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  • (#15) They Scared Off Teens By Acting Like A 'Mad Man'

    From Redditor /u/gil_beard:

    I caught four very stupid teenagers going through my car in my driveway at two in the morning. What was really stupid was I was looking right at them through my massive living room window with the light on. You’d have to be blind not to see me, but I guess they were too preoccupied with my personal property.

    So I grabbed the old break action 12-gauge I hung on the wall as a decoration. I didn't even have shells for it, let alone would I have ever shot it. I then ran out my front door and began yelling like a mad man in my pajamas waving this old gun in the air. They dropped everything and ran like Hell. I defended my property, but in reality I should have just called the cops. I was lucky they didn't have a weapon.

  • (#12) Their Dogs Held The Intruder Down Until The Police Arrived

    From Redditor /u/kcurtp:

    My wife was at home without me. Midday, she was in the front of the house in the living room. She hears the gate to our privacy fence open and then close. She looked out the window to see a man she didn't know walking along our house through our backyard. Our dogs were both home with her, we had a boxer and a boxer-Rottweiler mix.

    She went to the back of the house to lock the back door, but by the time she got there, the guy had already started to open the back door. She tried to push the door shut on him, but he was much bigger than she was, and he pushed his way into the house, knocking her on the floor. Both dogs jumped over her (one of them actually used her as a launching pad and broke one of her ribs) and went at the guy. Both dogs connected and latched on and began to tear his arm and leg up pretty badly.

    My wife had the wherewithal to get her phone out and call 911. The guy tried to leave and run, but our mutt (boxer-rotty) pulled him into the house and kept at him until the police arrived. My wife was finally able to pull both dogs off of him and get away once the cops arrived. He was charged with breaking and entering, as he had broken our gate. He spent three days in a hospital getting two surgeries to repair his arm and leg from the dog injuries. He deserved them. F*ck that guy.

    Since then, we have always had large dogs. We now have a boxer and two English Mastiffs. My wife still gets edgy when home alone.

  • (#13) A Jealous Lover Tried To Break In

    From Redditor /u/stephancypantsu:

    This was in college, in a three bedroom apartment. One of my roommates lived there with his girlfriend. His girlfriend started cheating on him with a guy she met at work (all three of them worked at the same place, but my roommate's girlfriend and the other guy worked in a different building). The other guy got really drunk one night and wanted to come into our apartment to fight my roommate and take his girlfriend away with him. We tossed him out and locked the door.

    He started screaming and beating on the door over and over again. We told him to leave or we would call the cops. He left for maybe two minutes before he was back, pounding on the door again. I confronted him several times through the door about leaving, but he was just getting more and more violent. Eventually he stopped banging on the door for a few moments before slamming into the door and breaking it open.

    My two roommates and I immediately started beating the sh*t out of this guy to the point where he couldn't stand up anymore. We tossed him into the hallway, closed the door, and called the cops. The cops took him away, we filed a police report for the damages, and figured that was the end.

    It was certainly the end of my roommate’s relationship. His ex moved out a couple days later. Turns out she went straight to that other guy and they both left the state and he skipped his court date. As far as I know, those two moved to an adjacent state and are still together.

  • (#19) Never Sleep On The First Floor Of A Hotel Unguarded

    From Redditor /u/gonnagetthisright​​​​:

    I was staying in a hotel in northern Kentucky/Cincinnati area about 15 years ago. I carry a pistol in my truck and I bring it in at night, so I brought it in when I returned to the hotel for the night. I woke up to some guy halfway through the window (first floor). I sat up and drew my weapon from the side table. He made eye contact and backed out real slow.

    You check your windows and doors at home, do the same when traveling.

  • (#18) Her Mom Grabbed A Butcher Knife

    From Redditor /u/Cacec04:

    My mom was outside mowing in the middle of the day, and I heard the phone ring. I ran downstairs to try to answer it, missed it, but then saw a tall man stand up in the backroom out of the corner of my eye. I was a little kid so don't ask me what I was thinking, but I went to guide him to the front door to get out of our house.

    My mom walks in from the back door, the guy runs up the stairs, and she immediately can tell from the look on my face that someone is inside. She grabbed a butcher knife and began chasing him around the house (the guy must have been high). He was so scared he was begging her not to hurt him.

    He ended up getting away, but not before my mom cut him because she was trying to hold onto him until the police arrived.

  • (#2) His First Reaction Was To Head-Butt The Intruder

    From Redditor /u/theflockofnoobs:

    I was 16 and my parents were away that weekend so I was home alone. Guy charged in through the screen door from our deck when I was lying on the couch watching TV. He just rushed straight at me.

    I leapt off the couch and just did the first thing that came to mind: full force head-butt. Shattered his nose and it felt like I got a few more bones in there as well. He fell on his *ss onto the floor. I did the same. Head-butts HURT.

    My dog, being the absolute unit he was (105 pound Golden [Retriever]), came hurtling into the living room and shoulder checked the dude into the glass of the TV cabinet/entertainment center thing. Didn't even bother biting, just ran into the guy.

    The dude struggles up and sprints back out. I called the cops. I never found out who he was or what his plan was.

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The home should be the warmest haven, but in some residential areas with weak security measures or more tenants, due to a large number of outsiders, and lack of strict access control, there are more burglary or robbery cases. Here are some people who shared stories about how they defended themselves and their families from the intruders when someone broke into their house. 

The random tool generates 19 items, you could check these stories about how to against home intruders, everyone should notice the safety even at home. Welcome to share your thoughts with us if you have good ideas.

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