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Random Riddlesreport

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  • random riddle 1

     A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples. Why?

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  • random riddle 2

     A petshop owner had a parrot with a sign on its cage that said "Parrot repeats everything it hears". Davey bought the parrot and for two weeks he spoke to it and it didn't say a word. He returned the parrot but the shopkeeper said he never lied about the parrot. How can this be?

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  • random riddle 3

     What has an eye but cannot see?

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  • random riddle 4

     Which is heavier: a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

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  • random riddle 5

     Which English word is the odd one out – Stun, Ton, Evil, Letter, Mood, Bad, Snap, Straw?

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  • random riddle 6

     Which English verb becomes past tense just by rearranging the letters?

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About Random Riddles Tool

Riddles, also known as Brainteasers or puzzles, are games that each of us has played before. They are simple and interesting. You can choose riddles of different difficulty (such as friends'and family gatherings) depending on the scene you use. We have collected more than 10,000 riddles, but we deleted most of them because they are not attractive enough or some mistakes. The remaining 636 riddles are rated the highest and usually fascinating. They can help improve our language fluency and creative thinking. Most riddles are suitable for children.

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