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Random Best Gay Authors

  • Audre Lorde on Random Best Gay Authors

    (#43) Audre Lorde

    • The Cancer Journals, The Marvelous Arithmetic of Distance: Poems 1987-1992, A Burst of Light: Essays, Undersong: Chosen Poems Old and New, Zami: A New Spelling of My Name, Need: A Chorale for Black Women Voices, Apartheid U.S.A, Cables to rage, Chosen poems, old and new, Our dead behind us, Die Quelle unserer Macht, I am your sister, Auf Leben und Tod. Krebstagebuch, The Audre Lorde compendium, New York head shop and museum, The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde, Between our selves, Conversations with Audre Lorde, Uses of the Erotic, Sister Outsider, The first cities, From a Land Where Other People Live
  • Marcel Proust on Random Best Gay Authors

    (#8) Marcel Proust

    • In Search of Lost Time, Swann in love, Le Temps Retrouve, L' Indifferent, Albertine disparue, Du côte de chez Swann, In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower, Le côté de Guermantes .., Contre Sainte-Beuve, Sesamo y Lirios y Sobre La Lectura, Ecrits Mondains, Jean Santeuil, Correspondance, tome 19, The Guermantes way, Marcel Proust, Swann's way, Pastiches, de La Imaginacion y del Deseo, Die Welt der Guermantes, Un amor de Swann/ A Swann Love, Les plaisirs et les jours, Marcel Proust on art and literature, By way of Sainte-Beuvre, Proust et la stratégie littéraire, Chroniques, Tage des Lesens. Drei Essays, Les hautes et fines enclaves du passe, Combray / Du Cote de Chez Swann / 8 Audio Compact Discs, The maxims, The captive, Comment débuta Marcel Proust, Briefwechsel mit der Mutter, The Way by Swann's, Sombra Muchachas En Flor 2, Proust par lui-même, On Life, Love and Letters, Essais Et Articles, aptive, Against Sainte-Beuve and other essays, Morceaux choisis de Marcel Proust, L' affaire Lemoine, Contra Sainte-Beuve, Finding Time Again, Voyager avec Marcel Proust, Eine Liebe Swanns, Matinée chez la princesse de Guermantes, Sur Baudelaire, Flaubert et Morand, Essays on Language and Literature, La Muerte de Las Catedrales, La Confession d'une jeune fille et autres textes, Within a budding grove, Les Plaisivs et les jours, The past recaptured, Maximas y Pensamientos, In Search of Lost Time Volume 2, Die Gefangene, The complete short stories of Marcel Proust, À un ami, Die Entflohene, Rembrance of things past, Le Cote De Guermantes II, The captive ; The fugitive, On reading, Voyage à Venise sur les pas de Marcel Proust, Le cœur et l'esprit, Im Schatten junger Mädchenblüte, Le carnet de 1908, Selections from Marcel Proust, Lettres choisies, 47 lettres inédites de Marcel Proust à Walter Berry, La precauzione inutile, Sodome et Gomorrhe, Por El Camino de Swann, Carnets 1, 2, 3, 4, Cartas a Andre Gide, Combay, Lemoine Affair, Le Balzac de Monsieur de guermantes, avec 4 dessins de l'auteur, No Royalty A/C Remem.things Past.set (Old Edn, Lettres a? Walter Berry--, On Reading Ruskin, La Parte De Guermantes 3/ from De Guermantes 3, Les avant-textes de l'e pisode de la madeleine dans les cahiers de brouillon de Marcel Proust, Mon cher petit, Sobre La Lectura, Der weg zu Swann, Por La Parte De Swann 1, Paises y Mediaciones, Freuden und Tage, Letters of Marcel Proust, a la Sombra de Las Muchachas, Journees De Lecture, Une oeuvre et son paysage, Marcel Proust et Illiers-Combray, La Vida En Paris, The maxims of Marcel Proust, Pleasures and days, La confession d'une jeune fille, Le musée retrouvé de Marcel Proust, On art and literature, 1896-1919, Zhui yi si shui nian hua, Combray In French, Ensonaciones, Pastiches and mixtures, Sésame et les lys: des trésors des rois, des jardins des reines, La Bible d'Amiens
  • Langston Hughes on Random Best Gay Authors

