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  • Spain on Random Best Countries to Raise Children

    (#18) Spain

    • Madrid
  • Iran on Random Best Countries to Raise Children

    (#33) Iran

    • Tehran
  • Belarus on Random Best Countries to Raise Children

    (#25) Belarus

    • Minsk
  • Denmark on Random Best Countries to Raise Children

    (#2) Denmark

    • Copenhagen
  • Luxembourg on Random Best Countries to Raise Children

    (#16) Luxembourg

    • Luxembourg
  • Greece on Random Best Countries to Raise Children

    (#31) Greece

    • Athens

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About This Tool

Parenting is not easy in any country. Sweden has a stable and generous social welfare policy that makes it considered the best country for raising children over the years. Paid parental leave, monthly childcare allowance, free health care and education, these all reduce the life pressure of parents who raise children and to a certain extent encourage the increase in the birth rate.

As well-educated people, many parents are seeking a good growth and learning environment for their children, migration has also become very common. The random tool lists 43 of the best countries to raise children, which will provide a reference for parents. 

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