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  • Viggo Tarasov Wanted To Die on Random 'John Wick' Fan Theories

    (#8) Viggo Tarasov Wanted To Die

    In the first film, the criminal boss's son makes off with John's car and slays the dog his late wife bought him as a parting gift. As John exacts his revenge, he gives Viggo (Michael Nyqvist) the option of giving up his son to spare his own life. Although he knows how dangerous John is, he declines and attempts to protect his son instead.

    According to Redditor /u/Figurative_Icicle, this is because Viggo actually desired his own demise. The theory notes he could have made a more logical attempt at escaping, instead of taunting John beforehand.

  • John Wick Wears His Watch Inside His Wrist To Avoid Detection on Random 'John Wick' Fan Theories

    (#9) John Wick Wears His Watch Inside His Wrist To Avoid Detection

    During the scenes where John checks his watch, it's apparent that he wears it on the inside of his wrist, rather than outside.

    Redditor /u/TenderHellbender9 believes this is a safety method in order to maintain his discretion. An enemy may be able to notice John through the reflection of the glass if he were to wear his watch the regular way.

  • The Continental's Execution Style Has An Ancient Tradition on Random 'John Wick' Fan Theories

    (#2) The Continental's Execution Style Has An Ancient Tradition

    When Ms. Perkins (Adrianne Palicki) attempts to close John's contract in the first film, she is unsuccessful, but she does whack another assassin on Continental grounds. Winston terminates her membership, and she is executed by four men who shoot in sync.

    Redditor /u/TheAlmightyKrot believes this is because the underground world is a lot more powerful and structured than viewers know. They assume this execution style is most likely traditional and originally done with knives rather than sidearms.

  • 'John Wick' Is 'The Iliad' on Random 'John Wick' Fan Theories

    (#7) 'John Wick' Is 'The Iliad'

    Redditor /u/thedogispatroclus believes that John Wick is based on "The Iliad," Homer's epic poem from ancient Greece.

    According to this line of thought, the inclusion of Charon (Lance Reddick), the hotel concierge, is a prime example. Also significant is the poem's basis of vengeance and pointless mayhem, which resonates with John's character.

  • Contract Killing Is Legal In The 'John Wick' Universe on Random 'John Wick' Fan Theories

    (#6) Contract Killing Is Legal In The 'John Wick' Universe

    Action-packed scenes full of well-choreographed fights are guaranteed in every John Wick film. Most characters across the franchise are either assassins or otherwise indulge in bloodshed.

    All those bullets and head shots may desensitize characters to the kind of world they live in. Redditor /u/MasterLawlzReborn believes this is because contract killing is legal in the John Wick universe - which could also explain why that cop is so nonchalant about the goings-on in John's house in the first film.

  • 'Parabellum' Possibly Connects To The 'Raid' Franchise on Random 'John Wick' Fan Theories

    (#12) 'Parabellum' Possibly Connects To The 'Raid' Franchise

    Actors and martial artists Yayan Ruhian and Cecep Arif Rahman are included in the third John Wick film. They each portray somewhat similar characters to those they played in the Raid films.

    Redditor /u/Tchicko777 believes this is because the characters may in fact be the same - and working together - and claims the film could be considered a prequel to The Raid.

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Keanu Reeves has always been an underrated actor, but he has a real talent for action movies. John Wick is like a slap in the face to those who laugh at "The Matrix" and think that Keanu Reeves has no representative work in his career in the past decades. This movie can be said to be one of Keanu Reeves' best performances in years, and one movie is not enough.

John Wick franchise has proved the popularity and success of the movies and the cast, this series has won wide acclaim and countless fans. The random tool shares 13 incredible John Wick fan theories that could be true.

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