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  • (#12) He Shouldn't Have Been Allowed To Ride - And Died

    From Redditor /u/kingkow:

    I've seen people fall out of log flumes, stick their hands in machines, and throw up everywhere, but I missed the worst by about half an hour.

    A man fell off of a roller coaster during a gravity hill and was hit by the same train he was riding in. He ended up dying almost immediately. I had been working on the ride up until about a half hour before when my shift ended. He was in the front seat, unfortunately, so all the passengers saw what happened, including the nephew he was riding with.

    It was one of the reasons I decided to stop working there at the end of the season after two summers. I couldn't get over the thought that a man died because people were lazy or dumb.

    He was a veteran who was missing a leg completely and the other up to the knee. The restraints came down over the legs with a lap belt. He never should have been let on the ride but was mistakenly allowed to by ride workers.


  • (#4) Getting Screwed On The Water Ride

    From Redditor /u/wockawocka88:

    We had a riptide water ride where people could ride body boards like a big wave, and while I was talking to another guard I heard the whistle go off like there was an emergency. As I approached, a guard told me there was a nail in someone's foot. I thought he meant someone stubbed their toe and their nail pushed back into their toe, but it was an 8-year-old girl who had stepped on a 4-inch screw left over from the maintenance the ride had recently undergone. Right into the heel.

    As I saw it I got a little lightheaded, but that was what I was trained to do. As I picked her up and pulled her out of the water, she moved her foot and it started to come out, but it was still in there a good 3 inches. I put a latex glove on it and told her it'd be okay as I called for paramedics. Her damn brothers came up and said that she was gonna ruin their time if they had to leave and I had to tell them to get away. When the paramedics came they picked her up to put her on the stretcher, and when they did, that latex glove slid off her foot and got hooked on the screw in the foot causing her, what I believed by her screams, excruciating pain.

  • (#2) Two Emergencies At Once

    From Redditor /u/JackOhBee:

    I was the team leader for one of those raft water rides that sits 12 people on a giant inner tube. A child that was maybe 12 or 13 years old had a seizure while going down the final drop. Because he wasn't going to be able to get out of the vehicle, we pressed the emergency stop, which drained all of the water, and we removed everyone on the ride.

    As I was waiting for the EMTs, I got a call on my radio to report to the top of the lift right away for another emergency. I run full speed through the ride and up the five stories worth of stairs to the top. The vehicle at the top had gone over the crest but for some reason did not drop into the water, so the boat was literally teetering on the lift. If it had fallen it would have been about a 10-foot drop on solid concrete.

    I had to lead my team in evacuating the entire section of the park, with EMTs treating the kid with the seizure, and the fire department coming to help get these people off the ride safely, while rocking the strongest poker face I've had to keep ever.

  • (#9) The 6-Inch Splinter Wound

    From Redditor /u/whosline07:

    I worked at a wooden roller coaster with an enclosed double helix at the end (anyone who knows roller coasters probably knows which one I'm talking about). A guy came back with a splinter spearing his hand between his thumb and forefinger that was a good 6 inches long and about an inch across. He calmly walked up to the person on the floor clutching his hand, dripping blood all over, and asked if we could call first aid. He was a pretty tall guy, and by his own words, he was "trying to touch the side."

    Not really scary, but when I saw him walking across the station dripping blood, it was for a second.

  • (#8) Stuck After Dark In The Deserted Park

    From Redditor /u/wired89:

    I was working security at a theme park when I was 18. One evening one of the roller coasters that was stopped in the station got rear-ended by another. There were some injuries, nothing severe, thankfully. I did, however, end up staying up all night, after the park had closed, sitting on the coaster to ensure no lookie-loos or news media tried to get access to the cars.

    It was dark and creepy, and I was 18 in a closed, deserted amusement park.

  • (#7) The Madman Ride Operator

    From Redditor /u/bionicvapourboy:

    The head ride operator and guy that taught us all how to operate each ride was a madman. I saw him ride the swinging ship by standing in the center and holding onto the mast decoration. He apparently hung from the Paratrooper ride while it was spinning around along with a litany of other sh*t like that.

    The guy smoked up while on the job. I remember seeing the train ride travel through his pot cloud once. How he managed to stay employed at the park for so long, I'll never know. That being said, he was cool as hell.

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About This Tool

More and more people are keen to go to amusement parks for fun and excitement, but few people know that seemingly safe rides always have safety hazards. For example, the two running roller coasters in Universal Studios Japan had a sudden breakdown and hovered in mid-air, fortunately, no one was injured in the accident. Have you ever imagined what to do if the wheels of an amusement ride become loose and what if the roller coaster cannot rise?

There are more than 1000 accidents in amusement parks around the world every year, the random tool collected more details about 14 scary things that amusement park employees described. 

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