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  • Thor on Random Best Superhero Day Jobs

    (#12) Thor

    • Journey into Mystery

    Day job: Medical student, nurse, and surgeon

    In those continuities where Thor is Donald Blake, he is an accomplished med student and then eventually a surgeon. Not only is this an extremely prestigious job, it also keeps him in the thick of humanity, studying and learning about the people he's saving. It also lets him save lives both with and without the cape.
  • Hulk on Random Best Superhero Day Jobs

    (#7) Hulk

    Day job: Nuclear physicist 

    The Hulk is basically smart for a living, which isn't a bad gig. A leader in his field (gamma radiation), he got a Ph.D. in nuclear physics and thanks to his career, found a like minded, smart wife as well. Grants from the government and access to the best tech money can buy is great for a guy with a very special transformation issue.
  • Banshee on Random Best Superhero Day Jobs

    (#15) Banshee

    Day job: Inspector

    One of the few mutants who actually lived a full adult life before deciding to don the tights, Banshee was a Chief Inspector taking freelance cases all over Europe.

    Yes - before he was an X-Man Banshee was basically Sherlock Holmes (corn cob pipe and all). What better prep for superheroism? That knowledge would be infinitely useful in the field.
  • Silk on Random Best Superhero Day Jobs

    (#16) Silk

    Day job: Intern

    Silk, aka Cindy Moon, was recently introduced to the Marvel universe as also being bit by that pesky radio-active spider the same day as Peter Parker during the Original Sin crossover. Having been sheltered from the real world for years, she's now taking on an unpaid internship at The Fact Channel, where J. Jonah Jameson is a on-air reporter, as a way to use the information at her disposal to track down her missing parents. 
  • Iron Man on Random Best Superhero Day Jobs

    (#3) Iron Man

    • Iron Man (vol. 4), Iron Man: Extremis Motion Comic, Civil War

    Day job: Genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist

    This job allows Tony to be as eccentric as he needs to be, doesn't have any work obligations whatsoever, and being a noted scientist adds a certain credibility. Oh, and he's Iron Man, publicly.
  • Wonder Woman on Random Best Superhero Day Jobs

    (#10) Wonder Woman

    Day job: Army nurse, and intelligence officer

    Depending on who was writing the character, she had one of two very different day jobs (or none at all). No matter which job, Diana Prince had far more access to information and resources to take down bad guys than she would ordinarily. It also put her in situations with an easy escape and return as Wonder Woman, and most importantly, kept her helping people 24/7.

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About This Tool

Many superheroes in the Marvel universe are dedicated to maintaining peace, but fighting against the bad guys is not the thing that needs to be done every day. In normal life, every superhero has his own day job. We can know that all superheroes did not choose to entertain and rest in daily life after joining the Avengers, such as Captain America, who choose to stay in the army, and apart from daily training, he did charity activities.

Every superhero has a certain superpower that makes him or her unique. This random tool explains the 16 best day jobs of your favorite superheroes. 

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