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  • Quit With a Friend on Random Best Ways To Quit Chewing Tobacco

    (#8) Quit With a Friend

    If you know anyone who also uses chewing tobacco, such as a friend, family member, or coworker, then see if they will quit with you. Misery loves company, and you can both support one another on this journey. 

  • Get Off It Gradually on Random Best Ways To Quit Chewing Tobacco

    (#2) Get Off It Gradually

    Quitting chewing tobacco cold turkey may not be right for everyone. You should take it one step at a time by first switching to a chewing tobacco that contains a lower percentage of nicotine. You can gradually use it fewer times each day until you quit completely.

  • Take Prescription Medication on Random Best Ways To Quit Chewing Tobacco

    (#10) Take Prescription Medication

    In the event over-the-counter items don't work, then you should talk to your doctor about getting a prescription for something that may help better. Both Varenicline and Bupropion have proven to help people get off chewing tobacco. 

  • Tell Your Friends and Family You Are Quitting on Random Best Ways To Quit Chewing Tobacco

    (#3) Tell Your Friends and Family You Are Quitting

    Regardless of which option you pick, you should keep your loved ones in the loop. They deserve to know you are quitting tobacco, so if you seem more on edge than usual, they will know why. Additionally, they can help you stay off tobacco by encouraging you and stopping you from heading over to the liquor store when you feel a craving.

  • Remove All Chewing Tobacco From Your Home and Car on Random Best Ways To Quit Chewing Tobacco

    (#9) Remove All Chewing Tobacco From Your Home and Car

    As you pursue sobriety, you do not want temptation to be with you all the time. Your journey should begin by throwing away every tobacco product from your home, car, and office. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

  • Make a List of Reasons You Want To Quit on Random Best Ways To Quit Chewing Tobacco

    (#5) Make a List of Reasons You Want To Quit

    You are more likely to have successful in your sobriety journey if you constantly remember why you are doing this. You should write down the main reasons you want to be healthier and keep that list somewhere in your home where you can easily look at it. 

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About This Tool

The more you know about quitting chewing tobacco, the higher the probability of success. Quitting chewing tobacco is a very personal experience, but many people are trying to do it. It is necessary to get support from friends and family and professional suggestions. There is no effective way to quit chewing tobacco for all smokers. A good way to start is to try as many ways as possible, and then determine the plan that works for you. 

Quitting chewing tobacco is a lot like quitting smoking, but not all same. We all know that tobacco is harmful to both physical and mental health. The random tool lists the 10 ways to quit chewing tobacco effectively. 

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