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  • Nice Guys Can't Take "No" For An Answer on Random Signs People're Not So "Nice"

    (#7) Nice Guys Can't Take "No" For An Answer

    Even if you manage to go on a date (or two, or three) with someone, that person still doesn't owe you anything. Sometimes people don't gel, or they're in two different places in their lives, and that's that. If someone tells you that she doesn't want to see you again, the best thing you can do is accept that decision and get on with your life. Don't be pushy and promise the moon or turn into an angry douchebag; instead, just be chill for once in your life. Most Nice Guys do not have this ability and don't see how their transactional view of relationships is incredibly problematic.

  • They Can't Fathom Why Someone Would Want A Little Personal Time on Random Signs People're Not So "Nice"

    (#4) They Can't Fathom Why Someone Would Want A Little Personal Time

    If you're a Nice Guy who actually managed to nab himself a girlfriend, then congratulations. Now stop smothering her! If someone wants to hang out with her friends or sit at home alone, she isn't devising a perfect plan to cheat on you. She's just decompressing. Being in a relationship doesn't mean you're supposed to spend every hour of your day obsessing about your significant other; it doesn't even mean that you're going to see your significant other every day. If your partner or the person you like is busy or just needs some space, then give her all the space she needs. They'll appreciate that you respected her feelings, and you might even get around to building that shelf you've been thinking about. 

  • Nice Guys Go From 0 to 100 Instantly on Random Signs People're Not So "Nice"

    (#11) Nice Guys Go From 0 to 100 Instantly

    One of the strangest things about Nice Guys is how quickly they escalate things with unsuspecting women. There are hundreds of catalogued exchanges between Nice Guys and the objects of their affection where they start with "you seem really nice" and jump to "I would make sure you were cared for and protected." No one wants to hear a stranger tell them that they're the only person who can protect them. When a Nice Guy says something along those lines, it usually comes with an implied "or else." Take it easy when you're talking to someone. You don't have to prove how great you are in an opening text message; you just have to prove you're not a creep.

  • They Act Like Giant Babies on Random Signs People're Not So "Nice"

    (#9) They Act Like Giant Babies

    One of the worst things about Nice Guys is how they don't do anything. They sit about and complain about how the world is unfair while they watch fedora reviews on YouTube and daydream about the women they'll never date. No one finds it attractive when a guy is stuck in a perpetual cycle of adolescence. It's fine if you like playing video games and eating queso alone, but there has to be something else to your personality than the fact that you act like a 13 year old. 

  • Nice Guys Aren't Friends With Any Of Their Exes, Because They Are All "Crazy" on Random Signs People're Not So "Nice"

    (#6) Nice Guys Aren't Friends With Any Of Their Exes, Because They Are All "Crazy"

    When determining who's a nice guy and who's a Nice Guy, observe how they interact with their ex-girlfriends. If you bring up a Nice Guy's ex, he'll usually say something about how she's "crazy." This is a tell-tale sign of someone who's pretending to be nice to get what they want. Everyone has had a bad relationship, but most adults are friends with a few of their exes, or at the very least can talk about them in a civil manner. Staying friends after a breakup is a sign of maturity. If a guy can't even be civil with someone with whom he had a long-term relationship, you may want to rethink spending your own time with him. 

  • Nice Guys Buy Into The (Imaginary) Jock V. Nerd Binary on Random Signs People're Not So "Nice"

    (#12) Nice Guys Buy Into The (Imaginary) Jock V. Nerd Binary

    At some point, people began to believe the myth preached by '80s movies: that jocks and nerds exist in an eternal struggle for superiority. Nice Guys believe that the world is a giant high school where women are attracted to jocks and frat bros while sidelining anyone who isn't propping themselves up as an alpha male. This way of thinking is incredibly sad, and it shows that so-called Nice Guys believe that they need to play the victim in order to get anyone to pay attention to them. The truth of the matter is that there is no single way any person needs to be. You can be a jock (whatever that means) who is a nice person in the same way that a Nice Guy can be a complete douchebag. 

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About This Tool

Many people are always good at using benevolent terms to describe how nice he/she is, and at the same time belittle the bad behavior of other people. Most people can't know the true personality of each other when they first date, some people are trying their best to pretend to be nice gut at the beginning of the relationship.

Don't trust others easily when she/he describes himself/herself as a nice guy, which is almost always a surefire sign that a guy is not actually good. The random tool lists 12 signs that reveal people are not so nice as you think.

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