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  • (#8) They're Particular And Know What They Like

    A Gemini knows what they like - which is a nice way of saying they are super picky. Although they're a Mutable sign and not totally unwilling to adapt to change, you might find them at a bit bossy at times if you're not willing to go with their flow. The intellect in them has made them dive into all the facts and details about your next date spot - be it the next movie you're going to see, the restaurant you want to go to, or that hike you want to trek.

    And if they have something to say about it, the excellent communicator in them will definitely let you know.

  • (#2) They're Creative In The Bedroom

    From the outdoors to the bedroom, this astrological sign is always craving spontaneity and variety. Dating a Gemini is will certainly set the course for an adventurous sex life. With a yearning for exploration and discovery, Gemini will want to do as much as they can with you - or else they can easily become bored.

    Never satisfied with one thing, you can expect a Gemini lover to want to experiment and switch things up.

  • (#11) They're Nosy

    With their smarts and curiosity combined, Geminis will always want to know the details about whatever it is you're doing. They're going to be really nosy, so be prepared to hand over your privacy. Because they can't shut their brains off, you might find that they have an aptitude for lurking and snooping around in your personal life.

    But, hey! That's not always a bad thing; they'll know everything about you, like your favorite color, your favorite foods, and where you want to travel - which makes them excellent gift-givers.

  • (#9) They'll Overanalyze Almost Everything

    The life of a Gemini can be a stressful one. Their thirst for knowledge can make them over-analytical and hypercritical of everything - including you. A natural-born talker, a Gemini always has something on their mind.

    While they might find themselves thinking about you, those thoughts could be good or bad - like planning a late-night date or overthinking what your Facebook status really meant.

  • Their Fashion Sense Is On Point on Random Things You Need To Know If Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend Is A Gemini

    (#12) Their Fashion Sense Is On Point

    The creativity of a Gemini truly shines through their fashion sense. This sign always has trailblazing style and a powerful artistic flare that can make absolutely anything look good. Drawn to eclectic trinkets and unusual garb, their wardrobe will never cease to astound you.

    The fashionable and informed Gemini will always keep themselves on top of the latest trends, so they'll make sure that you never have to worry about being underdressed.

  • They're Great Company For Parties on Random Things You Need To Know If Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend Is A Gemini

    (#5) They're Great Company For Parties

    A party is a Gemini's natural habitat. They're eager to socialize and will chat with absolutely everyone, so don't be surprised when they become fast friends with your social circle. Your partner will be the life of the party as they work their social butterfly skills and make enough friends for the both of you.

    But don't worry, they're smart too, so they'll know how to pick and choose the friends they make.

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About This Tool

In a relationship, two people will always have various frictions, and they need to keep getting along in the process of knowing each other. In short, relationships need to be managed. If you like Gemini girls or boys, then you need to know how you get along with Gemini. Each zodiac sign represents a different personality. Gemini is particularly special, their general characteristics are lively, active thinking, and like freedom.

In real life, Gemini girls and boys also show different personalities due to different living environments and different ways of thinking. The random tool lists 12 things about Gemini you should know if you are fall in love with Gemini.

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