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  • (#15) The Exorcism Of Kristy Bamu

    Magalie Bamu and her boyfriend, Eric Bikubi, murdered Bamu’s 15-year-old brother, Kristy Bamu. Kristy and four of his siblings were visiting Bamu and Bikubi in London, though they lived in Paris, for the holidays in 2010. Bikubi soon became convinced that Kristy had been practicing witchcraft and subjected him to horrible torture for several days, which included beatings and starvation.

    Kristy ultimately drowned in a bath Bikubi made him take for ritual cleansing purposes on Christmas Day.

  • (#12) Irene Mbithe's Exorcism Of Her Baby

    Irene Mbithe allegedly murdered her 6-month-old baby by cutting out his tongue and intestines in an exorcism attempt in Kenya in 2016. Mbithe claimed her horrifying actions were to free her son from demons, and neighbors said they heard her praying for several hours before the murder.

    In news broadcasts, Mbithe was pictured holding the baby’s body, wrapped up in a sheet, in her lap. The boy’s father was away at the time, and Mbithe and the child had been staying with Mbithe’s aunt.

  • (#10) The Exorcism Of Terrance Cottrell

    Eight-year-old Terrance Cottrell died during an exorcism at Faith Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith in Milwaukee in 2003. Terrance’s mother believed that the church could help cure her autistic son. She also believed he was being used as a vessel for communication by evil spirits.

    During one prayer session, the boy was wrapped in sheets. The boy suffocated and his death was ruled a homicide. The boy’s mother had only been attending the church for three months before her son’s death.

  • The Exorcism Of Bridget Cleary on Random Real Exorcisms Gone Terrifyingly Wrong

    (#2) The Exorcism Of Bridget Cleary

    Bridget Cleary was an Irish woman murdered by her husband, Michael Cleary, in 1895. Michael believed that Bridget had been kidnapped by fairies and that she was actually a changeling. He either murdered her and set her body on fire, or lit her on fire while she was still alive. Prior to her death, Bridget had been sick, possibly with pneumonia or tuberculosis. 

  • (#4) The Exorcism Of Nun Irina Cornici

    In 2005, Maricica Irina Cornici, a young Romanian nun, believed the devil was trying to communicate with her inside her mind. She was initially treated for schizophrenia, but her fellow nuns decided what she needed was an exorcism. The nuns and a monk tied the woman to a cross, shoved a towel in her mouth, and left her there for multiple days with no food. She died of suffocation and dehydration. The monk and nuns were charged with her murder, and they were sentenced to between five to 14 years in prison.

    The 2012 Romanian film Beyond the Hills was inspired by this case.

  • (#13) The Exorcism Of Joan Vollmer

    In 1993, Joan Vollmer perished during an exorcism in Victoria. Her husband told two exorcists that he believed his wife was possessed. The group imprisoned her in the couple’s house and tied her to a chair.

    After many unsuccessful attempts to remove her supposed demons, they decided to manually squeeze the demon in her belly out her mouth. This caused Vollmer to suffer a heart attack and perish.

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About This Tool

Nowadays, most contemporary historians, medical scientists attribute the supernatural phenomenon of "ghost possession" to human mental illness. The Catholic Church of the Vatican recognizes the legality of exorcism in accordance with the Bible and tradition and retains the exorcism ceremony. Larger parishes also have priests responsible for exorcism. Exorcism is an ancient tradition of many cultural and religious belief systems.

According to the spiritual beliefs of the exorcist, she can perform elaborate rituals or simply order and make ghosts leave the human body. Since the 18th century, exorcism has always existed in real life, and there are still many exorcism rituals around the world that have been recognized. The random tool introduced 15 creepy true stories about real exorcisms.

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