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  • They Have The World's Tallest, Fastest Looping Coaster on Random Six Flags Secrets Only People Who Work There Can Tell You

    (#9) They Have The World's Tallest, Fastest Looping Coaster

    If you don't mind getting a little dizzy, then Full Throttle is the coaster for you. Located at Magic Mountain in California, it's both the world's tallest looping coaster, and the world's fastest. At its highest point, you'll loop around 160 feet above the ground, and it has three separate launches that take you to 70 MPH.

  • Six Flags Was In 'National Lampoon's Vacation' on Random Six Flags Secrets Only People Who Work There Can Tell You

    (#4) Six Flags Was In 'National Lampoon's Vacation'

    In the original National Lampoon's Vacation, the Griswolds are trying to make their way to the fictional Walley World. In reality, many of the Walley World scenes were shot at Six Flags Magic Mountain in California.

    When the 2015 reboot of Vacation popped up, the creators did things a bit differently. Instead of shooting at Magic Mountain, the Walley World scenes were shot at Six Flags Over Georgia. Sometimes you have to mix things up to keep life interesting.

  • 2000 People Got Married At The Park In One Day on Random Six Flags Secrets Only People Who Work There Can Tell You

    (#1) 2000 People Got Married At The Park In One Day

    On Valentine's Day in 2000, 1000 couples decided to take the plunge in more ways than one. At Magic Mountain in Valencia, CA, 2000 people said their "I do's" while at the park. While some exchanged vows in an employee parking lot, others were a bit more adventurous.

    Many couples got on board the Goliath coaster, then were stopped before the first drop, where two ministers were waiting. With their help, the couples (who didn't chicken out) said their vows, were pronounced newlyweds, and then were promptly dropped 255 feet. It might sound a bit intense, but it beats doing the Macarena.

  • Do The Wet Rides First on Random Six Flags Secrets Only People Who Work There Can Tell You

    (#10) Do The Wet Rides First

    On a hot summer day at Six Flags, there's a good chance you're going to want to get splashed. Fortunately, there are rides at the park that can provide such a service, but the key is to ride them at the right time.

    The park recommends riding wet rides as early in the day as possible, allowing the afternoon sun to dry off your clothes. If you ride later in the day when it's less hot out, you could end up feeling damp and gross for the rest of your stay. Another option is to play it safe and bring along an extra change of clothes.

  • It's Good To Be Friends With An Employee on Random Six Flags Secrets Only People Who Work There Can Tell You

    (#7) It's Good To Be Friends With An Employee

    While there are many ways to get discounted tickets for Six Flags, there's one method that takes the cake. On Reddit, park employee CalmingCalamity said that the "Best possible discount to get in is to know an employee because we get 34 dollar tickets."

    Theme_Park_Throwaway told Reddit that being an employee doesn't mean you can go to the front of the line when visiting the park on your day off, but that you do get a 35% discount on all park food. If you have any park employees in your life, you better start sucking up now.

  • Vomit Happens, But Not Too Often on Random Six Flags Secrets Only People Who Work There Can Tell You

    (#12) Vomit Happens, But Not Too Often

    Not everyone's stomach can handle the drops and loops of a big coaster. Occasionally, a lost lunch or two is bound to occur, and you just have to pray you're not standing underneath the ride when it does.

    How often does that actually happen, though? While official statistics on this subject are not made public by Six Flags, one park employee gave an estimate on Reddit. According to user Theme_Park_Throwaway:

     "Usually it's not too often, maybe 2 or 3 times a week does someone vomit in a place that would cause the ride to have to close."

    Once someone does get sick, a meticulous cleanup process ensures that the ride will soon be once again fit to ride. 

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About This Tool

Six Flags is the largest theme park chain brand in the world, headquartered in New York City. Currently, it manages 30 theme parks and water parks, of which 24 are named after Six Flags. Its first theme park is located in Texas. The name of the park comes from the six flags that flew in Texas in history. People can see the huge track of roller coasters and various rides before entering the amusement park.

Have you visited any magical Six Flags World, is it fantastic? We have collected random 12 Six Flags secrets that most people can not able to know, some workers would share their stories with us. 

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