    (#10) Langston Hughes

    • The panther & the lash, Mule Bone, Montage of a Dream Deferred, Best of Simple, A pictorial history of the Negro in America, Five plays, Fight for freedom, The Weary Blues, Black magic, The Ways of White Folks, Fine Clothes to the Jew, Simply Heavenly, Black Misery, Not Without Laughter, Let America be America Again and Other Poems, The Collected Works of Langston Hughes, Vol. 6: Gospel Plays, Operas, and Later Dramatic Works, The Collected Works of Langston Hughes, Vol. 5: The Plays to 1942: Mulatto to The Sun Do Move, Simple takes a wife, The Collected Works of Langston Hughes, Vol. 11: Works for Children and Young Adults, The Collected Works of Langston Hughes, Vol. 1: The Poems: 1921-1940, The Collected Works of Langston Hughes, Vol. 4: The Novels: Not without Laughter and Tambourines to Glory, The Collected Works of Langston Hughes, Vol. 2: The Poems: 1941-1950, The Collected Works of Langston Hughes, Vol. 13: Autobiography: The Big Sea, The Collected Works of Langston Hughes, Vol. 3: The Poems: 1951-1967, The Book of Rhythms, A pictorial history of Black americans, The big sea, New Negro poets, U. S. A, A new song, Good morning revolution, Wielkie morze, The return of Simple, The Langston Hughes reader, The Negro Mother and Other Dramatic Recitations, Story of Jazz/Audio Cassette, The Short Stories of Langston Hughes, Voices & Visions-Langston Hughes, The early simple stories, Famous American Negroes, The first book of the West Indies, Shakespeare in Harlem, Langston Hughes, Poetry and Reflections, Vintage Hughes, Anthologie africaine et malgache, Simple speaks his mind, A Negro looks at Soviet Central Asia, Fight for freedom and other writings on civil rights, Essays on art, race, politics and world affairs, Scottsboro limited, Ask your mama, El immenso mar, Langston Hughes and the Chicago defender, The political plays of Euripides, Jim Crow's last stand, Selected poems of Langston Hughes, Remember me to Harlem, Autobiography, The block, Don't You Turn Back, The collected poems of Langston Hughes, Booker T.Washington in Atlanta, The Best Short Stories by Negro Writers, The first book of jazz, Simple's Uncle Sam, Something in common, and other stories, The political plays of Langston Hughes, The first book of Africa, The poetry of the Negro, 1746-1949, The book of Negro folklore, Carol of the brown king, The poetry of the Negro, 1746-1970, The Simple Omnibus, Famous Negro heroes of America, Essential Langston Hughes CD, An inquiry into the transmission of the plays of Euripides, The Sweet and Sour Animal Book, Simple Stakes a Claim, Book of Negro Humor, Freedom's plow, The Negro Speaks of Rivers, Let America be America Again, The Negro Speaks of Rivers, The Weary Blues, Langston in Harlem, Black Nativity, Little Ham, Jerico-Jim Crow, Note on Commercial Theatre, The First Book of the Negroes, The First Book of Rhythms, Tambourines to Glory
  • Paul Verlaine on Random Best Gay Authors

    (#42) Paul Verlaine

    • Sagesse, Paul Verlaine, Selected poems, Poèmes saturniens, Poems, Les Mémoires d'un veuf, Liturgies intimes, Chanson d'automne, Mes prisons, Parallèlement, Élégies, Jadis et naguère, Femmes, Épigrammes, Dédicaces, Hombres, Les poètes maudits, Dans les limbes, Odes en son honneur, Amour, Fêtes galantes, Confessions
  • Edward Albee on Random Best Gay Authors

    (#37) Edward Albee

    • A Delicate Balance, The Ballad of the Sad Café, The Play About the Baby, The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia?, Lee Krasner Paintings, 1965 to 1970, The Zoo Story, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Edward Albee's At Home at the Zoo, The American Dream, The Death of Bessie Smith, The Lady from Dubuque, Marriage Play, Seascape, The Man Who Had Three Arms, The Sandbox, Tiny Alice, Three Tall Women, Finding the sun, Counting the ways and Listening, Selected Plays of Edward Albee, The wounding, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Icons and Idols, Ethics of Change: Government's Role in the Arts and Humanities, Conversations with Edward Albee, Box and Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung, The Collected Plays of Edward Albee, Stretching my mind, Me Myself and I, Empfindliches Gleichgewicht, Winzige Alice, All Over
  • Andrew Holleran on Random Best Gay Authors

    (#49) Andrew Holleran

    • Ground Zero, In September, the Light Changes: The Stories of Andrew Holleran, Grief, The Beauty of Men, Nights in Aruba, Le Danseur de Manhattan, Uranian Worlds: A Reader's Guide to Alternative Sexuality in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Dancer from the Dance, Embracing the Dark, In the Mirror of Men's Eyes, Musing Comrade, Chronicle of a plague, revisited

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About This Tool

The current gay movements are more concerned with the art of life, rather than the so-called scientific knowledge about sex. With the advancement of human civilization, more people have an open and equal attitude towards homosexuality, and many countries have legalized homosexual marriage. Looking back on the history of literature, there are many famous gay authors who have created immortal literary works in the suffering and loss of love.

LGBTQ people have existed in every period in the entire human history. Here is some information about 250 famous gay authors in history, you could find their books with the random tool. We hope everyone will remember their excellent literary talent, not just their gay identity. 

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