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  • Edna Mode Is A Reformed Villain on Random Incredibles Fan Theories

    (#1) Edna Mode Is A Reformed Villain

    Redditor/u/5thcircleofnell has an explanation for Edna's... peculiarity. This Redditor believes Edna was once a villain, making a five-point argument:

    1. Edna has a throwaway line about not looking back/dwelling on the past because it's distracting. This may be in line with her need to forget her days of villainy.
    2. She seems to be overzealous about seeing heroes in danger or witnessing dangerous combat, almost to a pathological level.
    3. As 5thcircleofnell puts it, "Her entire facility is somewhat villainous. The style is severe and imposing. It's equipped with auto-turrets, flame throwers, and explosive ordinance. It's surrounded by a gate and has armed guards. Now, other Supers and those associated with them live in hiding, but they don't seem to feel like they're in any sort of danger in their day-to-day, and neither does Edna; she has those things because she likes them."
    4. She seems to be very contemptuous of her guards, perhaps because they're actually governmental handlers as opposed to guards. Either way, her disdain for them is somewhat villainous in and of itself.
    5. She made a suit for Jack-Jack. The Parrs/Incredibles never even considered a suit for the infant, but because Edna thinks like a villain, she accurately predicted Jack-Jack would become a target of Syndrome.
  • Violet Parr Is An Older Boo From 'Monsters Inc.' on Random Incredibles Fan Theories

    (#10) Violet Parr Is An Older Boo From 'Monsters Inc.'

    Redditor/u/Ozzertron's theory is enough to make any Pixar fan squeal. Ozzertron has a pretty in-depth theory, so here is the TL;DR version:

    • When Sully and Boo play hide and seek in the locker room, Sully is amazed at how good she is at hiding. Ozzertron suggests her powers are assisting her, as she's subconsciously using them to become invisible.
    • Initially, Violet struggles to use her powers in the movie when she really needs them for lack of confidence. Boo is only able to "use her powers" when she's having fun with Sully, but not when she's in real danger.
    • The two just look alike.
    • Early on in Monsters, Inc., it is established how each professional scarer is assigned to children that suit them the best. Randall's camouflage or "invisibility," would be ideal for a toddler coming to terms having similar superpowers. Randall would be the representation of what Boo doesn't understand about herself or possibly what she may become.
    • Boo is comfortable with Sully because his big, hulking frame is reminiscent of her father's.
    • Boo had a cameo in Toy Story 3, proving that Pixar is willing to cross-over their properties.
  • The Government Was In Cahoots With Syndrome To Wipe Out The Supers on Random Incredibles Fan Theories

    (#4) The Government Was In Cahoots With Syndrome To Wipe Out The Supers

    Redditor/u/HoneybeeHound has an incredibly cynical theory suggesting Syndrome's genocide of superheroes was actually sanctioned by the government:

    "Remember those government agents in The Incredibles? Their job was to watch the Supers while they were retired to make sure they didn't reveal themselves to strangers. They run the relocation program. When Mr. Incredible throws his boss through several walls, an agent offers to relocate him then decides it would better to wipe away everyone's memory MIB style. So their job is to watch Supers so they could prevent situations like that. If there job is to watch Supers, why didn't they do anything or show concern when Supers were disappearing? How did they not know that they were being escorted to Syndrome's island? That was like their main job right? According to the film, a majority of the Supers were killed, so its weird they chose to not care.

    That is unless they were working with Syndrome or at least tolerating his experiments. Syndrome was the best solution on dealing with the Supers. Killing them off meant the government didn't have to spend a fortune protecting them and cleaning up their mistakes. In exchange, Syndrome was making high tech for the government. Syndrome was a business entrepreneur - he had to have high end customers. It makes sense he would sell to the suits. He betrays them when he takes over the city, but still no one gave a sh*t when he killed Supers. Who would miss them if they appeared like seclusive ordinary citizens? The suits weren't expecting the Incredibles to make it off Syndrome's island alive."

  • Mr. And Mrs. Incredible Possess Clairvoyance In Addition To Their Other Powers on Random Incredibles Fan Theories

    (#12) Mr. And Mrs. Incredible Possess Clairvoyance In Addition To Their Other Powers

    Redditor/u/SupaBloo believes the Incredibles are concealing even more powers, citing the names of the children as proof Helen and Bob Parr possess clairvoyance:

    "Mr. and Mrs. Incredible have three children. Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack. Each child seems to be obviously named for their superpowers.

