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  • Miley Cyrus Is an Obama Administration Sleeper Agent on Random Crazy Celebrity Conspiracy Theories

    (#12) Miley Cyrus Is an Obama Administration Sleeper Agent

    Miley Cyrus is accused by some conspiracy theorists of being some kind of walking distraction, keeping the American people focused on frivolities while horrible things happen elsewhere.

    But Korn lead singer Jonathan Davis, himself a hardcore conspiracy theorist, took it one step further, saying that Cyrus's infamous "twerking" performance in 2013 was engineered by the Obama administration to destroy America, divide the American people, and distract us from Obama passing dictatorial powers for himself in the form of the NDAA.

    Davis's theory misses one crucial fact - the NDAA was signed in January 2012, a year and a half before Miley Cyrus destroyed America by twerking.

  • Hollywood Stars Can Travel Through Time on Random Crazy Celebrity Conspiracy Theories

    (#8) Hollywood Stars Can Travel Through Time

    If you've ever seen an old-timey picture of someone from the turn of the century who looks like a modern celebrity, you're dealing with either a mild case of confirmation bias, or with Hollywood stars who can literally travel through time.

    Conspiracy theory websites are filled with comparisons of celebrities to people in old pictures.

  • Britney Spears Was a Deep Cover Bush Administration Agent on Random Crazy Celebrity Conspiracy Theories

    (#3) Britney Spears Was a Deep Cover Bush Administration Agent

    While she might be a full-time mom and part-time Vegas attraction now, Britney Spears was among the biggest celebrities of the Bush years. Hence the conspiracy theory that she was an "off the books" employee of Dubya, paid to engineer distractions and keep the American people's eye off the chicanery going on in Washington.

    Surprisingly, the timing of this conspiracy kind of matches up. Spears's 55 hour marriage to a childhood friend coincided with the Valerie Plame scandal breaking. When Bush's approval rating hit its all time low, Spears made news again for having a Child Protective Services visit. Then, when the 2006 midterm rolled around, Britney announced she was splitting with her husband, celebrity doofus Kevin Federline. Finally, her 2007 meltdown diverted attention from Al-Qaeda reforming in Pakistan.

    One thing that makes this conspiracy theory less plausible is that it hinges on a rumored romance between Spears and Bush administration mastermind Karl Rove.

  • Marisa Tomei's Oscar Was a Mistake on Random Crazy Celebrity Conspiracy Theories

    (#5) Marisa Tomei's Oscar Was a Mistake

    Tomei’s shocking victory in the 1993 Best Supporting Actress race gave birth to a conspiracy theory that presenter Jack Palance was so drunk (or stoned) when giving the award that he read the wrong name, and everyone in Hollywood just ran with it.

    However, no such mistake can be made. A rep from official Oscar vote counters Price Waterhouse stands in the wings during the ceremony to correct any errors, and only the name of the winner, not the nominees, is shown on the card the presenter opens. The “mistake” never happened and would never just be something that everyone ran with. 
  • Jennifer Aniston and Vin Diesel Stole A Bunch Of Movies on Random Crazy Celebrity Conspiracy Theories

    (#4) Jennifer Aniston and Vin Diesel Stole A Bunch Of Movies

    A truly insane conspiracy theory went around in 2010 - that movie stars Vin Diesel and Jennifer Aniston had conspired together to "steal" dozens of movies and erase them from existence. These titles include all of the Transformers movies, G.I. Joe, and Avatar - which were all made a decade earlier than we think they were and doled out by the movie stars as a response to Sienna Miller attempting to... do something bad.

    The theory stems from a letter sent to the Hollywood Reporter, and has no supporting evidence.

  • Billy Joel Wrote the Illuminati National Anthem on Random Crazy Celebrity Conspiracy Theories

    (#9) Billy Joel Wrote the Illuminati National Anthem

    Was piano man Billy Joel enlisted to write a defiant anthem proclaiming the Illuminati's orchestration of all of the events of the 20th century? Give "We Didn't Start the Fire" another listen, then check out the conspiracy theory put forth by "usa-prophecies.com."

    Their close reading of the lyrics reveals Joel spelling out that the Dark Cabal runs everything, always has, and always will:

    "We didn't start the fire [ These events were all planned out before we were born. ]

    It was always burning [ Those secret societies have been controlling our events. ]

    Since the world's been turning [ It all started in the Garden Eden. ]

    We didn't start the fire [ We're not controlling these things. ]

    No, we didn't light it [ Those satanists are. ]

    But, we tried to fight it [ In fact, we've tried many attempts to stop it. ]"


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About This Tool

Before the truth is announced, lies will spread all over the world, which is more true than ever in the Internet era. Because of the convenience of information dissemination, people can share stories around the world with just one click. This is especially true for celebrities, who not only have to face the camera of the paparazzi and the media but also suffer the pressure from the open discussions about their lives by fans and critics, many of which are exaggerated or untrue.

From judge their appearance and personality to curious about their private lives, there is no doubt that some conspiracy theories have been difficult to trace the origins and the truth. The random tool tells 13 of the craziest celebrity conspiracy theories and stories.

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