthday, and i asked why they planned it on my birthday without asking me if that was okay. she said that the trip was a part of my birthday gift, and that i should be thankful we’re even going at all. i had planned on spending my birthday with my girlfriend, as she had planned all sorts of little things and surprises for me. when my birthday came around, my mom actually didn’t get me anything at all, saying that the Disney trip was expensive and i should be grateful we’re going for my birthday. i was upset almost the entire trip, because i didn’t want to be in Florida on my birthday and because they were hoping i’d forget that they had told us about Disney as a Christmas present and tried to play it off like a birthday trip for me. am i the *sshole?

    EDIT: No i did not sulk or whine the entire time, i was just simply upset for the reasons above. i did my best to enjoy it!

  • (#14) They Stole Merchandise From Their Mother-In-Law Because She Made Fun Of Them For Wanting A Disney Wedding

    From Redditor u/[deleted]:

    My future MIL and I butt heads a lot. She recently found out that I want a Disney princess inspired wedding (when I say inspired I mean like an aesthetic, not like a kids birthday party) MIL finds this cringey and has been making fun of me. She said it's childish and embarrassing. Her son did shut that down and tell her to stop. She also made fun of me for wanting to wear a ballgown and it has been p*ssing me off.

    My fiancé's step grandma is moving to a condo because she no longer wants the responsibility of a house. Since she is downsizing she is getting rid of a lot of stuff. We were at her house recently and she had some limited edition Aladdin container from one of the Disney parks. She asked MIL if she wanted it because she loves Aladdin. MIL said yes and put it down to take later.

    The reason steal is in quotes is because this was a joke and I was going to give it back. I took it and said if Disney princesses are childish, she shouldn't be needing that. MIL said to give it back but I ran outside. She got p*ssed and began full on chasing me. When I gave it back she said I was an idiot and she is allowed to like Disney and think Disney is a cringey theme for a wedding.

    I started getting emotional and said whatever, she is clearly too dumb to get the point I was making. MIL continued to yell about how a Disney wedding is dumb, but Disney itself is cool and she wanted the cup to hold her paintbrushes, but I wouldn't understand because I'm useless and do nothing.

    At that point my fiancé told her to shut up and that was the end of that, but I'm getting super mixed reactions between taking it was hilarious and proved a point, to being called dumb and a thief.

  • (#15) They Paid For Disney Characters Instead Of Catering For Their Wedding

    From Redditor u/throwaway_family9525:

    My (F28) and my fiancée (M30) just got married two months ago and we had our dream wedding. Everything was perfect, and I mean everything. My parents and his parents helped us pay for a great chunk of the wedding so we would be debt free and we are so eternally grateful for that.

    The issue arose about a month and a half ago when my aunt started posting on facebook about how disappointed she was with the whole ordeal and a few guests sided with her.

    Background-my fiancée and I are huge Disney fans, and we travel to Disney World as much as we can throughout the year. Disney is such an important part not only to us, but also our marriage.

    The issue was with our decision to not offer catering services/bar services at our wedding due to routing the money towards having a wedding Minnie and Mickey make appearances at our special day. The cost to have both Minnie and Mickey for a good chunk of time (30 minutes) was almost exactly what our parents allotted for our catering budget, so we scheduled an appearance during our first dance and our wedding photos, forgoing served food (though there were PLENTY of facilities at the venue where people could eat…).

    My parents were still very supportive of us, but everyone is else is being passive aggressive about it on Facebook.


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