    • Dash has super speed, so his name perfectly reflects his ability.
    • Violet can disappear, which is like the ultraviolet spectrum of light that humans can't see. Violet can also create force fields, which just so happen to be the color violet.
    • Jack-Jack begins to show his powers at the end of the movie, and it turns out he has a range of different powers, making him somewhat of a jack of all trades.

    Unless Dash and Violet were named after displaying their powers (or unless their powers surfaced right at birth), then Bob and Helen got really lucky that their powers just happened to perfectly match their names. We know that Jack-Jack was not named after his powers being displayed, because they don't surface until well after his birth and name are given. As per DVD extras, Frozone mentions his powers surfaced one day when he wanted a popsicle, so from this we also know that not all supers get their powers at birth.

    If Jack-Jack is any indication, then the other two kids were named before displaying powers. What are the chances of just randomly picking three names that match super powers so well? I think one (or both) of the parents has some minor clairvoyance, and were attracted to those names because on some level they subconsciously knew those names would work out perfectly."

  • Despite His Claims, Syndrome Actually Is A Super And His Power Is Intelligence on Random Incredibles Fan Theories

    (#3) Despite His Claims, Syndrome Actually Is A Super And His Power Is Intelligence

    Redditor/u/FrankWest21CP doesn't believe Syndrome's assertion that he lacks powers, but instead thinks it's possible he possesses super intelligence:

    "Very early in the movie, Buddy (later known as Syndrome) admits that he has no powers but makes up for it with his inventions. The first invention we see are his rocket boots, and later on we see a myriad of brilliant gadgets such as zero point energy, tiny bombs, life sign scanning probes, an artificially intelligent battle robot, etc.

    All of these brilliant inventions make me think Syndrome actually did have a super power: Super Intelligence. Seriously, you surely have to be one smart cookie to craft such incredible pieces of technology, right?

    One might say Syndrome wasn't actually very smart because he made some really idiotic mistakes, such as letting the Incredibles live, using a cape, underestimating his battle robot's intelligence, etc. However, I think that these mistakes have more to do with his arrogance than his intelligence. He was so smart that he considered himself infallible and unbeatable, which caused him to grossly underestimate his enemies. This lead to his master plan failing almost immediately as well as his death."

  • Violet Is Helen's Daughter, But Not Bob's on Random Incredibles Fan Theories

    (#6) Violet Is Helen's Daughter, But Not Bob's

    Redditor/u/desi_launda101 believes she knows why Violet has black hair while Mrs. Incredible has red and Mr. Incredible blond. Deceased superhero Snug had black hair, which is part of her argument to support this theory. Here's the rest:

    "First of all, Violet is the first born child of the couple. Since the Parr family have been constantly moving because of Bob's inability to maintain a steady job, it would have been difficult for Helen to sustain her adulterous relationship with Snug throughout her married life. Therefore Helen could have slept with Snug before the Supers were outlawed - when she was in a good spot - or immediately after the Supers were outlawed where Snug the bug could have provided her with the metaphorical shoulder to cry on... and he must have moved on from the shoulder to other body parts. And conveniently so, Violet is her first born and BOOM.

    Second of all, Helen keeps a picture of Snug and her in her room next to the picture of her family - we do not see any picture of Bob with any of his old colleagues. This proves Bob was monogamous simpleton and Helen was a vixen. She must've borne his child, which is why Snug lent her a freakin' jet without complaining, and in Helen's own words, " I'm calling in a solid you owe me." Which translates to ' You got me preggers now I want a jet as child support now'.

    Thirdly, Violet is the weirdest kid of all three. Everything about her is strange. She is weird and moody while the boys are full of energy. She is introverted while the boys are extroverts. Even Violet's powers are weird.

    Also you should remember that Bob's power is super strength and invulnerabilty, AKA raw power. Dash is super fast. Speed. Energy. Jack-Jack is the most powerful super, a shapeshifter, while Violet's powers are invisibility and force-fields. Defensive powers. Clearly she did not get the attacking gene of Mr. Incredible.

    Lastly. Let's come to the main reason of them all .Violet's face is shaped like a football, which is not the head shape of both Helen and Bob. Check out Snug's face... The exact shape of Violet's head."

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