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  • The Sith Created Anakin Skywalker As Well As Darth Vader on Random Darth Vader Fan Theories That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#6) The Sith Created Anakin Skywalker As Well As Darth Vader

    Source: Redditor u/Omni314

    Details: The theory that the Sith purposefully created Anakin Skywalker, and thus, Darth Vader has been around for some time, and many consider it to be true. In Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine is discussing the legend of Darth Plagueis with Anakin, where he says, "...he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life."

    When you consider the words of Anakin's mother from The Phantom Menace, where she said, "There was no father. I carried him. I gave birth. I raised him. I can't explain what happened," it seems obvious that Anakin was the creation of the Sith.


  • The

    (#9) The "Tremor In The Force" That Darth Vader Feels Didn't Come From Obi-wan

    Source: Redditor u/Supervinyl

    Details: One thing that is made clear in the first film is that people who are powerful with the Force can feel others like them when they are near, or when there is a tremor like the one Obi-Wan felt when Alderan was destroyed.

    When Darth Vader is talking to Tarkin, he says, "A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master." The audience is then left to assume he was referring to Obi-Wan Kenobi, which is a fair assumption, seeing as he mentioned him.

    This theory posits that the tremor was not caused by Obi-Wan, at least, not entirely. The tremor Darth Vader felt at that moment came from being in close proximity to his children, and in this case, it was both Luke and Leia.

    Going back to what he said, the tremor was felt the last time he was in the presence of his old master, but he doesn't indicate that it came from Obi-Wan, or that he always felt it when he was near him. The theory suggests that it was the birth of his twins he felt the last time he was near Obi-Wan, and he was feeling that tremor once more, now that both twins were in the same place.

  • A Primary Factor In Vader Turning Good And Killing Palpatine Is When He Realizes That Leia Was His Daughter on Random Darth Vader Fan Theories That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#5) A Primary Factor In Vader Turning Good And Killing Palpatine Is When He Realizes That Leia Was His Daughter

    Source: Redditor u/REdd06 and u/Doctor-Shatda-Fackup

    Details: There has been a lot of talk over the years as to how Vader was able to sense Luke, but he wasn't able to do the same when it came to Leia, whom he tortured early in the first film. Granted, he wasn't calm or collected when it came to battling his son, and he even chopped his hand off, but what about Leia.

    It seems unlikely that Vader wouldn't know Leia was his daughter, but if he didn't know it in the beginning, he did know it in Return of the Jedi. Vader has been angry with Palpatine for 17 years at this point, and when he finally did learn of Leia's connection to him in the Throne Room, he let his anger and pain come to the surface, which finally enabled him to confront his master and kill him in the process.

    Essentially, he was filled with rage at the fact that Palpatine had lied to him about the survival of his child (which turned out to be two children), and the guilt he felt over realizing he had tortured his own daughter. It was too much for Anakin to hold in, and he rage-quit his job by flinging his boss off a platform.

  • Darth Vader Taunted Luke To Trigger Feelings He Could Zero In On on Random Darth Vader Fan Theories That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#2) Darth Vader Taunted Luke To Trigger Feelings He Could Zero In On

    Source: Redditor u/wtFM100

    Details: When Luke and Vader get to fighting in front of the Emperor in his throne room aboard the Death Star, Vader taunts Luke. He says things he knows will get a rise out of his son, and he does this for the simple reason of being able to sense his location.

    He isn't able to read Luke's thoughts, but he can read his emotions, as they are more closely tied to one's connection with the Force. He says things like, "Your thoughts betray them too. Especially for... sister." When Luke hears this, he immediately becomes enraged, which tells Vader exactly where he was. Luke ran out of hiding, and Vader knew where he was, which made it possible for him to block his attacks (at first).

  • Why Darth Vader Reacted The Way He Did At Obi-wan Disappearing Into A Robe on Random Darth Vader Fan Theories That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#1) Why Darth Vader Reacted The Way He Did At Obi-wan Disappearing Into A Robe

    Source: Redditor u/mybustersword

    Details: In one of the most important scenes from the original Star Wars, Vader kills Obi-Wan by slicing through him with his lightsaber. When the old Jedi dies, he vanishes, leaving behind his robe and lightsaber, which pushes Vader to feel around with the clothes using his boot.

    It's a curious thing for the Sith Lord to do, and the audience had to wonder why he was so shocked that killing a Jedi resulted in such a transformation.

    He must have been aware of the possibility of becoming one with the Force, but he had always considered it a myth. This is the first time Anakin has ever seen such a thing happen, and it confused and surprised him. It goes back to what Palpatine told him before he embraced the Dark Side, where he told him that eternal life was possible through the Force. This turns out to be a significant turning point for Vader, and from this point forward, his actions were driven from this moment, which ultimately led him back to the Light Side of the Force.


  • Darth Vader Planned Several Things To Say During His First Encounter With Obi-Wan on Random Darth Vader Fan Theories That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#12) Darth Vader Planned Several Things To Say During His First Encounter With Obi-Wan

    Source: Redditor u/Chamale

    Details: You have to wonder what Anakin Skywalker wanted to say to his former master should he ever have the chance to run into him again. Think about it; in their last 'meeting,' Anakin was severely injured and burned. All he could muster was, "I hate you," so he had to have been thinking of what to say for years in the same way we come up with a good comeback in the shower, only wishing we had said it earlier.

    This theory suggests that he worked on the right thing to say for years, and he wasn't 100% ready to deliver them onboard the Death Star. Ultimately, he came up with the following, which makes it seem as if he wasn't perfectly committed to any of them:

    "I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan.

    We meet again at last.

    The circle is now complete.

    When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master!"

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