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  • Skynet Is Creating An Infinite Loop In Order To Improve Its Technology on Random Terminator Fan Theories

    (#1) Skynet Is Creating An Infinite Loop In Order To Improve Its Technology

    A really interesting theory about the time travel in the Terminator franchise declares that Skynet isn't too concerned with the whole John Connor conundrum. No way, you guys: these robots/AI just want to increase their tech. Basically it works like this - the machines develop something new, like a T-1000, and send it back in time, so new technology can be built from it in the past. This speeds the development of technology such that when time finally gets back to the future, Skynet has access to radically advanced weapons and other technology built from its formerly most cutting-edge developments. Or something like that. 

  • Skynet Sent Terminators Back In Time To Make Sure Skynet Was Built, Not To Kill John on Random Terminator Fan Theories

    (#6) Skynet Sent Terminators Back In Time To Make Sure Skynet Was Built, Not To Kill John

    Did you ever think maybe Skynet didn't give a hoot about John Connor? The robots just need to exist, baby!

    Reddtor filets thinks the whole Terminator thing couldn't have existed if Cyberdine hadn't found the chip left over from a dead robot. Skynet likely knew this and pretended it was trying to kill Sarah Connor so John would send Kyle Reese back in time to help kill the T-800, specifically so it would drop an arm and chip. It turns out the best move would have been not to send Reese back and let Connor die so the Terminator would have just had to rot in the '80s. 

    Did that make your head hurt a little bit? The only slight problem with this theory is Skynet sending a Terminator back in time so Terminators can exist. Where did the Terminator that went back in time come from? Probably ties into Cameron's whole Biblical allegory thing and the inevitability of certain events. 

  • The Terminator Movies Are Happening In Reverse Order on Random Terminator Fan Theories

    (#4) The Terminator Movies Are Happening In Reverse Order

    According to the original Terminator film, the T-800 was sent back in time as a last ditch effort to kill John Connor after humans beat robots in the future. Redditor ChairmanGoodchild believes this means the first robo-assassin that went back in time was the T-X from Rise of the Machines. When the T-X failed to report back to Skynet in the future, the robots sent the T-1000 back. When it was tossed into a vat of liquid metal, they sent the T-800 back to kill Sarah Connor. Then the machines finally disappeared from the future. 

    If you're wondering how Sarah Connor has memories of the T-800 in Terminator 2 when Terminator hasn't happened yet, it's because it already happened for her; the timeline of her life is moving forward, despite the timeline of Terminators moving backwards. If you're wondering why each new Terminator sent back in time is an older model than the last one in this theory, well, that's a tougher nut to crack. 

  • Skynet Doesn’t Want To Kill John Connor, It Wants To Discredit Him on Random Terminator Fan Theories

    (#8) Skynet Doesn’t Want To Kill John Connor, It Wants To Discredit Him

    This is the one Terminator fan theory that kind of make sense of the wonky timeline in the series. As per this theory, the Terminator movies make more sense when you realize Skynet isn't actually trying to kill John Connor. The reason it keep sending robots back is to make him a worse leader, and mess with his timeline so he's no longer the badass he is in his original timeline. Basically they're trying to sabotage him and ruin his revolution, rather than martyr him. 

  • Jack And Rose From 'Titanic' Are Sarah Connor's Grandparents on Random Terminator Fan Theories

    (#11) Jack And Rose From 'Titanic' Are Sarah Connor's Grandparents

    Cue the head explosion gifs. One truly insane fan theory about Terminator suggests Jack and Rose from Titanic are Sarah Connor's grandparents, and Jack is a time traveler. The fan who created the theory thinks Jack went back in time to keep Rose from killing herself, and therefore causes the boat to sink.

    See, if Rose had jumped off the back of the ship during her suicide attempt, the captain would have stopped the boat to look for Rose. If the ship had stopped, warm weather and ocean currents would've shifted the iceberg out of its way. And, if Jack never went back in time, the child he fathered with her never would have gone on to give birth to the resistance fighter who would try to stop Skynet. 

  • Skynet Created John Connor By Necessitating Kyle Reese's Time Travel on Random Terminator Fan Theories

    (#5) Skynet Created John Connor By Necessitating Kyle Reese's Time Travel

    Don't you get it, you guys? If Skynet had never sent a T-800 back to the past, John Connor never would have sent Kyle Reese back, and Reese never would have put a baby in Sarah Connor! Why didn't Skynet know this? It should probably send a T-1000 back to stop itself from sending back a T-800. Then again, it sent the T-800 to kill John Connor, meaning John Connor exists, so...where'd he come from the in the first place? The world must be caught in some kind of time loop. 

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The "Terminator" movie series is a series of movies derived from the image of "Terminator". The story mainly revolves around the war between Skynet's artificial intelligence machine network and humans. I believe that the "Terminator" series is a sci-fi action enlightenment for many people. At least for me, I have watched the Terminator more than once during the holidays.

The "Terminator" series is one of the most iconic sci-fi action movies of all time. Indeed, James Cameron's bleak futuristic vision has attracted countless fans all over the world. The random tool shares 12 interesting Terminator fan theories that you must be interested in.

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