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  • Gemini (May 21 - June 20) on Random Historical Time Period You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

    (#3) Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

    Although Geminis are most often known for their two-sided personality, there's so much more to them. They definitely deal with a bit of moodiness, but they're generally sociable, excitable, and full of energy. They're desperate to explore the world around them. They often feel they don't have enough time to experience everything they want to see in their short life, so they're apt to have as much fun as possible, whenever they possibly can. What historical time period captures Geminis' fun and flirty nature? The Roaring '20s, of course.

    An age of massive change in the United States, the 1920s saw people breaking out of their old molds and embracing a culture of celebration. Young women could finally vote, work, and participate in the economy, and the total wealth in the nation nearly doubled. With more money to spend, people brought new technology into their lives, particularly the radio and the automobile. They went out more, both to movie theaters and to clubs, where they danced the night away to the hottest jazz music. They ignored the prohibition of alcohol and drank in secret speakeasies, using their extra money to entertain themselves and engage with the people in their community.

    The Roaring '20s was a time of curiosity and exploration. People were tired of doing the same old thing and finally felt that they had the freedom to explore the world around them to the best of their ability. Adaptable and fun-loving, Geminis would certainly fit right in to this time period.

  • Aries (March 21 - April 19) on Random Historical Time Period You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

    (#1) Aries (March 21 - April 19)

    Aries-born are aggressive and competitive. Unwilling to settle for anything less than first place, Aries is always looking to expand their influence and show off their many skills. They're all about action and will often move forward before they even consider their final destination. 

    If Aries could be explained through a historical time period, they would definitely be Ancient Rome. Beginning in the eighth century BCE and ending in the fifth century CE, the Ancient Roman period encompassed the rise of the Roman Empire, which grew from a small town on the Tiber into a power that spread across most of Europe, Britain, northern Africa, the Mediterranean islands, and western Asia. It was a time focused on expansion and the spread of Roman power, by any means necessary. 

    The aggressive and vicious nature of this era mimics Aries’s own desire to conquer their enemies. If they had the power, Aries would happily extend their influence everywhere and make it known that they're the best, despite what anyone else might think.

  • Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): The Scientific Revolution   on Random Historical Time Period You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

    (#8) Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): The Scientific Revolution  

    Scorpio is perhaps one of the most difficult zodiac signs to understand. Emotional and passionate, this Water sign hides all their feelings under a calm and aloof demeanor. Although you can never predict their next move, one aspect of their personality stands out - they're a research-driven sign. With a tendency to be suspicious and distrustful, Scorpio won't believe anything unless they have hard evidence that backs up a claim. Simultaneously resourceful and stubborn, you can count on Scorpio to have all the information you're looking for. 

    When it comes to historical time periods, Scorpio is definitely the Scientific Revolution. In the 16th and 17th centuries, there was a huge shift in scientific thought. Instead of the abstract logic of earlier periods, the Scientific Revolution stressed common sense and structured thought. It was during this time the first scientific method was invented. People chose to focus on quantitative facts and questions that could actually be answered, rather than philosophical theories that could have a variety of responses. The discipline of science rose in popularity, leading to a utilitarian viewpoint that dominated the world during that time. 

    While Scorpio certainly has strong emotions, they also believe every question has an answer. They will research until they find out the truth of a situation, using their decisive, rational point of view to find a solution. Their mindset perfectly fits with the analytical nature of the Scientific Revolution.

  • Cancer (June 21 - July 22) on Random Historical Time Period You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

    (#4) Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

    Cancer is certainly one of the most emotional zodiac signs. Always looking inward to find the answers, Cancer thinks that a person's innermost thoughts and feelings are of the utmost importance. Although they're often too willing to give in to every emotion as they feel it, leading to some moodiness and selfish behavior, Cancer's focus on their inner emotional patterns gives them an ability to empathize with the suffering of those around them. Everything is about emotion for Cancer, though they'll often hide their soft inside under their hard outer shell. 

    Cancer is definitely the Romantic era. Also known as Romanticism, this time period stretched from the late 18th century to the middle of the 19th century. Moving away from the prior focus on rational, provable behavior, Romanticism reignited a passion for the individual. In literature, painting, music, architecture, art, and many other forms, people began to emphasize a person's innermost thoughts and feelings - the things that can't always be discussed through logic. Emotion took the place of intellect, and the inner struggle was examined once again, in all its forms. 

    Cancer is practically the embodiment of the Romantic era. A sign that values feeling over fact, Cancer embraces the ability to focus on their feelings and ignore all sense of logic and reason. While letting your feelings run wild isn't the smartest option all the time, Cancers would certainly thrive in the Romantic era.

  • Pisces (February 19 - March 20) on Random Historical Time Period You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

    (#12) Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

    Another Water sign, Pisces is emotional and gentle. They’re acknowledged for being selfless and empathetic, but they're also known for their artistic abilities. Pisceans are thoughtful people and they love finding new ways to express themselves, whether through music, art, or anything else that emphasizes their talents. Pisces would be most at home in the Renaissance era. 

    Following the Middle Ages, the Renaissance marks the period from the 14th century to the 17th century. It was a time focused on artistic, cultural, political, and economic reform. Great thinkers and artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Hobbes, Dante, William Shakespeare, Donatello, and Michelangelo, dominated this time period. It was an era of art, self-expression, and significant advancements across all areas of society. Most importantly, it embraced the idea of focusing on the individual human and honoring their achievements in many forms. 

    Much like the Renaissance, Pisces focuses on the value of the individual. Pisces sees each person as their own being worthy of love and support. They have a special appreciation for art and self-expression that not all zodiac signs can relate to. Pisces would thrive in the creative energy of the Renaissance.

  • Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) on Random Historical Time Period You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

    (#11) Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

    Although sometimes temperamental and aloof, Aquarius is also the most progressive of the zodiac signs. As a highly intellectual member of the zodiac, Aquarius focuses most of their energy on humanitarian efforts. They can't stand to see injustice or mistreatment. To fight the evil that takes place in the world, Aquarius dedicates their time to helping others and creating lasting change. They would fit most comfortably in the historical Victorian Era

    Taking place almost in conjunction with the First Industrial Revolution, the Victorian Era marked the reign of England’s Queen Victoria from 1837 until 1901. While the Industrial Revolution brought changes in industry, the Victorian Era focused on political and social reform. The British Empire abolished slavery, the people called for a more democratic sytem of government, and the government used a firmer hand in controlling the activity of its citizens. While the era saw a rise in technological advancements, the humanitarian reforms focused on creating a better quality of life for British citizens. 

    Aquarius would fit right in with the Victorian Era. A sign with a gentle heart and a desire to fight for what's right, Aquarius would relish the opportunity to make real and lasting change.

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About This Tool

Mesopotamian astrology to facilitate the study and observation of many stars in the sky, people divided the sky into a number of regions, each region is a constellation. It is difficult to say exactly when the concept of the Constellation began, and this type of astronomical knowledge was understood long before the written records. The constellations probably took their name from the early seafaring sailors. The origins of constellations may vary from culture to culture, but as civilizations expand and influence each other, the culture of constellations also involves a process of merging.

This random tool generates 12 items describing the different constellations they represent for different historical periods. There is the ancient Roman period, there is the Middle Ages, there is the romantic era, but also the ancient Egyptian era.

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